I told you to stop eating meat, to only buy used clothes, and to keep your heat at 58, but, no, you want to see the world burn
Climate change could decrease average life expectancy by six months
The effects of climate change could be shaving half a year off your life, a new study warns.
Increases in temperature and rainfall — and the public health problems that come with them — are projected to decrease average human life expectancy by six months, researchers report in Thursday’s issue of the journal PLOS Climate.
“The global threat posed by climate change to the well-being of billions underscores the urgent need to address it as a public health crisis,” said researcher Amit Roy, an associate professor of economics with the Shahjalal University of Science and Technology in Bangladesh.
Heat waves and flooding are a direct threat to human health, but climate change also can produce more subtle health effects, such as an increase in respiratory disease and mental illness, researchers said in background notes.
To deduce how climate change might affect lifespan, researchers evaluated average temperature, rainfall and life expectancy data for 191 countries from 1940 to 2020.
They calculated that a global temperature increase of 1 degree Celsius (1.8 degrees Fahrenheit) is associated with a decrease of about five months and one week in average human life expectancy.
Interesting. How are they arriving at that conclusion? Life expectancy has actually improved as temperatures have increased. They were certainly higher during the Roman Warm Period, and quite a bit lower during the Dark Ages, then better with the Medieval Warm Period and worse during the Little Ice Age. This whole thing just sounds like a computer model study using mule fritters wishful data to get more funding.

The Roman Warm period was largely regional and mostly affected white people. Ditto the Little Ice Age
Teach 75% 0f all humans live south of where you live . It is already pretty hot there. I don’t think they would be too happy about it getting warmer there. Generally I might expect insects and pathogens who enjoy human body temps to not be as adversely affected by the planet getting hotter. Or the 25% of humanity who live north of you. In fact those people living south of you might decide they would rather move north
Has anyone else besides me heard of “tropical diseases,”
And here I thought that COVID-19 had already decreased life expectancy!
Of course what they fail to say is that cold still kills up to 9 times what heat does world-wide ( Lancet). Heat saves lives
I thought the climate cultists thought the world was overpopulated. You’d think they’d welcome a decrease in lifespan… so long as it wasn’t theirs.
And while you didn’t ask about the Medieval Warming period… Here’s China….
while the sediment record of Sugan lake in the same province shows a pronounced warm period from AD 500-1200 (Qiang et al., 2005)
e middle Qilian Mountain covering the last millennium, which reveals that a discernable warm period occurred AD 1050-1150 (Liu et al., 2007) (Fig. 1a).
Seen from a regional perspective, all four studied regions experienced warm periods within the 10th to 14th centuries.
The Roman Warm period was largely regional and mostly affected white people. Ditto the Little Ice Age
Uh, no. It has been proven that the LIA affected China.
Please quit lying.