At least, that is what they keep telling us, that they love the troops, but hate the war. Really?
Two people were arrested Friday as protesters demonstrated outside the new Army recruiting station for the second time in a month.
"We thought it was important to not have this recruiting station open quietly," said Emily McFarlane, a UNC-Chapel Hill junior who helped organize the protest at the Army Career Center, 1502 E. Franklin St.
About 30 protesters — members of Students for a Democratic Society, The Raging Grannies and others — held signs, walked in a circle and shouted, "Out of Iraq, out of our schools! Out of town, shut the war down!"
Yeah, I can feel the love!
Two leftards were arrested for trespassing, as well as
In addition to the protests, two government cars parked outside the recruiting station were vandalized with spray painted messages, "Go home!" on one and "Not welcome!" on the other.
But don't question their patriotism or love of the military.
Trackposted to Perri Nelson's Website, The HILL Chronicles, third world county, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, Adam's Blog, Blue Star Chronicles, The Amboy Times, The Bullwinkle Blog, Culturetastic, and Conservative Cat, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Veteran Al Meyer, 86, came from his home in Hillsborough to support the new station.
“I just wanted to let [the protesters] know there are other people around who don’t share their opinion,” said Meyer, who served for eight years in the Mighty Eighth Air Corps in England.
“There are so many nations that don’t like us anymore,” he said. “We’ve got to be strong and take actions people don’t like, and make sure we still have a good ol’ USA.”
I like what this guy had to say.
It would be a good idea for these students to do some military service. They would learn discipline and an appreciation for their country. They would also be able to do something worthwhile for their country, rather than marching around in circles in support of our enemies.
Hannity Interviews Soldiers in Iraq…
View This Video on You Tube
These are the same guys that Senator John ‘The Traitor’ Kerry say are not smart enough to have stayed in school.
Towards the end of the interview one Soldier asks Hannity to tell the people back home, ‘We w…
Between idiots like these and the joke of a prosecutor on the Duke rape case the people of N.C. must be real proud. Totally screwed up state ran by totally screwed up dhimmi’s.
What is more amazing is that the Muzzie who drove across the campus of UNC just had another day in court. Of course, these libtards think that it is all our fault, and if we just got rid of the military, everything would be fine.
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