In case folks didn’t know, we had a little snow even in NC from the Triangle and east. I left work at 5:30pm. I got home at 8:55pm. That’s right. And it didn’t even take me as long as some people. There were folks on the radio who said they left at 1pm, and, as of after 5:30pm, were still not home. Of course, I only had to go around 8 miles or so.
Here is the problem, as I see it, and have heard it. Not that long after 12, the schools said "we’re closing." What this causes is a domino effect. When school closes, business’s start closing. What we ended up with is to many folks on the road BEFORE the Department of Transportation could do anything. There are certain choke points which caused major slowdowns. For me, this was the corner of Falls of the Neuse and Spring Forest. Spring Forest was closed going west, due to it’s hills and the ice. That forced almost half of the traffic to now either turn left or right. I needed to go right. Falls is also one of the major feeder roads, so it was already backed up. The entire Triangle area was like this. Man, truly sucked. It was real nice that I had a 12 pack of Hawaiian Punch in my CRV (yes, I drink it: I like juice better then soda). Too bad it was FROZEN.
Jeez, that was fun. At least their is power, and I ate a late lunch. Though, all in all could have been worse.

Terrible combination! Traffic and weather. There ought to be a law!
It normally takes me 1/2 hour to get to work or so. Today I left at 4pm and got here at 6pm. I’m dreading the drive home. It’s going to be like a Hockey rink.
Hey! Now that the NHL isn’t doing anything important right now I could get a show on the way home. Think you could hook that up for me teach?
Not a prob. Can do.
Send some of that weather down this way and stop hoarding it, you two! ;) We got zilch and will likely only get rain this weekend — but I’m sure the stores will have their run on french toast supplies.
we have more on the way tonight, and over the weekend. Should be, well, interesting.
You really didn’t want a part of this storm. I have never, ever, seen the likes of what happened on the streets. Think of everyone in charlotte trying to get home as well as evacuate prior to a hurricane all at once.