We’re Saved: Actor Changes Name To Spread Awareness Of Climate Apocalypse Or Something

I’d be more impressed if he legally changed his name. Or, if he announced that he would give up his own use of fossil fuels, make his life carbon neutral, and tell all his Hollywood Comrades to do the same

Actor who played Dwight on ‘The Office’ changes name to protest climate change

Actor Rainn Wilson, who played “Dwight Schrute” in the popular TV show “The Office,” has changed his name in an effort to bring awareness to and protest climate change.

The 56-year-old actor’s new name, which Wilson announced on Twitter in a video, is “Rainnfall Heat Wave Extreme Winter Wilson.”

The name change comes as the United Nations plans to meet in Egypt for a climate change conference this week named the ” 27th Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC” or “COP27.”

Wilson is a board member of “Arctic Basecamp,” which is a team of scientists and experts who share their knowledge with the world at various events, and the name change is apparently part of their collective efforts.

Let me ask: how do all those people get to the Arctic? And travel around? And get power? They wouldn’t survive without fossil fuels. Solar panels and wind turbines damned sure would not keep them warm.

Wilson used a website called the “Arctic Risk Name Generator” to generate his new name, and he invited his social media followers to do the same.

So, a very silly climate cult thing. What, exactly, does this accomplish? All these cultists rushing to create their cult name (William HeatSnow Bad Weather Teach) are doing the bare minimum to make their own lives carbon neutral.

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7 Responses to “We’re Saved: Actor Changes Name To Spread Awareness Of Climate Apocalypse Or Something”

  1. H says:

    Cost to go carbon neutral is actually rather small
    Average Americans carbon foit print is 2
    14 tons of CO2
    Let’s double it for Dwight
    Carbon offsets are running at less than 10$ per ton
    So he could carbon offset his life for less than $300 per year.
    Teach you seem quite sure he isn’t doing that.

  2. Mad Celt says:

    I feel relieved that Pencilneck Geek has saved us but is it enough to make the others shut up?

  3. L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

    dowd starts calling for “evidence” after seeing video evidence in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1……


  4. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    This is evidence! But of what? Election workers unloading boxes at the election center?

    And how brazen are these election stealers. They didn’t even try to hide their larceny. They just unloaded all those boxes right there in front of the videographers.

    The city of Detroit has some 30 drop boxes that are emptied daily. The polls closed Tuesday at 8 PM and election workers collect the ballots after they close. They cannot count the votes until after the polls close. The ballots are taken to the election center for counting. The time stamp in the Gateway Pudendum shows 9:12PM. If you look at the vote chart it shows Whitmer AND Dixon receiving a vote increase at the same time, and Whitmer with another later. Note too that Whitmer led throughout. Is it surprising that the Democrat would get more urban votes than the Republican? You may not like it, but a vote from an “urbanite” counts the same as a vote from a “ruralite”. 82% of Michiganders live in urban areas.

    What if the counting areas were to have both Republican and Democratic observers? Oh, they do? Why don’t the Republican observers object to the shenanigans?

    Said the patriot detectives at the Gateway Pudendum who claim credit for the video:

    They stole the vote in 2020 from you, and it appears they may have stolen the vote from you again in 2022.

    After the 2020 elections, Americans were repeatedly told that there was nothing wrong with the security and integrity of our elections.

    Every single case that was filed with the judicial system was thrown out without ever hearing the presentation of evidence. No Judge wanted to face the evidence collected by election integrity patriots who painstakingly documented eyewitness statements, video evidence, statistical evidence, and expert testimony showing that the 2020 election was systematically stolen.

    A commenter in ninety miles pointed out not seeing a single white person in the videos.

    They sound like unbiased arbiters seeking the truth, LOL.

    Why do you believe a state like Michigan, dominated by a Republican legislature, can’t get “control” of its election apparatus? Are all those Republicans crooked too?

  5. Jl says:

    Carbon boy-why should we go carbon neutral and why buy carbon offsets when there’s really no reduction in “carbon”? Are you afraid of carbon so much that you think it should be offset, even though it’s not offset?

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