I'm glad the United Nations are around to tell us these things
Meet the world's top destroyer of the environment. It is not the car, or the plane,or even George Bush: it is the cow.
A United Nations report has identified the world's rapidly growing herds of cattle as the greatest threat to the climate, forests and wildlife. And they are blamed for a host of other environmental crimes, from acid rain to the introduction of alien species, from producing deserts to creating dead zones in the oceans, from poisoning rivers and drinking water to destroying coral reefs.
The 400-page report by the Food and Agricultural Organisation, entitled Live-stock's Long Shadow, also surveys the damage done by sheep, chickens, pigs and goats. But in almost every case, the world's 1.5 billion cattle are most to blame. Livestock are responsible for 18 per cent of the greenhouse gases that cause global warming, more than cars, planes and all other forms of transport put together.
It is hard to even attempt to add any sort of opinion to that, when laughing so hard. I guess that study that Nancy Pelosi sponsored to study cow flatulence, to the tune of a cool million bucks, wasn't so far off, eh?
How does it break down, according to the report?
THE COW: Livestock, says a United Nations report, cause up to 18 per cent of the world's emissions. Cows are to blame for the overwhelming majority of them
THE CAR: Transport – symbolised at its most wasteful by the "Chelsea Tractor" – creates 14 per cent of all greenhouse gases
Got that? Cows worse then cars. I wonder what the eco freaks will say. Will they be in favor of an "eat more beef" campaign? Along with more greens, of course.
Others stinking up the environment (): Perry Nelson, Sister Toldjah, Iowa Voice, Stop The ACLU, Texas Rainmaker, The Political Pit Bull, Sensible Mom

I going to quit eating brown beans, cornbread, and onions before they come after me. Need more proof that the world is full of stupid people you can always look to the U.N. leaches.
I get the feeling you enjoyed thid post! ;)
I don’t have a lisp, just a typo! heh
Anybody who’s ever smelled a cow fart up close already knew they were worse than cars.
Unless the car is a ’63 Buick.
Linda, yup, pretty much did enjoy posting this :)
Scrapiron, the UN are, as you say, idiots. They release a study that actually confirms that mankind is really not at fault
Jeff, there is nothing like being behind a pig truck :)