I can’t find in the Bible where it says to force Other People to practice what you preach while you don’t
Opinion: How a misreading of the Bible fuels many Americans’ apathy about climate change
Christian theology and global politics can make strange bedfellows. Consider the intimate relationship between fundamentalist expectations of Jesus’ return and market-driven disregard for the environment.
The affair became public back in 1981, when Ronald Reagan’s newly minted Interior secretary, James Watt — once known for suing the department he went on to lead — was testifying before a House committee. Watt was asked whether he was committed to “save some of our resources … for our children?”
You know if there’s a long setup, then the whole thing will be wackadoodle cult mule fritters. Several more paragraphs and
The Watt hearing brought public scrutiny to the relationship between religion and environmental policy, but it was not the end of the affair. American evangelicals are still disproportionately uninterested in climate change and other environmental issues. Their apathy is driven not only by their well-documented distrust of science but also by a specific eschatological belief that Jesus is coming soon to bring history to a rather climactic end. Most evangelicals believe this is simply what the Bible teaches, especially in the Book of Revelation.
Sigh. These people
And it’s not just evangelicals. Popular evangelical culture — including Hal Lindsey’s bestselling 1970 book “The Late Great Planet Earth” and, more recently, Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins’ blockbuster “Left Behind” novels (with movie spinoffs) — has led many more Americans to believe the Bible predicts our imminent end. Although evangelicals emphatically believe these predictions, and non-evangelicals decidedly do not, it’s broadly assumed that this is indeed what the Bible predicts.
In fact, Scripture says no such thing, either in Revelation or in any other book. This is widely known among historical scholars of the Bible but scarcely at all outside our ranks.
Most people are not looking to the Bible on ‘climate change’. They’re looking at what the leftists are reading and following, The Communist Manifesto, and realizing this is an authoritarian, doomsday cult scam.
If a significant portion of the voting public believes the end of our civilization is just 40 years off, why worry about the environment? Why support the Paris climate agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to zero by 2050? It’s no surprise that believers in the Second Coming are significantly more likely to oppose governmental attempts to fight climate change.
That this view is based on a misinterpretation of the Bible suggests that religious expertise has never been more crucial to humankind. Who would have thought that serious biblical scholarship could help preserve the ice caps and stem the rising seas? Could it thereby contribute to our collective salvation after all?
It can only help. Let’s spread the word before it’s too late.
Why would any of us believe your cultists when you do not practice what you preach?

BIDENS BANKING CRISIS! Are we building back better yet?
On Monday JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon announced the banking crisis was over.
This was after JPMorgan Chase was allowed to purchase the assets from failed First Republic Bank.
On Tuesday, stocks plunged for several regional banks.
1. PacWest, $PACW: -30%
2. Western Alliance, $WAL: -25%
3. Metropolitan Bank, $MCB: -21%
4. HomeStreet, $HMST: -15%
5. Zions Bank, $ZION: -10%
6. KeyCorp, $KEY: -7%
7. HarborOne, $HONE: -6%
8. Citizens Financial, $CFG: -5%
Via The Kobeissi Letter.
US Regional Bank Stocks Today:
1. PacWest, $PACW: -30%
2. Western Alliance, $WAL: -25%
3. Metropolitan Bank, $MCB: -21%
4. HomeStreet, $HMST: -15%
5. Zions Bank, $ZION: -10%
6. KeyCorp, $KEY: -7%
7. HarborOne, $HONE: -6%
8. Citizens Financial, $CFG: -5%
The worst part?…
— The Kobeissi Letter (@KobeissiLetter) May 2, 2023
Dozens of regional bank stocks are plunging today, as the bank crisis continues to gain momentum.
PacWest, $PACW: -36%
Western Alliance, $WAL: -31%
Metropolitan Bank, $MCB: -27%
HomeStreet, $HMST: -23%
Zions Bank, $ZION: -15%
KeyCorp, $KEY: -9%
HarborOne, $HONE: -10%… pic.twitter.com/TxKZIhFe85
— WhaleWire (@WhaleWire) May 2, 2023
The worst is NOT over.
Absolute bloodbath in regional banks, led by the two I flagged yesterday: PacWest (down 25%) and Western Alliance (down 19%).
No worries, last month Janet told us the banking system is safe, and just the other day Dimon said the worst is over ????https://t.co/XJikH6FJqA
— Peter St Onge, Ph.D. (@profstonge) May 2, 2023
It was another rough day for banks.
Via Reuters.
Los Angeles-based PacWest tumbled by more than 27%. It is ranked 53rd among U.S. lenders with $41.2 billion in assets as of the end of last year, according to Federal Reserve data.
Phoenix, Arizona-based lender Western Alliance, the No. 40 U.S. bank with $68 billion in assets, sank 15% while Cleveland, Ohio-based KeyCorp (KEY.N), the 20th largest bank with $188 billion in assets, fell 9%.
Comerica (CMA.N), a Dallas, Texas-based bank ranked 37th among U.S. lenders with $86 billion in assets, shed 12%. Columbus, Georgia-based Synovus Financial Corp (SNV.N), with $60 billion in assets and ranked the 42nd U.S. biggest bank, lost nearly 7%.
Valley National Bankcorp (VLY.O), which owns Valley National Bank based in Passaic, New Jersey and is the 43rd largest lender with $57 billion in assets, closed 3% lower after shedding more than 20% on Monday.
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Only 15 U.S. banks failed 2017-2020. Good work, Chubby Don!
Almena State Bank Almena KS
First City Bank of Florida Fort Walton Beach FL
The First State Bank Barboursville WV
Ericson State Bank Ericson NE
City National Bank of New Jersey Newark NJ
Resolute Bank Maumee OH
Louisa Community Bank Louisa KY
The Enloe State Bank Cooper TX
Washington Federal Bank for Savings Chicago IL
The Farmers and Merchants State Bank of Argonia Argonia KS
Fayette County Bank Saint Elmo IL
Guaranty Bank Milwaukee WI
First NBC Bank New Orleans LA
Proficio Bank Cottonwood Heights UT
Seaway Bank and Trust Company Chicago IL
Tell me Elwood, did those banks fail because of policy of Trump? Cause the banks failing now are failing due to pedo joe policies.
We realize you’re crazy over the impending crisis with young Hunter and the massive evidence being prepared proving daddy pedo accepted bribes but lets get the cause and effect straight in these failures. Just like 70% of Covid deaths were WITH Covid not FROM Covid, just because banks fail during a tenure does not mean it was caused by the tenure. With this incompetent fuck up now the banks are failing because like our economy bidin is a failure. A total fucking failure and he should be removed. At minimum. Prosecuted would be ideal.
The damage to America currently being done by you and your fellow communists can’t be accidental. That makes it treason.
CarolAnn you are dead on concerning Elwood and the Left in general.
But, you are not right here….. “Just like 70% of Covid deaths were WITH Covid not FROM Covid…..
The Cause of Death assignment works like this.
If the patient is being successfully treated for a disease and then catches Covid and dies, the COD is Covid.
Diabetes, COPD, pneumonia are examples of treatable diseases that COVID finishes off the patient.
Again… hatred and anger. We understand your frustration.
Let’s see… under Chubby, 15 banks failed during the greatest economy evuh! 15 banks/4 years = 3.8/yr.
Under Uncle Brandon… 3 banks/2.5 yr = 1.2/yr.
If Hunter Biden is charged and convicted, so be it.
Let’s see… You feel Trump won the 2020 election. You feel Brandon is accepting bribes.
You’re delusional.
The mechanism for removing a President is impeachment and conviction. After that, an ex- can be tried for crimes, just as ex-prez Chubby is now.
Treason can be punishable by death. Would you like the government to execute me?
40% of Americans believe we’re living in end times. 63% of Evangelicals believe so. 45% of Repubs do.
If you think the world will end within the next 40 years of so, there’s no need to plan ahead!!
Dear Elwood:
Lewis typed:
Here ya go.
Most evangelicals identify as conservative Repubicuns, who almost to every soul, reject/deny the theory of global warming. Not every Repubicun is evangelical.
Is it possible that the End Times beliefs influence influence evangelical’s beliefs on global warming?
Is it possible that conservative religious beliefs drive their opposition to science?
Dear Elwood:
The Pew poll says 52% of Democrats do not believe in Jesus.
Now I understand the Democrats saying it’s okay to mutilate children, abort living babies at the time of birth…
And the correct number is 10% of all US citizens believe Jesus will definitely/probably return and we are in “end times.”
So, Bullshit.
Is it possible that Lefties are assholes?
Why yes. Very possible.
Lewis typed:
Where did you find that number?
Lewis typed (changing the subject in the process):
You are either lying or misreading the data. We suspect you’re lying as you are clearly becoming increasingly upset. 23% of Dems/Lean Dem respondents replied they didn’t “believe” in Jesus.
Mutilate children? Such as circumcision in male babies…
Abort living babies at birth? Name a Democrat who supports this, please.
9% of Repubicuns said they didn’t believe in Jesus. Do they favor mutilation of children and murder of born babies?
As an agnostic, I find the messages of Jesus to be valuable. Kindness, tolerance, acceptance, realness, strength…
“Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them” (Matthew 7:12)
“Verily, verily, I say unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord; neither he that is sent greater than he that sent him.” (John 13:16)
“But whoever has this world’s goods, and sees his brother in need, and shuts up his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him?” (1 John 3:17)
“And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.” (Matthew 19:24)
“For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me. Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink? When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee? Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee? And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” (Matthew 25:34-40)
“I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. They are so unlike your Christ.” – Gandhi
But as a communist they are of little use to your political goals. We understand. Stalin was the same way.
And you’re not an agnostic, you’re a commie pagan because politics is your religion and communism is your politics. You’re also an anti Christian bigot just like that piss drinker Gandhi. You pagans always use that as an excuse for your unfounded hate. What have Christians done to you?
Quoting text like the devil puts you on the same level as Jim Jones. It means nothing to us.
Never trust an interpretation of the Bible by someone who doesn’t believe in it in the first place.
Do you trust the Pew poll?
Dear Elwood:
You wrote: “Where did you find that number?”
From the same article you linked to BUT DID NOT READ. First column on the left, very top.
You wrote: “You are either lying or misreading the data. We suspect you’re lying as you are clearly becoming increasingly upset. 23% of Dems/Lean Dem respondents replied they didn’t “believe” in Jesus.’ Last column on the right, about middle of the page. 52% is the number.
You wrote: “Mutilate children? Such as circumcision in male babies…”
I was thinking of breast removal of teenage girls, and making fake vaginas on boys. Of course if you want to claim that is equivalent to a religious commandment, be my guest.
You wrote: “Abort living babies at birth? Name a Democrat who supports this, please.”
“In the latest push from Republicans to advance a federal ban on abortion after 20 weeks and a requirement for doctors to treat infants born after an attempted abortion, U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, spoke in favor of the efforts from the Senate floor.
In his remarks, Cruz urged his Democratic colleagues to support these kinds of “common sense propositions,” a departure from the party’s “extreme” position on abortion.
Neither bill — versions of which GOP lawmakers have attempted to pass several times over multiple years — was approved.”
You are a sad sad puppy.
You misread the tables. You conflated ‘End Times’ with ‘Jesus definitely/probably will return’.
39% of those surveyed agreed we are in ‘End Times’.
23% of Dem/Lean Dem ‘don’t believe in Jesus’.
‘Gods’ command followers to do all sorts of peculiar things. clitorectomy, circumcision, subservience of women, hatred/persecution of others (killing queers), anti-science, forced birth, anti-birth control, oppose rights of children…
You excuse the mutilation of infant boys because God? Hold it. Do you think religious commandments should supersede our laws??
Born alive …
Homicide is already against the law! If a living baby results from miscarriage or abortion all reasonable efforts should be used to assure survival OR comfort care provided if survival is not expected. Period. Every state has laws against homicide. You’re not advocating that dying (i.e., Lethal congenital malformations; anencephaly, renal agenesis) babies be intubated, ventilated, receive intravenous infusions, cardioversion, kidney transplants, are you? Comfort care is keeping the baby comfortable and pain-free as they die.
Sad, sad puppy is not much of an argument!
Dear Elwood:
You wrote: “40% of Americans believe we’re living in end times. 63% of Evangelicals believe so. 45% of Repubs do.
“End Times” means that Jesus is going to return. That means that you have to believe in J. esus if you believe in “End Times.” You can’t have 1 without the other. Period. That’s 10% of all US citizens, 21% of Evangelicals, 12% Republicans, per the poll.
You now write: “39% of those surveyed agreed we are in ‘End Times’. 23% of Dem/Lean Dem ‘don’t believe in Jesus’. The poll says 10% and 52%.
You obviously haven’t read the article. Instead you relied on the URL description “….about-four-in-ten-u-s-adults-believe-humanity-is-living-in-the-end-times/” The description is wrong.
“In an NR article yesterday and in a tweet thread today, John McCormack has done an excellent job exposing how extreme Democratic leader Chuck Schumer’s so-called Women’s Health Protection Act is: imposing a right to abortion through all nine months of pregnancy; invalidating broadly popular state laws on parental consent, parental notification, and informed consent; enabling abortions on the basis of race, sex, and disability; gutting conscience and religious-liberty protections for religious hospitals and doctors; and laying the groundwork for requiring states to fund Medicaid abortions”
Sad puppy?? That was a description, not an argument.
BTW – If I remember correctly, Democratic Horny Dog Clinton vetoed two bills banning partial birth aboprtion.
You should read the article where the respondents were asked “Do you believe we are living in end times?” 39% answered yes. It’s in the first histogram. See where it says 39% Yes?
In the second histogram, where they ask, “Do you believe Jesus will return to Earth one day?” Note the 3 color break-deown in the responses. Blue = YES. Orange = NO. Gray = I don’t believe in Jesus. For Democrat/lean Dem. the breakdown is 45% Blue (YES), 30% Orange (NO), 23% Gray (I don’t believe in Jesus). 9% of Republicans don’t believe in Jesus.
You cited the table where it says 52% of Democrats/lean Dem. who don’t believe in Jesus + don’t believe Jesus will return.
Do you see that now?
To recap: 23% of Dems/lean Dem do not believe in Jesus.
39% of Americans think we are living in end times.
Now, please F off.
Dear Elwood:
Use the poll, not someone’s opinion.
Now, I would never F you, but I have a friend who likes men. Can I arrange something??
You’ve become a full fledged liar. Why?
Oh well.
Dearest Elwood:
The poll is there for anyone to read.
Dearest Elwood:
The poll is there for anyone to read.