See, we have to wait till his polices, whateverthehell they are, kick in
Post-Election Joe Biden Warns of Upcoming ‘Setbacks’ in the Economy
President Joe Biden warned Americans on Friday to expect setbacks in his ongoing attempts to fix the economy.
“It’s going to take time to get inflation back to normal levels as we keep our job market strong, so we could see setbacks along the way,” he said at the White House, promising to stay “laser-focused” on the economy.
He also claimed that inflation at the grocery store was “down slightly,” even though the cost of food at home is up 12.4 percent from the previous year. (snip)
Biden encouraged Americans to be patient until his policies could go into effect, providing seniors with cheaper diabetes medicine. He also promoted tax credits for replacing windows and doors in their homes, replacing heating systems, and mounting solar panels on their roofs.
“That’s good for your wallet but also good for the environment, because you’re using less energy,” he said, noting that the tax credits were “just going to start kicking in.”
Except, none of those policies will actually reduce inflation. And, again, spending quite a lot of money, thousands, tens of thousands, to get a tax credit, doesn’t actually save you money except in the very, very, very long term, and is rather difficult when all those products are being driven higher in price. Plus the middle and working class already spending lots more for food, clothes, energy, and more. Will landlords allow so many to do any of that?
That said, does Biden have an ulterior motive? Could he be saying “just be patient” as a way of leading up to blame the GOP House when Biden’s policies fail? Which they will?

The Federal Reserve combats inflation by tightening the money supply and raising interest rates. This can lead to a recession, which is kind of the point.
The Repubs keep pushing that the current bout of inflation is the greatest bugbear Americans face, but Americans are not as convinced as the latest elections demonstrated. Janet Yellen said recently to expect inflation to drop slowly over the next couple of years.
The nuGOP wants nothing so much as continued inflation and a recession to help with their 2024 election prospects. Once the take over the House they’ll ignore the economy (except to make it worse if they can) and will concentrate on investigating Hunter, Hillary, Brandon, the FBI, Fauci, climate scientists and the Jan 6 Committee members. And they will tRump up charges to impeach the President, just because they can.