Illinois is just working to drive citizens away, and raising the cost of living for the ones who don’t, eh?
Illinois lawmakers pass bill to require new homes be equipped to handle EV charging stations
Newly constructed homes in Illinois would be required to include the infrastructure needed for electric vehicle charging stations under a bill now on Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s desk.
The “Electric Vehicle Charging Act,” passed by the state House Thursday on a party-line 69-38 vote after earlier approval by the Senate, requires that new single-family or small multifamily homes offer at least “one EV-capable parking space for each residential unit that has dedicated parking.” A large multifamily residential building must “have 100% of its total parking spaces EV-capable.”
“This is a bill that reflects our future, and future-proofs the future with electric vehicles in this state,” Democratic state Sen. Sara Feigenholtz, who represents Chicago’s Lakeview community and was the chief sponsor of this bill, told the Tribune. “This sort of trickles down to my constituents.”
This will make housing more expensive, especially apartment buildings. Did anyone in the news media ask Pritzker and the people who voted for this if they themselves are driving EVs now?
Republican state Rep. Travis Weaver took issue with that reasoning from Feigenholtz, noting that it was led in both chambers by lawmakers who represent parts of Chicago’s North Side and does not suit the interests of all Illinois residents.
“If less than 1% of cars on the road are EVs, and less than 0.1% of cars in my district are EVs, I just don’t see why we’re having people in downstate Illinois pay for this infrastructure,” said Weaver, who represents a swath of central Illinois.
Climate cultists do not care
Gabel said that would not be considered, and clarified that developers would only be required to pay for the wiring that could allow for a charging system to be installed. She said the cost for that is minimal.
“Less than $1,000 is what we’ve been told,” she said.
Or, bear with me here, homeowners could pay to install it themselves if they get an EV. Where it will really hurt is apartments.
Pritzker has been a strong advocate for clean energy. In 2021 he signed a bill that increases incentives aimed at increasing EV production and he has stated a goal of ensuring that there are 1 million electric cars in the state by 2030.
Yet, I cannot find anywhere that says he drives one.

While I don’t like it as a regulation, if I were a builder, I would do this on all residential construction, because it increases potential value.
If the house has a garage, the additional cost to run the receptacle for the charging unit simply isn’t that much, under $100 if the receptacle is close to the breaker panel. As you get further away from the panel, well 6-gauge copper wire is expensive, and that’s what you need for a NEMA 14-50 receptacle. However, depending on the design of the house, it might still be cheaper to have the breaker panel located more centrally, to spend less on wiring for the rest of the home.
As for apartment buildings, it will be a lot more expensive, because this would require underground conduit to wherever the dedicated parking spaces are, plus secure, weatherproof receptacles, and connections which could not be tampered with by kids or stupid Democrats. These receptacles would have to be powered down from inside the home, to keep other people from stealing your power. There’s really a lot that would have to be done for the security of the system.
The churlish Mr Dana typed:
It’s more likely the same sort of Repugs who shoot Bud Light in protest would destroy the connections!!
Seems Rimjob forgot the admonishment from Teach about getting personal.
Only took one day. Can’t help himself apparently.

Bbwaha! Lolgf
Our gracious host, Mr Teach called for “toning down personal insults“, not personal comments.
BTW, who’s Rimjob?
Did you know the term rimjob refers to oral-anal sex?? That seems almost personally insulting if you were to call someone that.
If the astute Mr Dana is upset by churlish, I offer my sincere apologies. But calling Democrats ‘stupid’ could qualify is being churlish, too (and in my defense I DID use the ‘wink’ emoji).
If I had called him Rimjob or a pedophile, that would be a personal insult and uncalled for! But I would rarely personally insult the scholarly Mr Dana who rarely personally insults others, unlike others who frequent this site. Don’t get me wrong, Mr Dana and I are political opposites, and some of the differences are apparently unresolvable, but as spirited as the debates are the usually are civil.
Again, I apologize if ‘chu
#Bwaha! Lolgf
Dear Elwood:
Looks like dislike for Tranny beer has spread from Nashville to Left Town Boston.
“Boston Red Sox fans at Fenway Park are seemingly walking past Bud Light vendors to purchase their stadium refreshments at other concession stands as the Dylan Mulvaney controversy continues to saddle the beer maker.
A TikTok video posted Wednesday shows fans waiting in line while the adjacent stand that appears to be selling the blue Bud Light cans is deserted.
“Fenway Park Bud Light stand Ghost Town!” wrote Luis Tejada, a Massachusetts-based real estate agent who posted the video, which has generated more than 1.2 million views as of Thursday.”
Thanks for the heads up! I’m not a fan of Bud Light either!
Just about every Boston MA Samuel Adams beer is better than any AB beer.
I couldn’t tell what they were selling at the other stand, could you?
Keep up the good work, my friend!
It’s actually a pretty good idea for new construction. That pre-supposes that the construction includes owned parking or garage space. This can’t work in coties where people park in multi-level public garages or on the street. Imagine all those potential hobby welders having a good place to plug in their Harbor Freight 240v TIG welders. Nothing bad could happen from all those people using all that electricity in residential areas. Or perhaps the gov can require a special plug that only EV cars can use.