So, in order to fix this, he took a long, long fossil fueled flight to Alaska, accompanied by a backup jumbo jet and military fighter jets, followed by multiple huge caravans of fossil fueled vehicles
(USA Today) President Obama made an ever-more-urgent plea for nations to take action to address climate change Monday, repeatedly telling representatives of Arctic nations meeting in Alaska that “we’re not moving fast enough” to address the challenge.
Kicking off a three-day Alaska trip meant to focus attention on how the Arctic climate affects the rest of the world, Obama used near apocalyptic imagery to drive home his call to action. The result of inaction will be catastrophic in economic and security terms, he said, as more drought, wildfires, floods, leads to more refugees, more conflict and scarce resources.
In Alaska, he said, raging wildfires are helping to thaw the permafrost, releasing carbon dioxide trapped underneath into the atmosphere — “a negative feedback loop, a cycle, warming leading to more warming, that we don’t want to be a part of,” Obama said.
There’s little point in attempting to rebut this, as hysterics caught up in cult-like talking points will never ever listen and see the reality. Nor will they modify their own behavior to match their talking points.
As he has done over the past week, Obama also escalated his criticism of “people who are denying the science of climate change.”
“The time to heed the critics and the cynics and the deniers of climate change is past,” he said. “The time to plead ignorance is surly past. Those who want to ignore the science are increasingly alone. They’re on their own shrinking island.”
In Warmist World, we’re supposed to listen to the Cult of Climastrology experts, who have been consistently wrong, hence the reason to make what are essentially WAGs (wild ass guesses) 50 to 100 years down the road, because they think scary stories of Future Doom work much better than reasoned debate. Oh, and because it’s harder to prove them wrong in the short term over their future prognostications.
However, he is almost right. It’s not “almost too late”, it is 100% too late, because the climate will always change, and Mankind cannot do a damned thing about it.

The money line:
And that’s why so many people do not and cannot take the warmists seriously; they do not behave as though they believed their own words.
When the President travels, there will always be a huge entourage. That’s necessary, because of the security required and the requirement that he always have command authority over our nuclear deterrent. But we have only one President, and we ought to expect to see the warmists below that pay grade acting like they believe their own words.
It’s the 21st century; we have all sorts of communications tools ready for meetings. It’s not like videoconferencing is unknown. Yet the Federal Reserve took everybody out to Jackson Hole for a retreat, and has called in all sorts of economic “experts” to help with decision taking concerning the FOMC’s September meeting, as though the Fed’s own headquarters building on Connecticut Avenue wouldn’t have served. Experts who lived in New York could have taken Amtrak to DC is necessary, and then the Metro to a couple of blocks away, if videoconferencing wasn’t good enough, but did the President require the Fed to cut heir travel — to say nothing of their spending — so as not to spew more CO2 into the atmosphere?
Let’s face it: changing your behavior to address climate change is for the Little People, not for Our Betters.
[…] Obama Claims It’s Almost To Late Do Something About Hotcoldwetdry […]
Good point Dana.
The other reason they don’t modify their own behavior to match their talking points is that they know it’s all bullsh*t.
“For over 15 years an inordinate proportion of government and corporate research grants have been awarded to universities for a single specific purpose: to prove human activities and the burning of fossil fuels are the main driving mechanisms causing global warming…….Unfortunately agendas by strong arm politics and the suppression of contrary views have become the primary tools used to manipulate the media, local and state governments (and in turn the general public) into believing what they want us to believe.”
They finance the results they want, suppress dissenting views and then have the nerve to claim that the science is settled or that 97% of scientists believe in global warming.
Obama knows that his carbon footprint large as it is would make little impact on the total carbon pollution even if it were to disappear completely
But your post of course continues with the absolute perfectionism of others: until everyone leads perfect lives do not expect me to permit you to alter my life in any way
John wrote:
Then why should those of us with much smaller “carbon footprints” (feetprint?) be concerned in the slightest about minimizing ours?
Perfectionism? No, not perfection, but some semblance of at least trying to do as the warmists say we must do.
And just why should anyone be permitted to tell other people what to do, beyond the point of insuring that people don’t violate the rights of others? That’s the problem with the left: they believe that they have the right to tell others how to live, and use the police power of the state to enforce it.
Y’all are every bit as fascist as the Nazis.
If it is to late to do anything then don’t do anything!
Politicians should at least be making their speeches beside world authoritiy Climatoligists that have credibility with the rest of the scientific community as well as the general public. But he is not. Where are they? Then the question is what can we do about it. We all need to drive and fly and keep warm and use electricity. Carbon tax and cap and trade will not reduce emmissions significantly. Massive investment in green technogogy is the best bet but it must be strictly monitored to prevent corruption and cronyism. The efforts on the IPCC to regulate and tax demonstrates to many that their main concern is not emission reduction but bleeding money from the productive to the non productive. Socialism with green hats!
[…] Oh good Freaking Grief, there he goes again […]