Yeah, remember that talking point from Obama? How’s that working out? Must have killed the NY Times to publish this
More than two-thirds of Americans hope the Supreme Court will overturn some or all of the 2010 health care law, according to a new poll conducted by The New York Times and CBS News. Just 24 percent said they hoped the court “would keep the entire health care law in place.â€
That’s going to leave a mark.

I don’t think government run health insurance programs will ever recover the doctors who have already left. And they will lose more. There’s a clinic not far from me where they provide comprehensive care including surgery. It’s strictly cash or private insurance. And mostly young and talented doctors, not retired guys. I think the medical community will trend towards a local, guild style of organization. The clinic I mentioned also donates a lot of time to charity cases. They have full hospital and local political support. The smart local politicians are the ones who will be attracting this kind of doctor’s group.
The feds can go fish.