Let me scroll through my files to find where I should place this story. Morons>Idiots>Boneheads>Dumbass> ah, here we go. Nimrods.
(NEW YORK) Channel 2 TV reporter Arthur Chi’en has been fired for shouting the "F" word at tw hecklers during his live report at a subway train station.
Chi’en was doiing a story about Metro Card scammers when two men began shouting about radio shock jocks Opie-and-Anthony. The two hecklers were making obscene gestures behind the reporter. Chi’en kept talking and when he finished his report, he turned to the two hecklers and said "What the [bleep] is your problem?"
Chi’en thought he was off the air, but apparently the mike picked up the obscenity.
With the FCC cracking down on obscenity, Chi’en was fired yesterday.
ROTFLOL. By the way, do not blame me for the spelling errors. I just excerpted. Perhaps there should have been some editorial oversight. And, yes, I make mistakes. I don’t get paid to write, though.

Hubby and I were both watching the local morning news when this happened….two men were getting ready to go down the stairs into the subway…apparently they were involved with some Broadway production because they held up an 8 x 10 poster but I couldn’t catch the name. I think they were trying to get some free publicity….and in the process made the reporter’s job difficult so he blew a gasket when he finished his spiel.
That often happens alot when reporting on the streets of the Big Apple – most reporters learn to roll with the punches.
Geez. Promote the reporter. He was probably using the word in its proper context, and please raise your hand if you’ve never heard that word before as a noun, an adjective, or verb.
and this was in NYC. I could see it in, say, a little station in Eastern NC.
Hey, I think he added some authentic NYC flavor to the report.