Daily Archives: December 17, 2014

Squirrels And Beavers Are Bad For Hotcoldwetdry

We need to kill all the squirrels and beavers by 2030 if we have any chance of limiting the world’s temperature to a rise of 2.0C! Divest from squirrels and beavers! We need a beaver and squirrel tax! (UK Independent) Rapid industrialisation, population growth and air travel expansion have all been blamed for contributing to […]

If All You See…

…is horrid fossil fuels created warm snow, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is House of Eratosthenes, with a post on brevity.

Delaying Exams Totally Means Millenials Aren’t Coddled Or Something

What’s more fun than this missive by a Harvard Law School 3rd year are the comments trashing the writer, William Desmond Delaying Exams Is Not a Request from ‘Coddled Millennials’ …. In response, opponents of exam extensions have declared that to grant these requests would be a disservice to the students. Law students, they argue, […]

For 2016, Romney And Clinton Lead The Pack

It’s apparently never too early to think of the 2016 presidential election (poll results here) (Fox News) Former Massachusetts Gov. and 2012 Republican nominee Mitt Romney leads the growing pack for the GOP presidential nomination, while former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton remains far ahead among Democrats. Romney dominates the field for the 2016 Republican […]

Bummer: Almost Double Believe In Jesus’ Virgin Birth Than Human Caused Climate Change

People believe in a lot of things, some of which are real, some of which aren’t. More people believe Satan causes real world problems, ghosts exist, and in UFOs than “climate change”. More Americans believe in angels than “climate change”. This makes Warmists very upset, because they have invested countless hours over the past 20+ […]

Pirate's Cove