Christian Warmists Hold Vigil Or Something

Can they call themselves Christians when they’ve replaced God with a cult?

Climate Vigil aims to channel prayer into action

Autumn leaves settled on the Umatilla River in downtown Pendleton, Oregon, as it rippled gently over rocks one October day. Up an embankment and across a quiet street rose the stone tower of the First Christian Church. “I see churches as being a positive thing for change,” said Bill Aney, a retired U.S. Forest Service employee and church member.

The river was placid that autumn day as Aney walked over the Main Street bridge. But in spring 2020, heavy rains and rapid snowmelt in the Blue Mountains caused a massive flood. A levee in downtown Pendleton broke, inundating nearby streets. Part of Interstate 84 and many local roads closed, homes were evacuated, and one woman died. Climate change is projected to cause more frequent flooding in Umatilla County, according to a 2020 Oregon report. “God told us to take care of the Earth,” Aney said. He interprets that as a moral imperative to aid recovery efforts after floods and other disasters — and to push for broader climate action.

Aney belongs to Climate Vigil, an eastern Oregon organization founded about two years ago. It grew out of a prayer book written by founder Peter Fargo. So far, it’s mainly offered avenues for climate advocacy and reflection modeled on Christian practices, including a worship album and community vigils.

Yes, God did say to take care of our creation. God did not say to replace him with a doomsday cult belief in doom from a tiny increase in global temperatures which has happened multiple times during the Holocene. I’m pretty sure God would be against forcing Other People to practice the climate cult beliefs. Fargo’s book (I replaced the link from the article as it went to “page not found”) isn’t exactly a barn burner, and, I’m not paying $7 for 89 pages to read it. Fargo is a big believer in pushing climate rights amendments, which force citizens to comply with the cultish beliefs of the Warmists.

Since then, Fargo has left his communication job with the Forest Service to work full-time on Climate Vigil. He also began writing an Oregon constitutional amendment guaranteeing the right to a safe climate, which he hopes to get on the statewide ballot in 2026. 

These people can’t just live their own lives, and leave the rest of us alone. And these “Christians” are supplanting their belief in God with one in Gaia.

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40 Responses to “Christian Warmists Hold Vigil Or Something”

  1. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Mr Teach:

    Can they call themselves Christians when they’ve replaced God with a cult?

    Religion expert Dr William Teach deciding who is and is not a Christian!!

    Can MAGAts call themselves Christians when they’ve replaced God with a cult?

    • James Lewis says:

      Chicken Little Man

      Climate change is projected to cause more frequent flooding

      And you again show why I have named you Chicken Little Man.

      • Elwood P. Dowd says:

        Adult Diaper Man,

        So, what’s your point? Do you agree with Mr Teach that concerns about global warming precludes being a Christian? Does his conclusion make sense to you?

        Why did you type: Climate change is projected to cause more frequent flooding?

        You know why I named you Adult Diaper Man.

        • James Lewis says:

          H and Chicken Little Man

          Since you are too slow…

          PROJECT(ED) – estimate or forecast (something) on the basis of present trends or data.
          “spending was projected at $72 million”

          Also known as WAG – WILD ASS GUESS

          Prediction has been wrong.

      • Zachriel says:

        James Lewis: Climate change is projected to cause more frequent flooding

        What will those crazy scientists come up with next, with their “observations” and “evidence” and stuff. Next thing you know they’ll claim that humans can control lightning with “lightning rods,” when everyone knows lightning is Zeus striking down the wicked from atop Mount Olympus. Or that Halley can predict comets, when everyone knows that comets predict events on Earth—not the other way around.

      • Jl says:

        “Projected…” Yes, always in the future. No statistical change in flooding worldwide has been shown.

        • Zachriel says:

          Jl: No statistical change in flooding worldwide has been shown.

          Dangendorf et al., Persistent acceleration in global sea-level rise since the 1960s, Nature Climate Change 2019.

          • James Lewis says:


            “Dangendorf et al., Persistent acceleration in global sea-level rise since the 1960s, Nature Climate Change 2019.”



          • Zachriel says:

            James Lewis: Bull

            The satellite data shows that the mean global sea level is rising. Juneau is experiencing isostatic rebound due to ice melt.

          • Elwood P. Dowd says:


            Why do you believe all the scientists are trying to mislead you?

            Are you a proponent of the conspiracy that climate scientists, oceanographers etc are part of the global communist plot for “control” of all?

            Finally, do you subscribe to the YouTube videographer’s contention that the ocean content isn’t increasing but it’s just the land rising?

          • Jl says:

            Of course the word was flooding, not sea level rise. He et al 2022 found worldwide floods generally decreasing with temp rise.

          • Zachriel says:

            Jl: He et al 2022

            Can you provide more precise citation. Thanks.

    • Genocide Joe the commie says:

      Religion expert Dr William Teach deciding who is and is not a Christian!!

      Unlike you we are experts because we are Christians. We can identify our brethren. Just like you know who the commies are we know who the Christians are. Matthew 7:16.

      Can MAGAts call themselves Christians when they’ve replaced God with a cult?

      “MAGAts” only exist in your hate filled heat oppressed brain. Christians never replace God with anything only heathens like you do. We have the ability to separate our politicians from our deities sadly you do not and therefore you project what you believe unto others.

      Truth sounds like hate to you who hate truth.

      • Elwood P. Dowd says:


        Is the Pope a Christian?

        Most people who profess to be Christians* believe that global warming is caused by human activity.


        just three in ten white evangelical Protestants (31%) believe that climate change is caused by humans.

        Is it your point that the the 69% of evangelical Protestants who believe that climate change is natural are the only real Christians? So only people who believe as you believe can be a Christian??

        Can only Republicans be Christian?

        *Three-fourths of Hispanic Catholics and religiously unaffiliated Americans (76%) believe climate change is caused by human activity, as do the majority of other non-Christians (70%), Jewish Americans (67%), Hispanic Protestants (61%), Black Protestants (59%), other Protestants of color (59%), white Catholics (56%), white mainline/non-evangelical Protestants (54%), and about half of Latter-day Saints (48%).

  2. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    MAGAtism – It’s A Cult!!

  3. Mad Celt says:

    This ignores several Biblical issues in believing man is capable of destroying the earth or destroying himself. While it does not fit the earmarks of a cult it does fit descriptions of false teachings.

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      Biblical issues are irrelevant in the context of global warming science.

      But we understand why Mr Teach wants to conflate the issues. His whiny diatribes are intended to denigrate those that disagree with him.

      Mr Teach shows absolutely no character of being a true Christian.

      • L'Roy White says:

        Man made global warming is not science it’s witchcraft. At best is science fiction. You might not like the Christian religion but it doesn’t claim to be anything but it a religion. You wouldn’t know the character of a true Christian if he bit you on the ass.

        “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other.”
        — Matthew 6:24 (KJV)

        Christians believe in one God so does Teach, Dana and the rest of this. We don’t know what you believe in and quite honestly I don’t care because you’re a lost soul. What I do know as you are in no position to determine who is a Christian and who is not. You’re sitting there quoting all kinds of figures and not percentages and statistics about who is and who isn’t evangelical and throw out all kinds of numbers on white and Hispanic Christians and evangelicals and what they believe in as far as global warming is concerned. It is all BULLSHIT. I don’t know where you get these ridiculous numbers from but they look like somebody pulled them out of their rectum. You’re just throwing crap out there and hoping it sticks well I won’t stick with us. You know if you didn’t spend three years lying your ass off we might believe some things you say but at this point I can’t believe it if you say it’s January.

        • Elwood P. Dowd says:

          Mr White,

          Click the link in the comment. It takes you to the survey.

          Your response is:

          It is all BULLSHIT

          How do you know without checking? You have beliefs, not fact-based conclusions.

          BTW, witchcraft is not real.

          Mr Teach asserts that real Christians can’t believe that humans contribute to global warming.

          The Pope believes humans contribute to global warming. Is the Pope a Christian?

          The data show that the majority of Christians believe humans contribute to global warming. Are they fake Christians like the Pope.

          “When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do, sir?” — attributed to John Maynard Keynes

          As the evidence supporting global heating as accumulated over the past decades, previous skeptics changed their beliefs to accord with the evidence. What do you do, sir?

          Answer one question, please: Is the Pope a real Christian?

  4. CarolAnn says:

    You can repeat that crap all you want but believing that we need to make America great again is no more a cult then people who sing the star spangled banner. On the other hand to believe something as insane as a man can become a woman- that’s a cult.

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      Hi CarolAnn,

      Happy New Year.

      When was America last great? And based on what criteria?

      This could be a fruitful discussion!


    • Elwood P. Dowd says:


      On the other hand to believe something as insane as Donald Trump was cheated out of his office – that’s a cult!!

      • CarolAnn says:

        Then why are you so afraid to have a National Audit and have an investigation of the whole thing? Why is it every time somebody tries to sue and get recognition they’re told they have no standing? How can you not have standing in a national election?

        Why are you so afraid of Donald Trump and people like me and teach? Where Americans just like you of course we’re not traitors like you are. You’re a democrat you have the history of being trained after all you did start the first civil war didn’t you?

        • Elwood P. Dowd says:


          By all means have a national audit!! All the recounts, all the analyses, more recounts, state level audits all concluded with with the same result. Biden won, Trump lost.

          If and when Trump loses in 2024 we’ll have to go through the same lying bullshit all over again. The voters spoke in Nov 2020.

          Our federal courts obey the laws. The states have rights regarding their elections.

          CarolAnn – I am not afraid of you and Teach, but I do believe you’re under the sway of a horrible, horrible man, Donald Trump. Your motives for this are your own.

          I did not start the Civil War, nor did anyone I know. I speculate that I would have been an abolitionist in the 1800s, but who can really know.

          Do you really believe that the current Democratic and Republican Parties have the same philosophies as they did two centuries ago? You should read up on The Southern Strategy when the Republican Party concluded they had no chance in staying in charge without the support of white Southern Democrats. The Civil Rights movement and the ending of Jim Crow alienated many white southerners who left the Democratic Party and aligned with conservative Republicans. The Dems used to “own” the South, now it’s the province of the increasingly right-wing Republicans.

          Do you, like Mr Teach, Mr Dana and Geno, consider Caucasians to be superior to Black people? For some reason I never did, even growing up in the rednecky Ozarks. Our schools were integrated and we lived on the poor side of town so we had lots in common with Black kids.

          How do you define “traitor”? I would offer that trying to overturn a national election would qualify.

          • drowningpuppies says:

            Funny stuff there, Rimjob.
            A popular incumbent President gains 12 million more votes and somehow “loses”.

            You should probably stay with your Make Auschwitz Great Again mantra.

            Bwaha! Lolgf

          • Elwood P. Dowd says:

            MyLilStalker whines about Trump losing.

            He gained 12 million votes but the other guy still had more. That’s how it works.

            Biden 81,284,666 votes, 306 Electoral votes
            Trump 74,224,319 votes, 232 Electoral votes

            There were more voters in 2020 (159.7 million) than 2016 (136.7 million), and the turnout was better in 2020 (67%) than in 2016 (59%).

            Trump won in 2016 against the most unpopular politician in America, Hillary Clinton. She still won the popular vote. By 2020 America had had enough of Mr Trump and voted against him.

            I am flabbergasted that MAGAts are sill whining about this.

            You should stick to whatever it is that you do.

          • drowningpuppies says:

            From the guy who embezzled $50 million from investors with a cancer drug that didn’t work.
            Thanks Rimjob


            You can look it up.

          • Elwood P. Dowd says:


            You should contact the FBI, Treasury and the SEC!!

          • drowningpuppies says:

            Funny. Fatso doesn’t even deny it.

          • Elwood P. Dowd says:

            We can’t spend time denying all of tonguebath’s false accusations.

            We’ve invited the pathetic putz to contact the authorities but he hasn’t the courage of his accusations.

          • drowningpuppies says:

            There’s nothing false about your company’s stock value plunging from around $15 per share down to $.15 per share in three years..
            There is nothing false about your company’s so-called therapeutic drug failing its drug trials.
            Nice try, Rimjob.
            Everyone here knows you’re a liar who refuses to admit your fraudulent claims.


            You can look it up.

          • Elwood P. Dowd says:

            Tonguebath can’t even back his accusations of embezzling and pedophilia.

            We offered to fly the putz here to personally address the police. Crickets.

            What a putz. LOL.

  5. Jl says:

    “Jl, why do you think all science trying to mislead you”. Never said all scientists are trying to mislead me. I said no evidence of any increase in flooding, which is true

  6. Jl says:

    Advances in water resources 165 (2022) “A global assessement of change in flood volume with surface air temperature”. He, Kim, Wasko, Sharma et al, 2022

    • Zachriel says:

      He et al. primarily concerns fluvial flooding not sea flooding. With global warming, some areas of the Earth will become wetter, but other areas will become dryer. The net result is water insecurity in much of the world.

      Sea level rise means more sea flooding regardless of other factors.

      • Jl says:

        Yes, the original post was in response to “climate change is projected to cause more frequent flooding”, nothing about SLR. No proof “sea level rise means more flooding”. Yes, seas have been rising for about 20,000 years, nothing new..

      • Jl says:

        Another paper on that point, Luijendijk et al, 2018, showed 76% of the globes shorelines are stable or growing

  7. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    The “point” made by Mr Teach and others is that “no true Christian can believe that humans are causing global warming”.

    No one has answered: Is the Pope Christian?

  8. Elwood P. Dowd says:


    When was America last great? Please back your answer with reasoning.

    Thanks! Happy New Year to you and yours!

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