An interesting video, via NoTricksZone, highlighting the environmental destruction and scenery blight of wind farms
A new video (below) has been produced by wind-energy protest group presenting a series of before-and-after photos that drive home the profound negative impacts wind parks are having on Germany’s idyllic landscapes and natural scenery.
Here’s what it looks like

Cool. I liked their attention to detail; waiting for the cloud formations to be absolutely identical in the before and after photographs!
All energy sources have pros and cons. Have you been to coal country? Do you like the look of oil derricks and ocean platforms? Ask Oklahomans about fracking. A problem with fossil fuel mining, drilling and burning is the release and production of greenhouse gases, e.g., methane and CO2, causing the Earth to warm.
Almost all Earthlings understand that global warming will be detrimental to human civilizations. Curiously, the American right-wing denies not only that global warming exists, but that if it did exist it would not impact humans significantly. Right-wing climate change denialism is driven by financial reliance of the American right on the fossil fuels industry, intense dislike and distrust of liberals, progressives and scientists, distrust of government and opposition to any increase in government involvement, and religious beliefs.
It’s a ‘vast right wing conspiracy’!!!!

Teach was 100% for the Cape Offshore wind farm ehennhevyhoughtbit might ruin Sen Kennedys view
Of course we should site wind farms with some fore thought on visual impact
Only complete capitalists. Like those behind the Cape wind farm would fail to do that.
Do you think 300 years ago some idiots were also complaining about the first windmills here in the USA?
I am not sure of your point here because the only one that is lacking “attention to detail” is you.
If you bothered to read the captions (or lacking the ability to speak German, have BabelFish or Google translate them for you) you’d already know that the images were taken WITH the wind turbines in place and then the turbines were removed electronically. (Photoshop does this very easily with their “content aware” function, but you probably don’t know about that either.)
The images are then compared – first with the turbines removed and then the actual images as they are in real life.
In other words, in your zeal to dismiss what was being said and done, you decided to attack the images and the video.
In doing so, you only showed your ignorance.
I’ve said before I’m not a fan of coal nor oil, from an environmental standpoint. I could go on and on in a big rant, but, typing on my phone.
That said, I do support wind, solar, etc, by why trade one ugly power source for another that doesn’t work as well?
John, yes, my support for Cape Wind has waned since we found out the real costs and true energy capture. The first is way higher, the second is lower. They should still build it, though.
I am not sure of your point here because the only one that is lacking “attention to detail†is you.
Thanks Git, this should be said about every post by lil’ jeffy and ‘tarded johnny.
“Almost all earthlings understand global warming will be detrimental to human civilization..” It “will be”? When and based on what? Most earthlings with brains understand that warm periods on earth have been times of prosperity. “Rightwing climate change denialism is driven by financial reliance of the American right on the fossil fuel industry..” Really? Leftwing climate astrology is driven by government grants given to people who produce results which “show” global warming.. which in turn calls for… more government grants to show global warming. The funding on the government side completely dwarfs the other side. Most earthlings, except for Jeffery, would be smart enough to know that if you’re going to indict the “other side” by complaining about the amount of money they receive from outside interests, would first check to see how much money THEY receive from outside groups. But that didn’t happen, so Jeffery again makes a point for the other side.
You always have so little to say, and you say it so poorly.
So why do you reply?
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Why not?
heh. all good observations. also the money trail. money goes to no purpose but to line the pockets of crony capitalists who perpetrate the fiduciary fraud. circle of life