This was just a few months ago
Bodies of water all over North America are drying up due to drought, climate change: Experts
And there are plenty blaming climate apocalypse on rivers, streams, ponds, and lakes drying up. Now
Lake levels are rising across the world and climate change is to blame
ON THE shores of Lake Baringo in Kenya, a slow-motion disaster is unfolding. For the past decade, the water has been steadily rising, swallowing homes, shops, health centres, latrines, electricity supplies, farmland, tourist resorts and more. Malaria, cholera, typhoid and dysentery are increasing. Wildlife is under threat; conflict has broken out between people and animals and old grievances between neighbouring groups have resurfaced.
Since it started rising, Baringo’s surface area has more than doubled, and it isn’t alone. Right across the East African Rift valley, lake water is creeping over animal and human heads. And where East Africa leads, much of the rest of the world is following. North America’s Great Lakes have been rising too. Overall, lakes the world over have expanded to occupy an extra 46,000 square kilometres of space since 1984, roughly the area of Denmark.
When we talk about inland water bodies, dwindling ones such as the Aral Sea in central Asia, Lake Chad in central Africa and the Great Salt Lake in Utah dominate the conversation. But the global trend is actually the opposite. The cause of these increases has been debated for years, but the consensus has now settled on the real culprit: us. You have probably fretted about impending sea-level rise. Welcome to the untold story of another human-made catastrophe in the making: lake-level rise.
See? No matter the question, the answer is always anthropogenic climate change. Doesn’t matter where it is around the world, they’ll find a way to blame ACC. Consensus is not science. Facts, data, testing, that’s science. But, again, this is not about science. Never was.
It couldn’t possibly have anything to do with land use, urbanization, land changes, right? It’s not like part of Kenya is dominated by a tectonic plate, which created the Great Rift Valley and lots of volcanoes, right?

Aral Sea is an amazing sight to see. All the maps show it’s original size and boundaries. You don’t see the actual size until you go looking for the satellite pics. And in that case it is totally true that it is human caused. Specifically, Communist human caused. Same with destruction of marshlands in Iraq.
Who coulda predicted more floods and more droughts from global warming?
Since global warming is real and um, global, many aspects of life are impacted.
And if you think 1.8°F is bad, just wait until it’s 3.6°F!!
Humanity will survive, but it will be a different world!
Dear Elwood:
So GW is causing everything.
Who would have thunk it??
Not you. You can’t think.
Funny-“who would have predicted…”. Again, who would have thought there’s no proof of this being anything but natural events?
So we’re worried about droughts but now it’s rising lake levels? A hypothesis that can’t be falsified isn’t a hypothesis at all..
Climate catastrophies in the past-natural causes or ACC?
No research needed; just listen to CNN.
What a poseur.
Ignorance becomes you!
The facts about nuDemocommies and their policies. I song.
Harvey is just playing.
Received a photo this morning from southern Arizona, there is three inches of snow on the ground there.
I is going to stay good and cold for another 30 days up north in the flatlands.
Hasn’t changed in over 70 years.
SC25 is a Maunder Minimum and this winter is colder than hell. Ice everywhere.
I’ll let you know when it finally warms up.
It is going to stay good and cold…
Northern China had record cold temperatures this winter.
The Mandan along the Missouri stayed in their earthen lodges all winter, more or less.
Lewis and Clark were there to mosey on up to the Great Divide.
During the last Ice Age in Missoula, Montana, a lake formed behind an ice dam that built up in the valley, it kept on growing and when it warmed up enough during the summer months 15,000 years ago, the ice dam burst and sent a wall of water of gargantuan proportions across eastern Washington and then dumped into Pacific waters.
The mother of all lake levels rising.