Today is the day we should learn the fate of Obamacare. Will the mandate be upheld or go down? If it goes down, will the Court rule that there is no severability and tank the entire law? Will they tank other parts of the law? We should find out about 10am. In the meantime, Obama has three speeches ready
(Wall Street Journal) But Mr. Obama has been doing more than sitting back and waiting. The president has three separate speeches prepared in anticipation of the ruling on his signature legislative achievement, a person familiar with them said.
One of the speeches addresses a complete overturn of the law, while another is crafted as if the court strikes down the law’s individual mandate but upholds other provisions. The third speech, for if the court upholds the entire law, is more celebratory, according to this person.
The first two will be unbelievable whiny, if we think about Obama’s history of speechifying, particularly after a loss. Nowhere will he consider that the Democrats went too far in passing legislation that is not only highly unpopular as a whole, but unconstitutional. The third will be a gloating speech which will still blame Republicans and insult the majority of Americans who will still be against the legislation.
No matter the ruling, the White House is expected to continue highlighting provisions of the legislation that are more popular than the overall law, such as the requirements that insurance companies cover people with pre-existing conditions or allow parents to keep their children on their plans until they are 26 years old.
Yes, those are popular, and would have to be kept in any replacement legislation, regardless of whether the Conservative base hates them. They aren’t actually bad ideas, though there would have to be a few tweaks with the pre-existing conditions, such as deeming that those with pre-existing conditions cannot simply purchase insurance right before needing medical care. Oh, and let’s not forget that under Obamacare those with pre-existing conditions are being charged an arm and a leg for insurance.
But, Champ should continue talking about Obamacare. The more he associates himself with the unpopular law the better for Romney’s chances and the chance for Republicans to take back the Senate.
Meanwhile, Liberals are freaking out on the Supreme Court, as they must all feel that the Court will at a minimum tank the Mandate. You have E. J. Dionne calling for Scalia to resign. The Washington Post editorial board whines about Scalia. Roger Simon says the court has lost its honor. You can cruise around the Progressive blogosphere and find all sorts of whiny posts about the court. The far left only likes our system when they win.
How will Obama and liberals act of any portion of Obamacare goes down? I’m think Barking Moonbat Level 10. What’s your guess?
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU.

OMG… You are NOT a child at 26!!!! why in the hell would this be allowed? I don’t understand. Granted, people should be able to choose who they want to cover, but… does it have to be a law and have them called.. “children”???
And, please, don’t tell me its because of “kids” in college. Colleges already have health plans for these “kids”. And, doesn’t the risk rates go way up for “kids” in college? I mean, how much riskier is it for Blonde-haired Jane to go to S. Mexico for Spring Break than little Timmy’s first day in Kindergarten?