This should make the moonbats bark
NC bill would ban LGBTQ issues from K-3 curriculum
North Carolina Republican leaders proposed state legislation Tuesday that would prohibit teaching on sexual orientation and gender identity in kindergarten through third grade, and would require parental notice when students in any grade question their sexual identity in school.
The requirements are part of a broader bill, similar to legislation on the move in other states, that state lawmakers call the Parents’ Bill of Rights. Under the proposal, North Carolina schools would have to notify parents if students seek to use a different pronoun to describe themselves, and parents would have to sign off before students could get counseling or other non-emergency health care.
House Bill 755 is expected to begin its path through legislative committees Wednesday in the Republican-controlled General Assembly. The text was released at 5:30 p.m. Monday, and Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper’s office would only say that Cooper would review the bill.
The restriction on sexuality and gender identity teaching forbids including those topics in school curricula for kindergarten through third grade. It’s not intended to ban discussions that come up organically in class, Berger, R-Rockingham, said during the news conference.
Well, I hope it bans these discussions when they originate “organically” from teachers. Because most young kids are not going to bring up any of this stuff unless they are enticed, like wondering what that multicolored flag is, or why their male teacher is wearing a dress and dyed his beard pink.
The new bill’s parental notice section generated concerns among opponents Tuesday that LGBTQ students, afraid of how their parents would react if they find out about their sexual identity, could no longer turn to trusted teachers for guidance.
When did teachers become guidance counselors and therapists for kids? Sure, there have always been a few who the kids glommed on to, but, mostly, the kids go to school, learn the subjects, then go home. If the kids are having issues, parents were always notified, unless the problem was a real one and very bad, and then the cops or social services or something was called.
Much of the rest of the bill lays out parents’ rights to various notices, including to receive regular report cards and to participate in parent-teacher organizations. It also says school systems must establish procedures for parents “to object to textbooks and supplementary instructional materials.”
That will make the teachers mad. God forbid they have to be accountable to the parents.
Really, though, there is little chance Governor Cooper, a Democrat, will sign the bill.

OK, groomer.
Calling teachers groomers is soooo darn clever!!
The AR-15 toting child killer down in Texas killed two groomers in addition to all those kids! Eva Mireles was a 4th grade teacher who was shielding her students from the AR-15 toting child killer. She had groomed students in what to do in case of an active shooter. Irma Garcia, a married mother of four who taught at Robb Elementary for 23 years was also shielding her students when she was murdered by the Texas shooter.
If parents are such good teachers (groomers) maybe they should home school. Real teachers are professionals. You should pull all your kids and teach them at home.
I’ve yet to hear of a brave car salesman shielding customers from a shooter.
Fuck William Teach. Fuck the GOP!
Dowd we absolutely love when you rant and rave like a nut case. Especially when you start with the “fuck Teach, fuck the GOP” like either of them shot anybody. Your inability to stay in the realm of reason is amazing. Here you support murdering 600,000 baby Americans every year then rant about a nut case that murders 21 people and want to take away the rights of every innocent citizen. You’re unable to rationally think.
FJB and all you leftist maniacs who would trade our freedom for safety. BTW he used an AR-15 not an assault weapon but that won’t matter to you unhinged loonies.
Winger GOPhers like you and Teach murdered the school kids. The GOP is the party of child killers. Duh.
Zygotes, embryos and fetuses are not children.
19 children were slaughtered by the GOP. Murder is still against the law. Even if most of the kids were ‘filthy’, you disgusting piece of shit.
Winger GOPhers like you and Teach are destroying the nation. You whine that someone will take away your freedom to kill kids. Fuck you.
An AR-15 is an assault weapon, you decroded piece of crap. They are the weapon of choice of mass killers. They can slaughter a lot of kids in short amount of time. They have no other use, other than to give wusses a boner. Freedumb!
Get viagra instead, shorthose.
At the roughly 1000 school districts in the US that allow teachers to carry their legally permitted concealed firearms, there were exactly zero deaths or violent incidents of any kind for about 20years in a row. But don’t you dare suggest that could be a viable alternative…
Are you suggesting these thugs research the school districts before they go on their slaughter?
Can you please show your work?
Teachers can carry in Texas. Many other states allow teachers to be armed. Would you force teachers to be armed? The Robb Elementary School had an armed resource officer and two police officers in hot pursuit and 21 were still slaughtered. Do you think a teacher with a Glock locked in her drawer would have had a better chance of stopping the child killer?