Very surprising (sic)
Sen. Charles Schumer signaled Thursday he is likely to vote against the nomination of Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court.
"While the process is not yet over … the evidence before us makes it very hard for us to vote yes on your nomination," Schumer, D-N.Y., said in his final question and answer session with Alito, who has faced four days of hearings.
"I just have to tell you that I remain very troubled, not by anything in your personal history, so much as by your judicial views," the senator said.
Like he had ever considered voting "yes." Perhaps if he had stuck around for the full hearing, he might have heard evidence that would have changed his mind, as Michelle Malkin writes:
This is U.S. Appeals Court Judge Maryanne Trump Barry, a Clinton appointee who gave a glowing endorsement of her colleague, Sam Alito, earlier today, along with six other judges from the appeals court who appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee to support Alito. Chuck Schumer walked out before the judges started to speak. Teddy Kennedy showed up late, stayed for 10 minutes, then left. Pat Leahy put on a dour face for a short time, and also bailed. Dianne Feinstein, to her credit, remained for the duration and asked respectful questions.
Previously, there were only 3 certainties in life: Death, Taxes, and Change. Now, we add Democrats making complete asses out of themselves as a certainty.