Daily Archives: December 2, 2007

NY Giants Win: TV’s Saved

I just have to wonder how many TVs were saved by the Giants offensive output in the 4th quarter, particularly Eli’s Eli Manning redeemed himself just in time and the New York Giants dealt the Chicago Bears’ playoff hopes another staggering blow. Manning led two late touchdown drives and Reuben Droughns scored on a 2-yard […]

Aside: Hot Air Blogs The Qur’an

Y’all really need to check out todays Blogging The Qur’an over at Hot Air. Especially you folks who think Islam is a religion of peace.

Global Warming Today: Welcome To Exotic Bali!

Let’s start with The Question: If the climahysteric disciples believe that Man is at fault, then why do they refuse to live the life they tell everyone and every country they should live and why do they not smack their climahysteric leaders for not only failing to live the life, but living worse then then […]

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! It’s cold out there, snow and ice happening, brrrrrrr. Of course, it can only be climate when it is warm. The climahysterics say it is weather when it is cool and cold. Need some warm thoughts. This pinup is by Gil Elvgren, with a wee bit of help. What’s happening on ye olde feedreader? Carl […]

Pirate's Cove