Hah! Gotta love this (via Bloomberg)
A Democratic senator’s attempt to censure President George W. Bush over his eavesdropping authorization is getting a warm welcome from unlikely sources: the Bush White House and the Republican Party. After weeks of bad news on Iraq, defeat on the Dubai ports deal and plummeting approval ratings, the Bush administration and congressional Republicans seized on Senator Russell Feingold’s resolution chastising the president for ordering government monitoring without warrants of calls and e-mails between people in the U.S. and terrorism suspects overseas.“The Republicans couldn’t contain their glee over an attempt to censure the president for being overly zealous in defending the country against al-Qaeda,” said Marshall Wittmann, a senior fellow at the Democratic Leadership Council in Washington. “This resolution was the only good news for Republicans in weeks.”Yup, still owned. My little buddy has a message for ya Russ
Other White Trash Wednesday folks:

Now is the time to go to this site and pay old Feingold back. This is a petition to censure him for his idiot action during wartime. http://www.Grassfire.org/54/petition.asp?RID=7647825 We need a few million signature’s on this petition since we have the power in congress to pass the censure.
Thanks for the tip, scrapiron. Done.