Andy’s Rant exposes the true cost of energy (via The Climate Nonconformist)
Whilst the Carbon Tax is as welcome as a turd in a swimming pool, there is no doubt whatsoever that the bipartisan support for the 20% Renewable Energy Target (RET) is the real culprit in allowing the price of power to skyrocket. The RET is illogical and economically reckless. Why Abbott and his shadow cabinet think its worth staying committed to the 20% RET is just mind boggling.
Below are the statistics on the cost of power generation in 2010 from the Australian Government’s own Productivity Commission:
- Coal fired power station $79 per kw/h (kilowatt/hour)
- Gas fired power station $97 per kw/h – or 1.2 times the cost of coal power
- Wind power $1,502 per kw/h – or 19 (nineteen) times the cost of coal power
- Solar power $4,004 per kw/h – or 50 (fifty) times the cost of coal power
You don’t need to be Einstein to work out that the high cost of Wind and Solar is the reason the public are being screwed with high electricity prices. The Carbon Tax just adds further pain.
No, you don’t. You just have to be a rational thinking person, which obviously leaves most Warmists out.

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… and a liberal. A socialist. A democrat. An Occupier. A Hollywood Elite. A Scientist Elite. A recent Nobel Prize Winner. A liberal hypocritical investor who made their money from capitalism-based stock market. A graduate of a Liberal Arts college. Most professors in universities.
Yup Teach. And I second what Gumball says…
And the weird thing is most of those same people tend to invest their money in….fossil fuels, because they give a good return on investment.
Well shame on them…for having a part of their brain that works.
Yes, but they ignore it. It’s like baby pigeons. We know they must exist, but we just ignore the fact. Same with huge flaming socialist liberals. THey love them some money from the capitalist system, but they ignore it when it comes to pushing their socialist agenda.
Will Smith: “Yeah… paying taxes and more taxes is great. I think everyone should pay MORE taxes. Wait.. you pay 75%? Ok, maybe not.” (but everyone else should pay that rate, he means)