I wonder if the ACLU and/or atheists will whine about this
(The Blaze) A satanic group has unveiled designs for a 7-foot-tall, goat-headed deity it wants at the Oklahoma state Capitol.
The New York-based Satanic Temple released an artist’s rendering of the monument Monday. A spokesman says the group has formally submitted its application to a panel that oversees the Capitol grounds.
They want to do this because Oklahoma plans on putting a 10 Commandments display at the capitol. Here’s what it looks like
(Photo from Associated Press)
How cute, such wonderful smiling kids smiling back at a smiling devil.
Anyhow, I don’t have a problem with this per say, if one group wants a religious display on government grounds, others should have the same ability. However, I do have a problem with a New York group butting in on a Oklahoma affair. If this was a group of Oklahoman Satanists, sure. New York? Mind your own business.
That said, at least they’re trying to compete, rather than shut the 10 Commandments display down.

The 10 Commandments display is already constructed. Those who put the display up, were voted in to office.
This evil satanic ungodly display won’t be. it will be forced upon the citizens. it will be a blasphemous slap upon everyone.
If this gets erected, you can count the days till it gets pot-shot’d.
Maybe I’m projecting … but aren’t those child hood images of Barry Soetero and Hillary Rodham?
Hmmmm… you may have something there.
Now that is one of the funniest things I’ve heard in a while. And, yes, they do.