Remember the story about 20,000 Ugandans evicted from their land, along with many who were raped and murdered, all in the name of carbon offsets, thanks to the Warmists and their crazy beliefs? Well, now we get, via The Reference Frame
(The New American) The deaths of 23 Honduran farmers involved in land disputes with UN-approved palm oil plantations are raising an international outcry against alleged “human rights abuses.” EurActiv reports members of the European Parliament (EP) are planning an investigative mission to Honduras this month while others are calling for a ban on carbon credits to the plantations under the EU’s Emissions Trading System (ETS). Additionally, it says the UN Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is weighing its validation process which originally accredited the plantations, a process critics call “only rudimentary, completely unregulated and badly documented.”
Protests erupted in July when six international human rights advocacy groups presented a report to the EP detailing what they called murders and forced evictions of peasants in El Bajo Aguán Valley of northern Honduras. The International Federation of Human Rights (FIDH) report accuses UN-sanctioned palm oil mills of stealing farmland from Honduran natives and killing or wounding them when they attempt to defend their property. It says the companies, acting with government impunity, regularly target members of local land-rights movements who end up murdered in feigned car accidents or hunted down and shot by private security guards.
Let’s boil that down: the Honduran farmers were killed over initiatives meant to stop anthropogenic global warming, and were UN and EU approved. Palm Oil is used to produce bio-fuels (and let’s not forget that the search for new palm oil fields has clear cut huge swaths of land and led to bio-destruction and the intentional hunting of orangutans. All in the name of the climate change hoax).
(From the EurActiv story) “If this is really a direct consequence of Europe’s climate policies then I would like to send my sincere apologies to the people of Honduras,” Bas Eickhout said.
Well, that’s nice. Though, dead people have no need of an apology for being killed.
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU. Please sign the drill now petition.

Notice how the carbon credits are being used to modify behavior in another country.
members of the European Parliament (EP) are planning an investigative mission … the UN Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is weighing its validation process
Wasn’t this a scene out of the first Star Wars movie? (the 4th one made – the start of crappy-trilogy set)??
And, Anthony Watts has alot to say about the CDM and how it is wholly corrupt.
But, are we surprised that the UN is involved in shady dealings meant to line their pockets with cash while poor people suffer and die? (food for oil? * for oil?)
Are we surprised that they won’t do anything? Do you really expect the police to help you out when you complain to them about their bad cops?
First thing I want to see from our next Republican president is a stoppage of all UN funds!!! They are nothing but self-serving anti-capitalist anti-US anti-Israeli anti-democracy thugs bent on subverting local national governments. Kick em out of the US.