Cold Fury

From the fingers of Mike Hendrix of Cold Fury (whose bandwith we killed this month), comes a great commentary on the war in Iraq. Hat tip to Right Wing News, where you might want to go to read Mike’s article, at least until the new month starts 🙂 Quick excerpt:

2) Bush acted on the best intelligence available in making the decision to remove Saddam from power; the same intelligence led President Clinton to make regime change the official goal of the USG back in ‘98. You on the Left did not denounce that policy change when Clinton made it; your interest in the matter begins and ends with your hatred of your fellow Americans who happen to be Republicans. You on the Left are not seriously concerned about the security of this nation. You are dead wrong, and you do not deserve to be taken seriously.

There is so much more, please take a gander at the full article. It is nothing that I haven’t said many a times, here, on other blogs, and on forums. Sean at Everything I Know is Wrong is the one who really inspired me to start a blog with this post. I’m not as good a writer as them, I will admit. I can say it well, writing it is much harder. But the message is the same.

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