1 Million Miami Residents Could Relocate In “Climate Gentrification” Or Something

Funny how The Science looks more like a crystal ball reader at the fall fair. And somehow this hot cult garbage ended up in what used to be a responsible magazine, Scientific American

‘Climate Gentrification’ Will Displace One Million People in Miami Alone

More than half of the 2.6 million residents in the Miami area will experience “climate gentrification” and pressure to relocate if sea levels rise by 40 inches, according to a study published Monday.

Rising oceans will push many coastal residents inland, where they will force an increase in housing costs that could displace as many as 56 percent of households in Miami-Dade County, according to the study published in the journal Environmental Research Letters.

“Markets are aligning with the idea that there is a higher flood risk in these lower lying areas,” Nadia Seeteram, the lead author of the study and a researcher at the Columbia Climate School, said in an interview. “The areas that happened to be gentrifying also happened to be among some of the higher-elevated areas” and that are “homes to historically marginalized communities.”

In Miami-Dade, many minority neighborhoods with lower income levels sit higher than rich beachfront areas. Miami’s famous Little Haiti neighborhood, which is 10 feet above sea level and where nearly half the residents live below the poverty line, has experienced a recent surge in development and property values, raising concerns about displacement.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, white rich folks moving poor black people (isn’t funny how liberals always think minorities are low income? Isn’t that belief rather racist?) out in gentrification as the climate cult takes over that leftist term. But, let’s just skip to the actual measured data, shall we?

Say, it’ll take around 350 years for 40 inches, any by that point the climate will most likely have already flipped to a Holocene cool period. Virginia Key is right there at Miami.

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6 Responses to “1 Million Miami Residents Could Relocate In “Climate Gentrification” Or Something”

  1. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Mr Teach types: (isn’t funny how liberals always think minorities are low income?)

    Where in the world would liberals get that idea? Reality? Facts? Truth?

    from the Census (we know, we know… nuCons don’t trust the United States to supply the truth…)

    Non-Hispanic White householders had a median household wealth of $187,300, compared with $14,100 for Black householders and $31,700 for Hispanic householders.

    Asian householders had a median household wealth of $206,400, which is not statistically different from the estimate for non-Hispanic White householders.

    Of all the racial groups, Black Americans have the lowest median household income of all groups, with Black households making about 65% of white households.

  2. L'Roy White says:

    Of all the racial groups, Black Americans have the lowest median household income of all groups, with Black households making about 65% of white households.

    And yet if they were we own country we’d be the richest Black Country in the history of the earth.

    But putting that aside we can see what hundreds of years of Democrat rule has done to the black people of America. Had we stayed republican like we started out after the civil war when republicans freed us from the slavery of the Democrats our families would still be intact, our lives would be longer lived, our wealth would be greater, our education better and our communities not full of crime and drugs. Those are the things that were given to us by the Democrats that run our cities and keep us in the shackles of welfare and the dole.

    Democrats destroyed our families, they destroyed our church, they destroyed our income, they destroyed our education. And all they do is walk around telling us how grateful we should be to them for putting us in a second rate class of servitude once removed from the shackles of slavery.

    By the way I think a difference of $20,000 between Asians and whites is quite statistically different. It’s different enough to be greater than the total amount for blacks. Wouldn’t you consider that statistically different? Or do you just copy down all the BS that your goofy websites tell you without even thinking about it? It’s alright to copy and paste but sometimes you gotta put some brain power into it. We know, when you’re copying communist information it’s all the truth right commissar Elwood?

  3. H says:

    Teach is assuming that the ride in sea levels will resemble that which has occured over the last 100 years

    However obviously looking at that graph that the dea level rate of increase is now much faster
    That should be obvious even to Teach

  4. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Mr White,

    You may not understand what “statistically significant” means. In this case, it means the apparent difference between the Asian and White Wealth (not household income) may not actually be different.

    I suspect the differences between household income is statistically significant.

    Do you really believe the US Census Bureau is communist??

    We understand your anger at white America and the economic/political system that has kept Black Americans poor.

    • Jl says:

      Good one-“economical and political system that has kept the Blacks poor..”
      What would that be? Funny, didn’t seem to affect Asians who have been discriminated against at colleges for decades and Hispanics, who according to your statistics have over twice the household income as Blacks do. What is a predicator though is single parent households, as Blacks have almost a 75% illegitimacy rate. That of course has nothing to do with the economical or political system but is cultural

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