New York Climahysterics Say Seas Could Maybe Possibly Rise Up To 13 Inches in The 2030s

Have they been listening to James Hansen, who, in 1988, said parts of NYC would be underwater in 20-40 years?

Sea levels around NYC could surge up to 13 inches in 2030s due to climate change: state study

Sea levels surrounding New York City are expected to rise at least 6 to 9 inches in the 2030s and potentially up to 13 inches in some areas due to climate change, according to state projections.

Sherman Potter Bull CookiesThe assessment done by the state Department of Environmental Conservations also claims that sea levels in the lower Hudson River could swell by 23 inches in the 2050s and up to 45 inches in the 2080s.

“Sea level rise is one of the most direct and observable effects of climate change in New York and DEC is required by law to develop science-based sea level rise projections to guide decision making and permitting in the areas most at risk,” the DEC said in a statement.

By the year 2100, downstate sea levels could surge by 25 inches to 65 inches. A worst-case scenario could see a staggering 114-inch rise by the end of the century under rapid ice melt projections.

Yes, that is the most direct and observable bit of observation. According to NOAA

The latest data has it at 2.92mm a year, and .96 feet (and the land subsiding can account for some of the rise). Which is still lower than would be expected during a Holocene warm period. Even at the lower end of their prognostication, 6 inches, that isn’t even close to happening be 2040. This is cult based science. When this doesn’t happen, who gets fired? Who gets punished for their scaremongering?

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3 Responses to “New York Climahysterics Say Seas Could Maybe Possibly Rise Up To 13 Inches in The 2030s”

  1. sr says:

    INVASION UPDATE! With barricades, soldiers and new laws, Texas tries to deter illegal border crossings – “60 Minutes” video

  2. James Lewis says:

    Could Maybe Possibly</strong

    That means "We don't know but want to scare you without having facts.

  3. H says:

    We don’t really know but just want to scare you that there may be a nuclear war really soon, that there is going to be recession because of Biden, that the military aged men are part of a secret invasion force invading the USA.

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