Hey, look, a story that is somewhat critical of The One. Of course, it is web only, so the 5 print subscribers left would never see it: Fund-Raising Still Has Its Perks in the Obama Era
A day after President Obama announced his choices for some of the most coveted ambassador posts in the world, his press secretary, Robert Gibbs, was asked about their credentials.
The new ambassador to France? What is his qualification? Does he speak French?
“He does,†Mr. Gibbs said.
And the new ambassador to Britain? What is his qualification? “He speaks English,†Mr. Gibbs said.
Mr. Gibbs was kidding, but mastery of English may be one of the most relevant items on the résumé of Louis B. Susman, the new ambassador to the Court of St. James’s. Mr. Susman, a retired investment banker, earned the London posting not through diplomatic service but by collecting big checks for Mr. Obama’s campaign. Charles H. Rivkin, an entertainment mogul who once headed the company that created the Muppets, is heading to Paris for the same reason.
The practice of sending top fund-raisers to prestigious embassies is nothing new for presidents of either party. But that is what makes Mr. Obama’s nominations so noteworthy. For a candidate who made grand promises to bring change to a capital where power and position are greased by money, the latest selections are a reminder that there are limits to just how much change the new president intends to bring.
Rivkin gave “more than $500,000 for his campaign and another $300,000 for his inauguration.” Susman, previously a VP with Citigroup, now retired, raised $250k for the Obama campaign and $300k for The Coronation. And the article points out that there other big donors out there who are being rewarded.
Change? What change?

Americans are pleased with Obama he has high approval ratings. Americans think that he is doing a good job, no one expected perfection
Nice talking point. Anything of substance to add, or, has MoveOn not informed you on how to respond to the reality of Obama being just another politician?