I’m sure all the criminals will not use these banned weapons, right?
Senate passes ban on assault weapons. Here’s what would be banned under the law
Senate lawmakers voted 27-21 Saturday afternoon for House Bill 1240, which bans the purchase and sale of assault weapons in the state of Washington.
The bill was sponsored by Rep. Strom Peterson, D-Edmonds, and co-sponsored by 25 other Democratic lawmakers in the House at the request of Gov. Jay Inslee and Attorney General Bob Ferguson.
“Young people are taking to the streets and will hold us accountable if we don’t do something,” said Sen. Patty Kuderer, D-Bellevue. “When we’re talking about mass shootings and the killing of people quickly and without warning, we’re talking about assault weapons. And that’s why we’re here today, we’re here to say: enough is enough.”
The bill will need to go back to the House chamber where it originated for concurrence on Senate amendments before it can be signed by Gov. Jay Inslee. The legislation contains an emergency clause that would render it effective immediately upon a signature from the governor.
HB 1240 would prohibit the “manufacture, importation, distribution, sale, or offer for sale of any assault weapon.” Some exceptions for licensed firearm manufacturers and dealers are baked into the legislation, allowing law enforcement agencies to continue to purchase from firearms dealers and manufacturers, for instance.
Exceptions are included for those who inherit an assault weapon, and the bill would not regulate possession for Washingtonians who currently own an assault weapon.
There’s a long list of firearms that will no longer be allowed to purchased in the state. Notice that you, the private citizen, are banned, but, dealers can still sell to Government, like, say, for protection of the members of the general assembly and the governor. It would be fun if all the dealers in the state refused to sell to government. Same with manufacturers.
The legislation further defines assault weapons as “semiautomatic rifles with an overall length of less than 30 inches; conversion kits and parts that can be used to assemble an assault weapon or convert a firearm into an assault weapon, if the parts are in the possession of or under the control of the same person; semiautomatic centerfire rifles that have the capacity to accept a detachable magazine and have one or more additional features listed in the bill; semiautomatic centerfire rifles with a fixed magazine with the capacity to accept more than ten rounds; semiautomatic pistols that have the capacity to accept a detachable magazine and have one or more additional features listed in the bill; semiautomatic shotguns that have one or more additional features listed in the bill.”
It really won’t interfere with pistols, but, there’s already a lot of laws that make it really difficult for citizens to purchase them, and, hey, the GA will get around to working on bans soon. There’s a list of those rifles banned, and many are never used by nutjobs, such as the Heckler & Koch PSG-1, which is a semi-auto sniper rifle. Which goes for $12k-$15k, and there are only around 400 in the US, mostly in law enforcement hands. And the Springfield Armory M-21 sniper, the newest version of the old M14. Most of these rifles are never used for any crime.
This will all make zero difference in criminals using firearms for crime.

Teach has never explained why the scales are so different between the scary and non-scary rifles. Trigger guards, barrel diameter… Why the differences? Did he photoshop this to make them seem similar? Well, yes. Assault weapons are designed around the the low recoil, ‘people killer’, .223 (5.56mm) caliber rifle round. They tend to be lighter, shorter and easier to handle than standard hunting* type rifles. They have semi-automatic action and importantly are designed to dissipate barrel heat to enable shooting hundreds of rounds (also note the large, easily changed magazine). If you need 30 rounds to kill a deer, you need more practice.
Just as state by state abortion bans aren’t perfect (which is why Idaho is banning out of state travel for women), state assault weapon bans aren’t perfect. Washington will not have border guards checking for contraband. Will Idaho border guards administer pregnancy tests to women of child bearing age leaving and entering Idaho?
*Some mass murder deniers deny that such a thing as hunting rifles exist, but are being disengenuous just as deniers deny that they know what ‘assault weapon’ means. The lower rifle in Teach’s photoshopped graphic is a hunting rifle, the upper an assault weapon. And even the lower rifle (semi-auto .223 hunting rifle) is not common, nor recommended for much more than varmmint shooting. Here’s a real hunting rifle available in .243 Win to .338 Win Mag.
Funny to NOT see the Ruger Mini-14 on the list as even psycho Nancy Pelosi has always had it on her list. And you can buy all the accessories for it to make it look “scary” too. LOL
Yep, going to solve all problems by restricting guns, to law abiding people. Makes us think the politicians care or are doing something. So the issue stops there. The problem is not guns, or number of bullets, or capacity of magazines. The problem is a lack of law from the fake president to the scum city counsels. No one desires to treat crazy people except on the streets, or really teach kids anything other than that boys can be girls. Time to split the sheets.
More Guns, Less Crime!!
What don’t the gun grabbers understand about this simple truth?
America’s problem isn’t too many guns but too few!!!
If everyone carried an AR-15 style rifle when out, do you think anyone would give them sh!t? Only once!!
For formal affairs (cousin dates, dog fights, punkin’ chunkins’, beer brawls, mud wrasslin’, demolition derby, cockfights, 4-wheelin’, cross burnin’, drag racin’, tractor pullin’, poachin’, noodlin’ etc) carry a tasteful holstered pistol, like the always appropriate and elegant Walther PPK. All manufacturers have small offerings now.
Rimjob is the most careless spewer of provable errors here at the Cove.
It’s as if he has nothing better to do with his time.

Such a sick clown.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Ah, Shawt Stuff. Please point out the provable error in the comment.
Is it More guns, Less Crime!?
Gun deaths (including suicides) on a per capita basis were 16.3 per 100,000 in 1974, for 2020 they were 13.6 per 100,000.
The link of course doesn’t work..
1974 was the highest total in the last 60 years so it’s no surprise it’s less now.
Both suicides and homicides plummeted starting in the early 90s. Firearms homicides shot up starting in 2014.