Hot Take: Going Maskless Is Racist

Yes, it is a cult. Democrats seem to love joining them

Illinois professor says going maskless indoors a ‘manifestation’ of racism, will boot non-compliant students

A professor at Northern Illinois University (NIU) outlined to students that they all must wear masks while in his class, arguing that not wearing face masks indoors “is a manifestation of ableism and racism.”

“Refusing to mask indoors is a manifestation of ableism and racism, an exercise of individual privilege that tells the most vulnerable that their health and the health of their loved ones does not matter. Thus, masks are required here. They are NOT optional,” a message from Northern Illinois University physics professor Jahred Adelman says, according to a photo of a projector screen from the class.

The professor’s instruction on masks was made public after a student reported the matter through the Young America’s Foundation (YAF) Campus Bias Tip Line. YAF obtained a copy of Adelman’s syllabus, which outlines that “Masks are required AT ALL times in PHYS 253.” If students do not comply, they will be booted from the class, according to the syllabus.

“Masks are required AT ALL times in PHYS 253. Here and in your labs. It is not pleasant, but it is for your health and safety, my health and safety, and the health and safety of your friends and colleagues. If you do not follow this requirement, you will be asked to leave,” Adelman wrote in the course syllabus, according to YAF.

Northern Illinois University, a public university in DeKalb County, Illinois, eased its mask requirements in February but states on its website that “faculty members can require masks be worn in their teaching spaces.” Adelman has been working at the college since 2014 and currently serves as the director of graduate studies for the physics department.

Leave it to a mask cultist to turn the amp to 11, eh? Isn’t the COVID vaccine, and surely many boosters, supposed to protect the professor? Oh, right, raaaaacism. Meanwhile

White House: How about a COVID-19 boost with that flu shot?

The Biden administration hopes to make getting a COVID-19 booster as routine as going in for the yearly flu shot.

That’s at the heart of its campaign to sell the newly authorized shot to an American public that has widely rejected COVID-19 boosters since they first became available last fall.

White House COVID-19 coordinator Dr. Ashish Jha said this latest round of shots will offer protection during the busy cold and flu season, with the hope of transitioning people to get the vaccine yearly. Typically, at least half of U.S. adults get a flu shot.

That’s right, it will never end.

Read: Hot Take: Going Maskless Is Racist »

Evangelicals Says Bible Requires Climate Scam Action Or Something

Strangely, the Washington Post’s Jack Jenkins failed to ask if any of them are practicing what they preach. If they’ve replaced their fossil fueled vehicles with EVs. Gotten rid of all natural gas appliances. Handwash and lined dry clothes. Etc

Bible demands action on climate change, Evangelicals say in new report

St. GretaThe National Association of Evangelicals has unveiled a sweeping report on global climate change, laying out what its authors call the “biblical basis” for environmental activism to help spur fellow evangelicals to address the planetary crisis.

“Creation, although groaning under the fall, is still intended to bless us. However, for too many in this world, the beach isn’t about sunscreen and bodysurfing but is a daily reminder of rising tides and failed fishing,” reads the report’s introduction, penned by NAE President Walter Kim. “Instead of a gulp of fresh air from a lush forest, too many children take a deep breath only to gasp with the toxic air that has irritated their lungs.”

But the authors admit that convincing evangelicals is no small task, considering the religious group has historically been one of the demographics most resistant to action on the issue.

The nearly 50-page report, released Monday and titled “Loving the Least of These: Addressing a Changing Environment,” opens with a section that insists protecting the environment is a biblical mandate.

“The Bible does not tell us anything directly about how to evaluate scientific reports or how to respond to a changing environment, but it does give several helpful principles: Care for creation, love our neighbors and witness to the world,” the report says.

Not that I’m evengelical (I’m Episcopalian), but, I might listen if they were practicing what they preach. Probably not, because, even if climate change was mostly caused by mankind, the climate cult is making all the solutions about higher taxes and fees, along with big government restricting your freedom and life choices.

Kinda interesting how the leftists at the WP usually hate Christians, but, are willing to prop them up when they take leftist beliefs.

Read: Evangelicals Says Bible Requires Climate Scam Action Or Something »

If All You See…

…are palm trees which will soon grow in the Arctic, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Flopping Aces, with a post on Munchausen syndrome by Biden.

Read: If All You See… »

Texas Now Sending Illegal Aliens To Sanctuary City Of Chicago

Yes, Chicago is an official sanctuary city. They even have an official document about it

What does it mean that Chicago is a Sanctuary City?
Chicago’s Welcoming City Ordinance means that the City will not ask about your immigration status, disclose that information to authorities, or, most importantly, deny you City services based on your immigration status.

Let’s go to the wackiest headline I could find

Asylum-Seekers Arrive in Chicago From Texas as Part of Abbott Policy Blasted by Lightfoot as ‘Racist’

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has sparked controversy due to a program designed to bus asylum-seekers to northern “sanctuary cities,” and on Wednesday he said one of those transports arrived in the city of Chicago.

Abbott’s office announced that the asylum-seekers were dropped off at Chicago’s Union Station, saying that Chicago will join Washington, D.C. and New York as a location for his administration’s “drop off policy.”

“President Biden’s inaction at our southern border continues putting the lives of Texans – and Americans – at risk and is overwhelming our communities,” Abbott said in a statement.

Why has it “sparked controversy”? Isn’t Chicago welcoming of illegals? Should have dropped them off near city hall

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot says her administration was aware of the plan, and that they are working to find shelter and other services for individuals bussed to the city. An estimated 60 asylum-seekers were transported to the city, according to Lightfoot’s office.

“Chicago is and will continue to be a welcoming city,” the mayor’s office said in a statement. “We are collaborating across various city departments and with local, state and community partners to ensure everyone who arrives in Chicago is greeted and treated with dignity and respect.”

Hmm, Chicago is probably going to get a whole lot more buses

Lightfoot blasted Abbott’s administration for lacking “shame or humanity” because of the program.

“As a city, we are doing everything we can to ensure these immigrants and their families can receive shelter, food, and most importantly protection,” her office said. “This is not new; Chicago welcomes hundreds of migrants every year to our city and provides much-needed assistance. Unfortunately, Texas Governor Greg Abbott is without any shame or humanity. But ever since he put these racist practices of expulsion in place, we have been working with our community partners to ready the city to receive these individuals.”

It’s racist to not want the borders of your state over-run because Democrats and the current administration are enabling being over-run? Is Texas supposed to keep all the illegals, the vast majority of whom are not eligible for asylum? Let Chicago bear the cost for a change. Let them share

Lightfoot’s office says that city agencies are working to put together temporary “shelter and support solutions,” and said that they are eager to help “families who are seeking a better future away from harm and violence in their home countries.”

Well, I hope she’s not going to move those illegals to certain parts of Chicago, which are probably more dangerous than parts of Central America.

Still needs to send a couple of bus loads to Rehoboth, Delaware. Preferably on a Saturday when Biden is at his beach house.

Read: Texas Now Sending Illegal Aliens To Sanctuary City Of Chicago »

Your Fault: No Named Storms For First Time In 25 Years

Hmm, this is a rather unfortunate headline

Scientists warn that climate change is fueling more destructive hurricanes

There’s not story, just video. Too bad that

For the first time in 25 years, August will not have a named storm — if we make it to the end of the day without one

It isn’t your imagination. The tropics in the Atlantic have been very quiet this year despite a forecast from NOAA and other experts forecasting an above-average season.

There hasn’t been a named storm since the beginning of July, and if one doesn’t form by the end of the day, it will be the first August in 25 years to not have a named storm.

“Since 1950, two Augusts have had no Atlantic named storm formations: 1961 and 1997,” tweeted Phil Klotzbach, a research scientist at Colorado State University.

“For the first time since 1941, the Atlantic has had no named storm (e.g., tropical storm or #hurricane) activity from July 3rd-August 30th.”

But the trend may not continue.

“This remarkably quiet Atlantic tropical cyclone period is likely to end soon,” Klotzbach said Wednesday morning.

Climate cultists are desparately hoping for a lot of really, really big, destructive, rainy, windy hurricanes to strike land, especially the United States, so they can fearmonger and demagogue, be on TV and in the news blaming Mankind and saying we have to Do Something. Obviously, that article was from Wednesday, published around 1pm.

There have been a couple of factors which likely led to a quiet July and August in the Atlantic basin, CNN meteorologist Taylor Ward said.

“Primarily above-normal wind shear and dry air.”

Can’t wait for the articles over the next few days proclaiming it was ‘climate change’ that caused there to be no named storms. Remember, they blamed the climate crisis (scam) for creating windshear that limited tropical storm development back around 2008, after the big years crashed down, despite the proclamations of being the new normal, like 2005.

Read: Your Fault: No Named Storms For First Time In 25 Years »

California General Assembly Passes Law To Punish Doctors For Free Speech

If governor Gavin Newsome signs this, how quick till they California government is sued for violating the California Constitution, to start with? (paywalled NY Times piece here)

California Approves Bill to Punish Doctors Who Spread False Information

Trying to strike a balance between free speech and public health, California’s Legislature on Monday approved a bill that would allow regulators to punish doctors for spreading false information about COVID-19 vaccinations and treatments.

The legislation, if signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom, would make the state the first to try to legislate a remedy to a problem that the American Medical Association, among other medical groups and experts, says has worsened the impact of the pandemic, resulting in thousands of unnecessary hospitalizations and deaths.

The law would designate spreading false or misleading medical information to patients as “unprofessional conduct,” subject to punishment by the agency that licenses doctors, the Medical Board of California. That could include suspending or revoking a doctor’s license to practice medicine in the state.

Although the legislation has raised concerns over freedom of speech, the bill’s sponsors said the extensive harm caused by false information required holding incompetent or ill-intentioned doctors accountable.

“In order for a patient to give informed consent, they have to be well informed,” said state Sen. Richard Pan, D-Sacramento, and co-author of the bill. A pediatrician himself and a prominent proponent of stronger vaccination requirements, he said the law was intended to address “the most egregious cases” of deliberately misleading patients.

In other words, they’re mad that doctors could tell the truth on things like COVID vaccines and mandates, along with destroying kids with transgender procedures and medications. But, not, there is not balance. Article I, Section 2(a) says

(a) Every person may freely speak, write and publish his or her sentiments on all subjects, being responsible for the abuse of this right. A law may not restrain or abridge liberty of speech or press.

That’s pretty damned specific, wouldn’t you say? But, you know, the authoritarians in the Democratic Party do not care, and do not want anyone speaking out with Wrongthink.

Although other nations have criminalized the spread of vaccine misinformation — and have higher vaccination rates — the response by states and the U.S. government has largely been limited to combating misconceptions with accurate information, said Michelle Mello, a professor of law and health policy at Stanford University.

She noted that even laws that cited a “compelling interest,” such as public health and safety, to police disinformation ran the risk of having a chilling effect, a First Amendment standard for many courts.

“Initiatives like this will be challenged in court and will be hard to sustain,” she said in an interview. “That doesn’t mean it’s not a good idea.”

Restricting free speech is never a good idea. As The Blaze points out

The bill targets direct conversations between doctors and their patients. It does not address comments made online or on television. It also would not require the suspension or revocation of a doctor’s license, but it gives that option to the medical board, which already holds licensing powers over doctors and may take disciplinary action against those accused of other sorts of “unprofessional conduct.”

So, it blows through doctor-patient confidentiality, as well.

Read: California General Assembly Passes Law To Punish Doctors For Free Speech »

White House Press Secretary Declares 73.6 Million Americans Enemies Of The State

They’re telling you what they really believe. Are you listening?

I wonder if she considered that this will fire up the 73.6 million who voted for Donald Trump to get out there and vote in the mid-terms?

Read: White House Press Secretary Declares 73.6 Million Americans Enemies Of The State »

Hey, Is Biden’s EV Charging Station Plan Blowing Off Low Income And Black Areas?

Well, really, why would EV stations be necessary in low income areas? They won’t be able to afford them, same as the lower and middle middle class folks. This is all to take care of his rich donors and supporters

Is Biden’s goal to build charging stations for electric cars leaving low-income areas behind?

st greta carThe US government is throwing billions of dollars at building a network of charging stations to help boost uptake of electric cars. But some advocates worry the charging spots will bypass the disadvantaged communities that have until now found electric vehicles well beyond their reach.

In Indiana, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) has complained that the state’s draft plan for the rollout of electric vehicle (EV) chargers has not properly consulted people of color, doesn’t specify any chargers in Black-owned businesses and focuses the new infrastructure on highways that cut through neighborhoods, rather than the neighborhoods themselves.

“We think the process is flawed and rigged against Black communities, Black businesses and other frontline communities of color,” said Denise Abdul-Rahman, Indiana state chair for the NAACP’s environmental justice program. “There’s been no real outreach here.

“We want the economic benefits of these chargers too, the modernized grids so we don’t have so many power outages, to get our school buses off diesel. We don’t want two Indianas and two Americas, one with roundabouts and clean air and charging stations and another riding around in fossil fuel cars and breathing in all the pollution. We want a just transition.”

Well, that’s interesting, the UK Guardian article starts out discussing blacks. Do the hardcore leftists at the Guardian think all blacks are low income? And the entire Guardian operation is unabashedly and openly leftist. And, yes, they do hold that racist POV, like most Progressives

“Often, communities of color aren’t consulted until the latter stages where they are put into a situation where they are seen as enemies of progress, stalling things that need to happen,” said Rhiana Gunn-Wright, director of climate policy at the Roosevelt Institute and an architect of the Green New Deal.

No worries, you’ll be told, and you can just deal with the skyrocketing energy costs. Kinda wanted to get to this part

Indiana plans to spend $100m on at least 44 EV chargers, potentially adding a further 28 if funds allow. The state department of transport insists it is committed to ensuring all people in the state will have fair access, predicting that 95% of people in disadvantaged communities will be within 35 miles (56km) of a charger.

Huh what? How much? That’s $2,272,727 per charger. How in the f*ck does that make any fiscal sense? I guess we’re getting the first inkling of how much money will be wasted, certainly lots of kickbacks to donors and such.


(Sacramento Bee) Hoping to avoid blackouts, the California Independent System Operator, which manages the state’s power grid, warned Tuesday that it probably will issue a series of Flex Alerts over the next several days. Flex Alerts are voluntary calls for conservation during the afternoon and evening hours, when energy use tends to soar. Residents will be asked to turn up their thermostats to 78 degrees or higher, avoid using dishwashers or other large appliances, and hold off on charging their electric vehicles, all during the 4-9 p.m. time frame.

It’s in the low 90’s here in Raleigh today, about normal, but, probably would feel like doom for Californians. I’m going to stop and get gas shortly on the way to the gym, no problem.

Read: Hey, Is Biden’s EV Charging Station Plan Blowing Off Low Income And Black Areas? »

If All You See…

…are Christmas lights still plugged in causing vampire electricity, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Diogenes’ Middle Finger, with a post on just getting used to it, you little “semi-fascist” pigs.

Read: If All You See… »

Brandon Decides That Threatening Law Abiding Gun Owners Is A Great Idea

Hey, remember when Democrats and their pet media complained about Mean Tweets? Does anyone remember him threatening pretty the entire segment of those who vote for the other guy?

Biden Says The Military Can Obliterate The Second Amendment

President Joe Biden said Tuesday while in Pennsylvania that “brave right wing Americans” who claim the Second Amendment is meant to fight back against a tyrannical government would be obliterated by the military.

Biden was speaking in Wilkes-Barre while promoting gun control and bolstering police forces across the nation. Biden pushed for a federal ban on so-called “assault weapons” and took aim at Republicans during his speech, invoking the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.

“As one of the most – one of the most conservative justices in history, Justice Scalia, once wrote like, quote, ‘like most rights, the rights granted by the Second Amendment are not unlimited’,” Biden said. “They’re not unlimited right now.”

“You can’t go out and buy an automatic weapon, you can’t go out and buy a cannon, and for those brave right wing Americans who say its all about keeping America independent and safe, if you want to fight against the country you need an F-15. You need something a little more than a gun.”

Well, considering how many are opting out of joining the military, including the Air Force, because of all the Woke garbage, might be a bit of a problem there. But, tell you what, Joe: you take away all those “assault rifles” away from all those who protect you, the White House, executive branch buildings, and Congress, many of which are fully automatic, I’ll sign on to a 10 year ban on selling new scary looking rifles.

Brandon does realize that this kind of talk will cause more people to purchase the rifles, right?

Meanwhile, the state of New York is looking for more lawsuits

New York to restrict gun carrying after Supreme Court ruling

Amid the bright lights and electronic billboards across New York’s Times Square, city authorities are posting new signs proclaiming the bustling crossroads a “Gun Free Zone.”

The sprawling Manhattan tourist attraction is one of scores of “sensitive” places — including parks, churches and theaters — that will be off limits for guns under a sweeping new state law going into effect Thursday. The measure, passed after a U.S. Supreme Court decision in June expanded gun rights, also sets stringent standards for issuing concealed carry permits.

New York is among a half-dozen states that had key provisions of its gun laws invalidated by the high court because of a requirement for applicants to prove they had “proper cause” for a permit. Gov. Kathy Hochul said Friday that she and her fellow Democrats in the state Legislature took action the next week because the ruling “destroyed the ability for a governor to be able to protect her citizens from people who carry concealed weapons anywhere they choose.”

The quickly adopted law, however, has led to confusion and court challenges from gun owners who say it improperly limits their constitutional rights.

“They seem to be designed less towards addressing gun violence and more towards simply preventing people from getting guns — even if those people are law-abiding, upstanding citizens, who according to the Supreme Court have the rights to have them,” said Jonathan Corbett, a Brooklyn attorney and permit applicant who is one of several people challenging the law in court.

It’s rarely those who legally own and carry guns, and certainly not those who’ve gone through the concealed carry process, who are the problem. It’s the actual criminals, for whom Democrats have stopped things like stop and frisk.

Read: Brandon Decides That Threatening Law Abiding Gun Owners Is A Great Idea »

Pirate's Cove