Finally, I’m Evil

Again, via Beth, because A. I’m off today, B. I’m hungover bigtime and don’t want to do anything myself today, C. I’m trying to get stupid domain management to work, and D. because I am evil and feel like it. Got a problem with that? My Give A Damm’s Busted 🙂

I am a d4

Take the quiz at

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4 Responses to “Finally, I’m Evil”

  1. A 10 sided die

    This stupid little quizlet was ruthlessly plundered from Pirate’s Cove. Take the quiz at…

  2. Just Confirming It

    Take the quiz at Via: Pirate’s Cove

  3. JulieB says:

    saw this on Jeremy’s site… I am a d100 – nuttier than a pecan, pistachio, peanut sandwich.
    Well i KNEW that!

  4. Jeremy says:

    We ALL knew that JulieB. LOL!

Pirate's Cove