If All You See…

…is an evil fossil fueled motorcycle, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The O.K. Corral, with a post on a feel good story to start 2024.

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6 Responses to “If All You See…”

  1. drowningpuppies says:

    A joke to start off the year.

    What does Bill say to Hillary after sex?

    “I’ll be home in 20 minutes.”


  2. JimS says:

    Back in the Elder Days, during the Cold War era, The BBC was a good balance between the Voice of America and Radio Moscow, Radio Peking, and Radio Havana on shortwave. Not so much these days, with the big voices mostly silent.

  3. Dana says:

    SSG Pico took her father to Indianapolis for the Oakland Raiders vs Baltimore Colts game. Her Prius hybrid gets 48.6 MPG, according to the display in the car, and everything was smooth. But, if we had just a plug-in electric, we’d have had to find a charging station and waste an hour on the way back to her home in Lexington. F(ornicate) that!

    Sadly, the Raiders lost. They thought that they’d found their quarterback of the future in Aiden O’Connell, but nope, he just doesn’t really have it to be a top NFL QB. The Raiders failed on several 3rd and 1s.

    In one especially notable 3rs and 1, they tried a flea flicker gadget play, but the long receiver was covered. Mr O’Connell was all alone on the offensive left, and could have easily run to the first down, and more, but tried to force the ball, with a difficult across the field throw, which fortunately fell only incomplete, rather than being intercepted. Of course, the Raiders had to punt the ball away, because Mr O’Connell wasn’t smart enough to see that, with the long play not open, that his first job was to get the first down.

  4. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    It’s rumored that a 5th set of felonies will be prepared against ex-President Trump for his recently released telephone call to Michigan election officials pressuring them to switch their certification. Trump lost Michigan by 150,000 votes.

    Even if you gave Trump the 27 Electoral College votes from the close states, GA (~12,000 votes) and AZ (~11,000 votes) he would have lost the EC, 279 to 259. Do you really believe that Michigan cheated 150,000 votes, PA cheated 80,000 votes and WI cheated 21,000 votes? And that no one can find how they cheated??

    Both chambers are Republican controlled in AZ, WI and GA. PA has a Republican Senate and a 1 vote advantage in their House. MI has a Dem Senate and a tie in the House.

    An aside… Some 80% of election officials are women. Do you feel/believe that women are more dishonest than men? And that Black women are more dishonest than White women?

    The 2020 Democracy Fund/Reed College Survey of Local Election Officials found that almost 75 percent of these officials are over age 50, 80 percent are women, and

    over 90 percent are white (and non-Hispanic)

    . Almost half had a college degree or even further education, and 44 percent identified as Republican — compared to 33 percent who identified as Democrat and 22 percent who described themselves as Independent (among the 72 percent of respondents who shared any party identification).

  5. RW says:

    Ed must be William’s great-great-great-great grandfather.

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