Yes, Alec Strapp, they do get it: you’re using the political label “Progressives.” A description of that would be “Nice Fascism.” They are authoritarians. They do want this. Anthropogenic climate change is just a platform to achieve it
What Many Progressives Misunderstand About Fighting Climate Change
Since the 1960s, fighting for the environment has frequently meant fighting against corporations. To curb pollution, activists have worked to thwart new oil drilling, coal-fired power plants, fracking for natural gas, and fuel pipelines. But today, Americans face a climate challenge that can’t be solved by just saying no again and again.
They blamed it on witches in previous warm and cool periods
But this may not be enough for some environmentalists. Jamie Henn, an environmental activist and the director of Fossil Free Media, recently told Rolling Stone, “Look, I want to get carbon out of the atmosphere, but this is such an opportunity to remake our society. But if we just perpetuate the same harms in a clean-energy economy, and it’s just a world of Exxons and Elon Musks—oh, man, what a nightmare.” Many progressive commentators similarly believe that countering climate change requires a fundamental reordering of the West’s political and economic systems. “The level of disruption required to keep us at a temperature anywhere below ‘absolutely catastrophic’ is fundamentally, on a deep structural level, incompatible with the status quo,” the writer Phil McDuff has argued. The climate crisis, the Green New Deal advocate Naomi Klein has insisted, “could be the best argument progressives have ever had” to roll back corporate influence, tear up free-trade deals, and reinvest in public services and infrastructure.
This isn’t the fringe saying it: it’s the mainstream climate cultists, from the big Elites to the proletariat. The outliers are those Warmists who do not want to do this.
Such comments raise a question: What is the real goal here—stopping climate change or abolishing capitalism? Taking climate change seriously as a global emergency requires an all-hands-on-deck attitude and a recognition that technological solutions (yes, often built and deployed by private firms) can deliver real progress on decarbonization before the proletariat has seized the means of production. A massive infusion of private investment, made not for charity but in the anticipation of future profits, is precisely what’s needed to accelerate the clean-energy transition—which, like all revolutions, will yield unpredictable results.
The goal is not so much abolishing capitalism, but, putting everything and everyone under the control of the government. The People’s Republican Of America. China-like at a minimum. Cuba. Venezuela. Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy. Skipping to the ending
Yet we cannot succeed in the fight against global warming without giving many alternatives to the status quo an opportunity to evolve and prove themselves. In reality, the false solution to climate change isn’t geoengineering or nuclear energy—it’s the belief that we can decarbonize the economy only by upending our economic system, categorically rejecting certain technologies, and spurning private investment.
That’s what your Comrades want, Alec. They’ve made no bones about.

To whom? The “progressives” running the show want the latter and see the former as a means to an end, the easily-led Climate Cultists want the former, with no idea of what will follow.
Capitalism works, and other systems don’t, but that doesn’t mean that capitalism is perfect.
Can we harness the great good of capitalism and minimize some of the undesirable outcomes?
Again. It goes back to the fact that I would say 99 percent of the climate activists are located in giant concrete Jungles. They do not understand the world’s real needs. They only understand their own little world. They read papers written by XHIAO CHIN LIN from CHINA that were all gonna die and voila, they believe they are gonna die.
I see in the above quotes differing agendas. Even their own messaging is not clear. New world order. Getting rid of Governments and Corporations. The end is the same. It is just the means differ depending on who is being quoted in which negative article is being written.
Such comments raise a question: What is the real goal here—stopping climate change or abolishing capitalism?
Since the 1960s, fighting for the environment has frequently meant fighting against corporations.
“The level of disruption required to keep us at a temperature anywhere below ‘absolutely catastrophic’ is fundamental, on a deep structural level, incompatible with the status quo,”
In reality, the false solution to climate change isn’t geoengineering or nuclear energy—it’s the belief that we can decarbonize the economy only by upending our economic system, categorically rejecting certain technologies, and spurning private investment.
The above was lifted from the highlighted areas of the OP’s cut and pasting of the article in question. As you can see they have an agenda, at least as this author defines it of fighting against corporations, and ending capitalism and redefining the new world order.
The end of governments as we know them. This is not a sane or rational agenda if it is not being fought in every country on earth. It is NOT. It is being fought in the west while the east as in Russia, China, Iran, The Middle East, India, and others fight to turn themselves into the new world order facing off against the rest of the world that is energy poor and unable to compete against the NEW HAVES IN THE NEW WORLD ORDER.
As I have been saying for quite some time now. The AGW are NAZIS. Pure and simple. Their agenda has the same end. It simply uses many strategies and methods of obtaining that END. And that end is the demise of world governments, corporations, and basically anything devised by the WESTERN SOCIETY to achieve a stable and reliable system of self-governance.
This is why the new left in America today is unable to stop crime, stop illegal immigration, and teaching our kids they are assholes. It is a generational battle that must be fought by both sides.
I wonder what the reaction would have been if we had foreign government officials campaigning for Republicans at public events.
Nancy Pelosi booed during a surprise appearance at NYC music festival, videos appear to show
Mariah Carey, Metallica, The Jonas Brothers, and Usher performed at the festival
THE President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen also spoke at the Central Park event.
The European Commission (EC) is the executive of the European Union (EU). It operates as a cabinet government, with 27 members of the Commission (informally known as “Commissioners”) headed by a President. It includes an administrative body of about 32,000 European civil servants.
“As speaker of the house, I am here to thank you for your dazzling advocacy, entrepreneurial thinking, and determination as global citizens,” she told the crowd, according to the New York Post.
“It’s thanks to your help that the United States recently enacted historic climate legislation, which will be a game changer,” she added, being drowned out by the crowd. “It will slash carbon pollution by 40% by 2030, it will give a historic, a historic $370 billion to fight the climate crisis.”
Politics on stage booed by people who might have been democrats but who I think were upset that their CONCERT was being interrupted by POLITICS. I don’t think this means what people think it means. The democrats are hated. I think the kids were pissed their concert was being interrupted so Politicians could give SPEECHES.
EVEN a foreign government official was giving a campign speech. Pathetic.
If you have ever wondered why progressives have such angst toward Russia one only needs to look at the number of new churches that have formed in Russia since the fall of the USSR.
02/01/2018 · Russia’s Orthodox Church has opened 30,000 churches over the last 30 years.
Well we know that the basic agenda is to remove push back by the left on all things. Religion is a crutch to which their opponents use to fight the nonsense they perceive when facing aggressive political or social opponents.
Yet one must wonder to themselves why is Russia allowing churches in a country that was routinely considered agnostic at best and atheist at worse in a formerly communist country?
Putin says west treating Russian culture like ‘cancelled’ JK Rowling
This article is more than 5 months old
President complains west ‘trying to cancel a whole 1,000-year culture’
This is why the US and the EU have so actively fought against Russia these past years. I am not an apologist for Russia as some would think. I only wish to point out why the left has made Putin and Russia their go to scapegoat for all things evil in this world.
Putin has in the past repeatedly expressed his disdain of western “liberal” values, comparing cancel culture with the coronavirus. When asked last year by a Russian journalist about Rowling, Putin said he “adhered to the traditional approach – a woman is a woman, a man is a man, a mother is a mother, a father is a father”.
Putin is trying to restore Russia’s pride and nationalism. Just as Trump attempted to do in the USA and was impeached for it. Twice. Make no mistake. Bush used phony CIA documents to drum up a 20 year war in the Middle East. No one impeached him. Trump made a phone call that was revealed word for word and he was impeached for it. Impeachments are political.
The one time Trump fired missles into Syria, he was hailed by the Press and presidential. During his four years he did not start any new wars. Thus he was considered unpresidential and impeachable.
Now I point that out for a contrasting position. The GOP votes overwhelmingly to send 50 billion dollars of weapons to Ukraine to fight against Russian aggression when Trump himself with held many of those weapons until they cleaned up their corruption. Impeached with the GOP and the Lincoln Projects help.
Yet under Biden and democratic rule today we find that Russia just annexxed part of Ukraine in a referendum making it part of Mother Russia. Any attacks now upon regions he managed to take in the last decade are now considered an act of war on Russia itself. He has threatened the use of Nuclear weapons if this happens.
China and India are backing Russia in an new economic ploy that will see supply side issues grow even worse in the coming years. In the meantime the west continues to turn to India and China for all their cheap goods and services.
By annexxing these parts of Ukraine and entering into a binding relationship with China and India, Russia is in a much stronger position than people might think and as winter approaches and Europe freezes I wonder who will cry uncle first?
Yet Russia faces severe turmoil at home as most of Russia faces down the Authoritarian government of Putin as upwards of 80,000 soldiers return from the front in body bags or in ambulances. Meanwhile Russias closest Ally, Iran, Is rioting in the streets and to his credit, Biden at least learned from Obama’s mistake and issued a statement supporting democracy in Iran.
The world is complex but the Russia/Progressive issue is not. Russia is hated because of a return to nationalism. Italy just voted in a far right wing government labeled Neo-Fascist. Again, Nationalism is a bane to the belief system of the progressive left around the world.
There is no such thing as a far right wing. Fascism and Communism are both left wing authoritarian governments. In Europe, the Right wing used to refer to Royal loyalists. Europe has no more royal families in power. The modern right wing is merely an anti-left wing. It is not logically possible to be “Extreme” if your platform is “keep things the way they are”. The Term Extreme right wing and far right wing are just make believe words so that every argument isn’t about which extreme of the left you are going to get.
Italy just voted in a far right wing government labeled Neo-Fascist.
EST wrote…LABELED. He did not say it. He said it was labeled as such. I looked this up myself.
Yahoo news: How a party of neo-fascist roots won big in Italy
Peoples world: Mussolini’s heirs take over in Italy as neo-fascist revival spreads
Led by Giorgia Meloni, Fascists Set to Take Power in Italy for First Time Since Mussolini
US NEWS and WORLD REPORT: Neo-Fascists Exploit ‘No-Vax’ Rage, Posing Dilemma for Italy
AP NEWS: Italy: Neo-fascists get a boost from anti-migrant sentiment
See whats going on here Hale? The Media is framing it…..Italy just voted in a far right wing government labeled Neo-Fascist. EST did not make the claim, the media is framing it this way.
Italy shifts to the right as voters reward Meloni’s party BBC NEWS.
Italy shifts to the right as voters reward Meloni’s party The Guardian.
How a fringe far-right group with neo-fascist roots became Italy’s biggest party The Times of Israel.
Italian far-right leader Giorgia Meloni’s alliance leads national vote, exit poll shows The USA Today.
Italy looks set for its first far-right-led government since World War II LA Times.
Saw a report on Fox news Last night. This supposed Neo-Fascist, far right fringe group got 4 percent of the vote 4 years ago and 27 percent last night picking up all that was needed to own all three of their chambers.
Their motto? Oh the HORROR!!!!!!!!! GOD, FAMILY and The FATHERLAND.
23 Sep, 2022 18:10
HomeWorld News
EU Commission head issues veiled threat to Italy
Brussels has ways to deal with member states that drift away from its values, Ursula von der Leyen has said
The same woman who was speaking in NYC and campaging With Pelosi for the DEMOCRATS the other day also was on record 2 days before the election telling the press that if ITALY DOESNT VOTE THE WAY THEY WANT THEM TOO, THE EU HAS MEANS TO PUNISH THE PEOPLE OF ITALY.
FROM RT TODAY. YES I KNOW IT IS A RUSSIAN MOUTHPIECE BUT it was also reported by DOZENS of podcasters in the EU but not a single MSM major outlet touched on this story. Why? We all know that it goes counter to the EU’s desire for world domination through the new World Order.
Despite their people freezing to death this winter because of their stupid switch to green without a backup plan, they are standing toe to toe with Russia and telling their people to freeze, starve and not have anything to purchase while they JET SET AROUND THE WORLD and live surrounded in PLENTY.
This is so frigtenly like the time’s leading up to the French Revoultion and the Russian Revolution that it is mind numbing.
So many on the left, busily typing on their home computers, secure in their nice heated-in-the-winter and cooled-in-the-summer homes, with a hot coffee on their desks, food in their pantries and refrigerators, and fossil-fueled cars in their driveways, just can’t get it through their thick skulls that all of those things were provided by capitalist businesses!
Instead, they seem to think that the government which handled the evacuation of Afghanistan so very, very well will be able to provide all of the comforts of capitalism, and that everything will be peaches but the cream.
It’s much deeper than that. It is the Christian mentality that the individual has inherent worth granted to him by his creator. In the Communist system, people are merely resources of the state and exist to serve the state. Where the “State” is actually just that small handful of people who are connected enough to milk the system for their own benefit at the expense of everyone else. Every communist country has or had leaders who lived like kings and emperors, even while their serfs starved to death by the millions.
Capitalism itself does not guarantee no interference from government, but it does mitigate government interference by the invisible hand seeking solutions at the lowest transaction cost, which is usually the path that has the least government. Thus, in every centrally controlled economy, there is a thriving black market. In a central economy, the government doesn’t just make cars include seat belts, air bags, and anti-lock brakes. They give you the Trabant or the Lada and no options.