Daily Archives: May 6, 2016

Naomi Klein: ‘Climate Change” Is Making Everything Worse Or Something

But, not her. She’s not one those nasty, mean, self righteous lefties. She is one of those who tells us that this whole charade is actually about changing all our economic and political systems to hardcore Leftist ones. And (Guardian) Climate change is spawning injustice, racism, intolerance and wars, according to author and political activist […]

If All You See…

…is an evil plastic bottle causing the lakes to shrink, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Shoebat, with a post on some super awesome Muslim neighbors.

Let’s Make Every Day Earth Day To Fight Hotcoldwetdry Or Something

The article rather has a good point, namely that we should be thinking about the environment every day, not just one day, or one hour, a year. But, of course, ‘climate change’ is not an environmental issue, it’s a political one (San Diego Free Press) Last month’s annual Earth Day reminded people all over the […]

Mike Huckabee Has Meltdown Over #NeverTrump

It’s this kind of talk from Trumpbots that hardens the positions of the #NeverTrump and others that I refer to as the “I’ll consider him if he gives me a reason, rather than being a jackass” (Mediaite) Former GOP candidate Mike Huckabee has come out in loud support of Donald Trump this week and is […]

Pirate's Cove