Once again, I’d like to see the oil companies at least put out statements that say “if the government of the People’s Republik Of California thinks fossil fuels are so bad, why are they using so much of it? Why is the governor, his staff, the appointed agency heads, and the elected lawmakers constantly traveling around in fossil fueled vehicles and airplanes?” Along with refusing to sell their product to the PRC government, because, why would you do business with anyone suing you?
California sues oil companies for allegedly lying about climate change
California filed a lawsuit Friday against five of the world’s largest oil companies, alleging that they lied to the public about the damage their product is causing. The state wants the companies to pay into a fund that would support recovery from climate change-related extreme weather events like heavy storms and wildfires.
“For more than 50 years, Big Oil has been lying to us — covering up the fact that they’ve long known how dangerous the fossil fuels they produce are for our planet,” California Gov. Newsom, a Democrat, said in a statement on the suit. “California taxpayers shouldn’t have to foot the bill for billions of dollars in damages — wildfires wiping out entire communities, toxic smoke clogging our air, deadly heat waves, record-breaking droughts parching our wells.”
Except, almost every single one of those wildfires were set intentionally or by accident by humans, not from any sort of ‘climate change’ driven Bad Weather, and when people keep building homes in areas that are prone to wildfires, well, that’s on them.
“This ongoing, coordinated campaign to wage meritless, politicized lawsuits against a foundational American industry and its workers is nothing more than a distraction from important national conversations and an enormous waste of California taxpayer resources,” Ryan Meyers, senior vice president of the American Petroleum Institute (API), an industry group also named as a defendant, said in a statement.
Stop. Go hardball, not these squishy messages. Tell the people of California if they do not like fossil fuels the companies can take all their business, all their jobs, all that tax revenue, and all the gas and oil for their cars elsewhere. Ask them how they will get to work, the store, the beach, vacations.

The insanity of the left continues because we allow it. At some point we gotta start dragging these people out of their offices and hanging from lampposts.
You tried that on Jan 6. Remember? Hang Mike Pence!! Hang Mike Pence!!
Hundreds of those wannabe lynchers pleaded guilty. Others were convicted.
Said Trump on Jan 6 just after the Capitol Building was breached: “Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution.”
Hang Mike Pence!!
According to then-president Trump’s Chief of Staff, Mark Meadows, Trump supported the hanging of Mike Pence!
Our Constitution requires the US Vice-President to “certify” the Electoral College votes before Congress.
Why was January 6 so important to then-president Trump?
Rimjob’s TTS copy&paste talking points.
Nice story but untrue.
Trump 2024

Bwaha! Lolgfy
MyLilStalker can’t handle the truth!! LOL.
The truth about “Book Bans” – Repost
Oil companies could just go for an out of court settlement and start passing those costs along to California consumers before the next election. The problem is that settlements of this nature always looks like a Soviet Show trial where the defendant is forced to give a full confession and show remorse first. The fact is, California already has the taste of blood in their mouth and they want more of it. First with the tobacco settlement and then with the power company settlement for wildfires. Interesting thing. The state of California blamed the power company for their wildfires. If they now blame oil companies, does the power company get that settlement money back? Probably not. Thieves never voluntarily return their stolen property.
Energy companies could/should follow the Professor’s advice or simply pull their businesses completely out of the PRC. No oil, no gas, very little fertilizer, no plastic, etc.
Ask the shareholders of BP, Shell, Exxon-Mobil etc how they feel about Big Oil companies refusing to sell their products to customers!! How do you believe the companies make a profit? And since President Biden was elected their stock prices and profits have skyrocketed.
A serious flaw with unregulated capitalism is the “negative externalities” resulting from the economic transactions. Who should pay for the treatments and early deaths from lung cancer, emphysema, asthma resulting from tobacco use? We fully understand that many conservatives don’t “believe” global warming is real or caused by CO2 emissions. It is and it is. Who should pay for the necessary remediation associated with global warming?
Ask the shareholders of Galera how they feel about Rimjob and partners pissing away over $50M in less than 4 years.

Charge it up against the extra lifetime given by having adequate heat, light and food instead having to grub around for berries all day. Unlike global warming, that’s a reality
Apparently comrade Newsom likes to lie himself. “Wildfires wiping out communities…”. Well, wildfires and heavy storms aren’t any worse. And even if they were, that wouldn’t mean a 1.5 degree temp rise was the cause. That pesky correlation-causation thing…
And as far as wildfires, a great majority are either arson or lightning. https://phzoe.com/2021/02/17/trend-in-global-fires/
Leftists learned they don’t need to prove anything in court. Just convince jurors that the defendants are bad and should be punished. It’s all about the big paydays for Leftists. In civil cases, one used to have to prove the actual value of damages. Now it is just a lottery amount assigned randomly. George Floyd’s family got $27 MILLION of taxpayer money in out of court settlement even though he died of a self-inflicted overdose of drugs.
LOL. “Proving” something in court IS convincing the jurors.
BTW, Mr Floyd did not die from a drug overdose.
Much of what conservatives “believe” is not true.
Not when it’s a kangaroo court it isn’t. When the court is stacked against you it’s not justice it’s lawfare and you know it.
Sure he did. He died of complications of the heart and the lungs caused by fentanyl overdose. Being a neo Nazi and a truth denier you’d rather say it didn’t happen. You communist believe so many things that just aren’t true.
How do you plan on stealing the next election?
The next election will be won by the candidate who receives at least 270 electoral college votes. We already know President Biden will receive more popular votes (the Dems have won the popular vote every time since 1992 except in 2004). Will Trump and his confederates be able to rig GA, AZ, MI, PA, WI to win enough electoral votes? We’ll see.
Much of what conservatives “believe” is not true.
Right-wingers always claim it’s a “kangaroo court”… when they lose.
“It’s just not fair”, they whine.
But Floyd did die of a drug overdose. Read “They’re Lying” by Liz Collin, a former CBS reporter in Minneapolis. It shows the original medical examiners report of a drug overdose, but was then conveniently changed due to intense pressure from local officials. This and much more can be seen as in the movie “The Fall of Minneapolis”. Great footage of what a real “insurrection” looks like.
Everyone, no matter the overwhelming prior illness dies of a cardiac arrhythmia. Floyd died of an arrhythmia secondary to a massive dose of opiates. The police were following procedure, we do similar things in the ER with huge people who are wild on drugs. The crime was the liberal city managers not standing up for the cops and protect their citizens so they could steal an election.
Is that the same Liz Collin married to a former head of the Police Union? The same one who relied on interviews with Chauvin and his mother for her book?? She types now for Alpha News, the far-right “news” org.
You are lying when you claim Floyd died of a drug overdose. He died from Derek Chauvin kneeling on his neck for more than 9 minutes.
A riot is different from an insurrection. Even a very violent riot.
As a shareholder, I do expect the company make a profit. However, ‘virtue signaling’ through staying in a market that costs more to do business in than profits made equates to poor management. Sometimes you have to close the store to minimize the losses.
It’s doubtful that CA is costing the oil companies more than they make.
Chicken Little Man
It’s doubtful that CA is costing the oil companies more than they make.
This is what the suit is supposed to do.
The state wants the companies to pay into a fund that would support recovery from climate change-related extreme weather events like heavy storms and wildfires………California taxpayers shouldn’t have to foot the bill for billions of dollars in damages
CA should lose all carbon based fuels, chemicals, etc… Time to show the idiots there and in the the other 49 what electing Leftie politicians can do..
Is this the same Liz Collin…: Yes, it is-and that in no way disproves what she’s said. If you could disprove what she reported, it would make who she is or isn’t married to irrelevant.
And she interviewed many people, including Chauvin. You think it’s strange she interviews the person the book is about? Got it. Just go buy the book or see the movie-you’ll see copies of both versions of the medical examiners report-the first one a drug overdose, the second one “changed” to a homicide. You’ll also see that the “maximum restraint technique” that Chauvin used is what was taught in Minneapolis police manuals- until they made that inconvenient fact go away, too. “She types for “Alpha News”, a far-right news org”. Funny-again, if you could show where she’s wrong, who she does or doesn’t work for becomes irrelevant. “A riot is different than an insurrection”. Yes, and a Jan 6th wasn’t an insurrection. Unless your insurrections come with Capital guards as tour guides..