I never got around to this story yesterday, as it was worthless without the photo, and it would have been difficult using only my ‘Droid
(CBS News) VIRGINIA BEACH, Virginia – A Navy tradition caught up with the repeal of the U.S. military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” rule on Wednesday when two women sailors became the first to share the coveted “first kiss” on the pier after one of them returned from 80 days at sea.
Petty Officer 2nd Class Marissa Gaeta of Placerville, California, descended from the USS Oak Hill amphibious landing ship and shared a quick kiss in the rain with her partner, Petty Officer 3rd Class Citlalic Snell of Los Angeles.
Gaeta, 23, wore her Navy dress uniform while Snell, 22, wore a black leather jacket, scarf and blue jeans. The crowd screamed and waved flags around them.
I refuse to be a male pig, so, I’ll let Ace do it
One girl is pretty. The other girl, in the Navy uniform, is a freakin’ hottie, and by the way, congratulations on the female dress uniforms, Navy. They’re adorable.
Piggy piggy, Ace. Of course, let’s face it, the majority of men are thinking the same thing. Ace also has the video.
Shockingly, I can’t find any of the usual Rule 5 folks going with this tailor made story. Though, The Other McCain goes with some sailor pinups (thanks for the link, R.S.!) in the name of Peace and Goodwill. The Camp Of Saints is doing a Rule 5 Christmas countdown, here and here, check the full site for the rest of the weeks’. The DaleyGator has some DaleyBabe. Oh, hey, there’s Randy’s Roundtable with the kiss photo (I’m working my way up on the feedreader).
Raised On Hoecakes has some quick hits with Christmas cheesecake. Public Secrets has no babeage, but, does have The Hobbit trailer. Eye Of Polyphemus has Mary Elizabeth Winstead. Don Surber features the debate on Michelle O’s big butt. Barking Moonbat EWS has some eye candy. American Power has some Kate Upton. Verum Serum highlights yet another Occupier attempted rape. And The H2 has video which will make you go “awwwwwww.”

I have failed at my Rule 5-fu. I totally missed this crucial news story yesterday. :(
Brings to mind Haldeman’s “The Forever War,” too.
I am always up for some lovely ladies…Together or not.
It is amazing to me how many people celebrate and take joy in the fact of homosexuality. I see it as a kind of tragedy. Here are two attractive women who will not add their DNA to the gene pool, will not enjoy the normal and healthy lifestyles of heterosexuals, will not become mothers.
This is hardly something to applaud. Rather, it is something to be mourned.
This is hardly something to applaud. Rather, it is something to be mourned.
Oh, bunk. All kidding aside, I couldn’t give a rat’s rear end whether a couple is gay or straight. In a world in which love and kindness are in such short supply, what I applaud is the happiness they’ve found with each other. What matters far more than their sexual preferences is the fact that both are in the military and both are willing to risk their lives for their country. I hope they have many wonderful years together.
I’m curious…is it standard for a major news network to cover the return of every USN ship? Or did they just get “lucky” to be standing there with a camera to capture the sapphic moment?
Today’s hypocrisy: The Homosexual community just wants to be treated and viewed as everyone else…except when they don’t want to be. Oh…and they want specific Civil Rights to address their sexual orientation….ummm…just like everyone else.
I really enjoy Haldeman’s stuff, never got into that book, though. Ever read any Jack McDevitt?
You know this hat to be staged somehow, to have babe kissing babe for the news.
Oddly enough, I’ve never read any Haldeman besides The Forever War. One funny passage that sticks in my mind, and that this post reminded me of, is the scene where, at a time when homosexuality has become the norm, the lesbian ship’s doctor gets drunk and makes a pass at the (male) main character, who then has to keep her from doing something she’ll regret when sober. I thought it was pretty funny. :)
Haven’t read any Jack McDevitt. Which would you recommend?
All of them are great, especially the Alex Benedict series and Priscilla Hutchins series. A Galaxy Unknown buy Thomas DePrima is on of the big ones for Kindle.
Some other good ones are Calculating God. The Coyote series by Allen Steele (except the last 2 which get a bit weird) and Chronospace.
As you can tell, I’m a big science fiction reader. Also, zombies, end of world, weird stuff, and thrillers.
[…] openly in the military, or problems with homosexuality in the first place. As I said in a comment at Pirate’s Cove, where I first learned of this story, …I couldn’t give a rat’s rear end whether a couple […]
I thought ACE’s take was spot on.