If All You See…

…are evil fossil fueled cars, you might be a Warmist

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5 Responses to “If All You See…”

  1. PatriotUSA says:

    An almost perfect picture except she is sitting on a Mustang?

    No, I am NOT concentrating on the car.

    I like ladies, can’t stand Fords.

  2. I never even noticed what type of car it was šŸ˜€

  3. Rob in Katy says:

    Can’t have a white skirt on a white car, take the skirt off…

  4. captainfish says:

    I have no idea what you people are talking about!!!!!

    There is no car in that picture at all.
    I am just amazed that she can hold that position without anything to lean on.

  5. […] If all you see at The Pirate’s Cove. […]

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