Off To The Hurricanes Game

And, yes, I am a Devils fan, but, the NHL still rocks!

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7 Responses to “Off To The Hurricanes Game”

  1. the Pirate says:

    Dude, did you see Dustin Brown knock the flock out of Matt Cooke last night? Oh man is it great.
    You can find it here and the collection of Brown annihilating many other here (although it doesn’t include one of the ones against Calgary)

  2. the Pirate says:

    whoops missed the other link.

  3. Russ says:

    I went to a ‘Canes game a couple weeks ago. Much fun, but damn those seats are uncomfortable.

  4. Killer video. Nothing like a good hit.

    First Cane’s game been to this year. Kinda like protest. But, you want uncomfortable seats? Try the Meadowlands. Yowza. $90 seats, upper deck, no leg room. Though they are wider seats then the RBC Center.

    Nothing like the Cane’s cheerleaders, though 🙂

  5. the Pirate says:

    $90 buck, shit. I got my Kings Season tickets at $10 a game. Upper deck, 9th row behind the goal. Got lucky too got a top aisle seat so there is no on infront of me or behind. Plus Staples is design well enough where you don’t feel like you are as far away as you are.

  6. William Teach says:

    Contintal Airlines Arena SUCKS! Though I only get to one, maybe 2, games in NJ a year, I am looking forward to the new arena in Newark.

    The RBC Center here in Raleigh is awesome!

Pirate's Cove