Remember, this is all about Science
This Philly drag show tackles climate change — on ice
On a cold, sunny morning at an ice rink along the Delaware River in Philadelphia, a live band plays a ballad. A Zamboni clears the rink, and Sam Rise, a performance artist in a big blue penguin mascot costume, skates out on the ice — hyping the audience up for a show unlike anything they’ve seen before.
“Are you ready, Philadelphia? Are you excited about drag? Are you excited about climate change?” they shout. “I mean, fighting climate change with drag!”
The show is a camp comedy about climate change by the Bearded Ladies Cabaret, a queer arts organization in Philly.
“The premise of the story is climate change is … such a huge issue, it’s almost as impossible as getting drag queens to skate on ice,” said John Jarboe, founding artistic director of the Bearded Ladies Cabaret. Jarboe wrote the show with another local artist, MK Tuomanen, along with help from local climate activist groups.
The protagonist — and antagonist — of the show is Miss Hugh Manity. She wants to stop warming the planet, but she has a hard time breaking away from her “girl gang” of fossil fuels: Mx. Coal, Mr. Oil, and Mx. Natural Gas.
Oh, good grief, I just can’t read anymore after that. It can’t possibly get more batshit insane, can it? Of course it could.
Hugh Manity tries to buy her way out of climate change with carbon credits, but that doesn’t work.
Eventually, a character called Nonbinary Parental Guardian Nature tells Hugh Manity she can’t keep making everything about herself.
“I am noticing a difference and feel wildly overwhelmed by it,” Jarboe said.
The show aims to build a “shared space” for both this climate anxiety and climate hope.
“Especially for the young folks, the younger generation, who we’ve fracked over,” Jarboe said.
So, basically, indoctrination into the climate cult and gender confused insanity.

Many Gex seem to have suffered traumatizing emotional damage from watching Flip Wilson. Doing drag as Geraldine
Johnny-as opposed to this generation suffering traumatizing emotional damage from a CO2 molecule? Such as yourself?
Stay strong, brother…
Often cited as the funniest movie ever, “Some Like It Hot”, was all about drag! And this was over 60 years ago!!
If you recall, Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon were dressed as Josephine and Daphne, part of an all-woman jazz band. Worse, Marilyn Monroe fell for Josephine – scandalous!
The Teach protests too much, methinks! LOL.
Groomer Elwood – I think the sea levels are not cooperating with your lying Masters:
“Grounded gondolas and miserable tourists in Venice as canals run dry….”
This fact is all over the net.
Dear Elwood:
I don’t know. I didn’t see the movie when it was in theaters and found it only mildly amusing on TV.
Does that make a hater??
But, as usual, you miss the point. It is the grooming of children that we object to.
I’m with you. I didn’t find it that funny either.
Can you explain what “grooming” of children means?
Every gay person in America was “groomed” as a straight person. What went wrong?
Dear Elwood:
The vast majority of everyone in America don’t give a flip what people do in private. They just want to not have their children exposed to things that are outside the “normal” track.
Cross dressing is not normal. Drag shows for children are not normal.
Of course since you have no idea as to what normal is you can’t understand.
: conforming to a type, standard, or regular pattern : characterized by that which is considered usual, typical, or routine
Red hair is not normal. Green eyes are not normal. Left-handedness is not normal. Socks with sandals are not normal. Wearing MAGA hats is not normal. Make-up for men is not normal. Pregnancy is not normal. Smashing windows is not normal. Chanting “Kill Mike Pence” is not normal. For now, school shootings are not normal. Feeling that Donald Trump won the 2020 election is not normal.
Do you feel/believe that seeing cross-dressers “grooms” children to cross dress or become gay?
Do you feel/believe that seeing/hearing about children and teachers being shot “grooms” children to violence?
Does exposing children to the falsehood that Biden won the election by cheating “groom” children to distrust democracy?
Do you think Jim Hoft, the Gateway Pudendum, was exposed to a drag show as a kid? Did that make him the “way” he is today?
[…] Pirates Cove- FINALLY! Gender Dysfunction Syndrome vs Climate Change! […]
According to the nuRight, America’s worst problems appear to be: some men wearing dresses i.e. “grooming” kids, books mentioning Henry Aaron’s or Roberto Clemente’s troubles with white racists, books describing LGBTQ people i.e. “grooming”, and people criticizing right-wing disinformation.
What the nuRight (white Christian nationalists) really fear is children being “groomed” to think for themselves; for middle schoolers to be able to read Black Like Me (J.H. Griffin, 1961) to understand what white America did to Black Americans; to read Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee (Dee Brown, 1970) to begin to understand what white America did to Native Americans, to read My Maddy (GE Pitman, 2020) where kids can read there are many types of families, to read Wild and Crooked (L Thomas, 2019, to better understand living with disabilities, or to read Zara Hossain Is Here (S Khan, 2021) to learn more about Muslim life in America. America has a history, very often great but sometimes not. We can learn from both the great and not so so great. The United States of America is a beacon for freedom, democracy, fierce independence, decency and global concern.
The right-wing book burners use the issue as a political shillelagh ignoring that kids today have access to facebook, tiktok, Google, Instagram etc enabling viewing the absolute worst of humanity. Burning books is signalling.
: conforming to a type, standard, or regular pattern : characterized by that which is considered usual, typical, or routine
Red hair is not normal. Green eyes are not normal. Left-handedness is not normal. Socks with sandals are not normal. Wearing MAGA hats is not normal. Make-up for men is not normal. Pregnancy is not normal. Smashing windows is not normal. Chanting “Kill Mike Pence” is not normal. For now, school shootings are not normal. Feeling that Donald Trump won the 2020 election is not normal.
Do you feel/believe that seeing cross-dressers “grooms” children to cross dress or become gay?
Do you feel/believe that seeing/hearing about children and teachers being shot “grooms” children to violence?
Does exposing children to the falsehood that Biden won the election by cheating “groom” children to distrust democracy?
Are these (white Christian nationalists) with you now? Are they under your bed or in your closet or attic along with Q and Proud Boys and Chucky? Have these (white Christian nationalists) co-opted the schools in every state to propagandize about all those stupid things you claim?
Will you please tell us where these (white Christian nationalists) meet? Is it weekly or monthly? Do they wear uniforms like ANTIFA? Do they have special flags like Antifa, BLM and LGBQNT2++?
Is there a special handshake?
I’ve noticed all the millions of (white Christian nationalists) rioting in the streets, burning down buildings and even whole neighborhoods, defending criminals, etc., etc.
Thankfully they don’t steal elections like demofascists do…YET! Nor do they murder unarmed women at protests or put their neighbors in jail for disagreeing with them. YET!
We guess just refusing to believe the silly propaganda the left and the feds spew out is enough to get them blacklisted.
At what point will you stop willfully ignoring the truth and repeating the lies? After our entire country looks like a democommie run city?
Well worth watching. It would kill Elwood if he saw it:
More Dowd attempts to rile the posters at this blog. His comments don’t even make any sense.
BUT THEN look at the time stamps of his posts.
Elwood P. Dowd says:
February 23, 2023 at 11:55 pm ALMOST MIDNIGHT.
Elwood P. Dowd says:
February 25, 2023 at 6:29 am SO EARLY IN THE MORNING.
Elwood P. Dowd says:
February 23, 2023 at 5:39 pm SUPPER TIME
Get my point about DOWD being an FBI or foreign agent planted here for one purpose? TO PISS OFF CONSERVATIVES. He is here from 5 am to midnight and sometimes I have seen posts at 2 am in the morning if someone comments here that early in the AM.
He is a plant, manned round the clock by some agency, either foreign or domestic, with an agenda.
An example of this is: James Lewis says:
February 23, 2023 at 11:41 pm
DOWD RESPONDS directly to this post 14 minutes later at almost midnight: Elwood P. Dowd says:
February 23, 2023 at 11:55 pm
Almost everything you claimed was not normal is quite normal. You confuse “normal” with “rare”. or “unusual”. But that’s to be expected from a person like you.
Why do cross dressers need to be around children? What benefit do children get by seeing cross dressers?
What benefit do children derive from being inculcated with fear? Constantly scaring the bejesus out of children is an insidious way of pushing them toward government for safety. That’s grooming kids to live in fear and not be free or self reliant. Americans believe in freedom and self reliance. Be American.
Exposing children to the fact that people like you are so afraid of ONE MAN they would lie, cheat and steal to make sure he wasn’t elected is very important. The fact you won’t even investigate and audit the election proves you LIE! Just like where the Wuhan flu came from. Just like the fake vaccine and the BS masks. Just like pedo blowing up the Nordstream pipeline. You lie, refuse to investigate and deny, deny, deny.
Teaching children not to believe lying communists does not groom children to “distrust democracy”. Quite the contrary. It teaches children that no matter how loud liars lie the truth is there if you want to see it. It also teaches them that protesting and standing for your rights when evil is trying to oppress you is in fact what democracy is all about. Something perhaps you should learn.
Are you preparing to steal 2024 also?
We’re not responsible for your ignorance.
We’ve discussed this before. Cons label anything they oppose to be abnormal (sick). You dislike lesbians and gays, therefore abnormal. You dislike cross-dressers, therefore abnormal. Cons dislike Black people, but cancel culture prevents them from publicly calling them abnormal. Take it from Mr Teach who considers LGBTQ people to be mentally ill, just as I consider people who believe in gods, demons, miracles, angels, and afterlives to be mentally ill.
Kye typed:
Our First Amendment condones mental illness!!
Do you think children do not hear about school shootings?? Almost every school how has to have school lockdown drills. Kids are trained lock and block doors, to flee, hide and fight back. Why does the United States have so many school shootings that are rare elsewhere?
Should we make kids self-reliant by arming every school child so they can feel safe and shoot back when threatened? The 2nd Amendment protects the rights of kids to carry guns.
You’re delusional regarding the 2020 election. To a MAGAt, “Losing the election” means “stealing”. Trump has made a fool of you.