…is a horrible fossil fueled boat needed when the world floods from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Right Scoop, with a post on Indiana Republicans over-riding Governor veto on bill banning biological males from competing with women.

According to Education Week, there will be 50,700,000 students in the public schools based on federal projections for the fall of 2022. The Washington Post claimed that there have been 185 public school students slain in school since 1999.
So, let’s do the math: 185 dead overall, divided by the 23 years since 1999, equals 8.034 students killed per year. With a population of 50,700,000, that works out to a homicide rate of 0.0159 per 100,000 population!
Philadelphia’s homicide rate was 35.04 per 100,000 population; Chicago’s was 29.83. Students in America’s public schools have been incredibly safe!
Of course, I’m an [insert slang term for the anus here] for pointing that out.
The steamed Dana is not a butthole for pointing out the homicide rates in major U.S. cities, but he continues to underestimate the impact of mass murders, especially mass murders in schools, on the psyche, confidence and well-being of society.
The murder rate of Americans by Islamists is minuscule but we still take off our shoes at the airport. Conservatives still hate Muslims.
The steamed Dana? Actually, I’m pretty calm, which one has to be when doing something radical like math.
If these things have an outsized impact on the psyche, it’s because they have been propagandized beyond all recognition.
And why are they being propagandized beyond all recognition? Because the left want to find any excuse to infringe on the constitutional rights of law-abiding Americans, so they use about any white shooter that they can as a reason, because innocents being killed is a gripping story.
The Washington Post reported that there have been 185 students murdered in school since Columbine; there have been more Americans than that killed in Chicago and in Philly so far just his year.
The steamed arithmetician Mr Dana has his fantasies. Was it the ‘left’ who reacted to the 9/11 kerfluffle where a handful of brave and ingenious Saudis struck a blow for freedom? Never Forget! Do you think the right overreacted?
A mere 3000 died on 9/11, yet it has consumed America for well over a decade, costing us trillions in dollars and thousands of young American lives. Was it the ‘left’ who invaded Iraq and Afghanistan? And speaking of freedumb, how about the loss of privacy enacted by the government?
Over 3000 Americans were dying EVERY DAY at the height of the trump pandemic.
Do you really believe that an American has a constitutional right to ANY and ALL firearms? I need a fully auto machine gun to protect myself from the crazy wingers. In addition, the feds keep me from buying grenades and a grenade launcher.
We fully understand the winger position that life begins at fertilization and ends at birth, but the majority of Americans (and all normal humans) feel the need to care for their children even AFTER they are born! Bizarre, huh? Try to understand their upset when their children are slaughtered at school by a teenager with an assault weapon that serves no other purpose than to kill people.
But keep pushing your reactionary agenda. Murdering school kids. Jailing women. Forced pregnancy.
Do you really excuse the slaughter of children by pointing at murders in Philly and Chicago???
You are sicker than we thought.
Take your meds you crazy motherfucker. Your rants have become psychotic.
FJB and all the leftists.
The seemingly angry Mr Dowd wrote:
Yes, actually, I do.
The left keep hammering about weapons of war in private hands, but the Framers of the Constitution clearly expected that to be the case. The Constitution grants to Congress the authority to issue letters of marque and reprisal, which means to hire privateers, men who privately own ships of war, and cannons, to do whatever Congress specified.
While the left continue to propagandize school shootings, I have pointed out the truth, that they are incredibly rare, and that children have been safer at school than anywhere else. Sorry if the facts don’t fit Teh Narrative of the left, but facts are facts.
What lads such as you and Mx Dana refuse to acknowledge is that mass shootings AND street violence are BOTH serious issues!
To attempt to excuse the mass murder of school children ’cause Philly murders is immoral and sadly glib.
As a society we should work to eliminate both! Agreed?
An increasingly disturbed Mx Dana claims that families, neighbors, townspeople and grieving Americans responding to the murder of children are merely being manipulated by ‘leftists’ and ‘leftist media’ with morbid anti-American propaganda.
The increasingly reactionary Mx Dana feels the Constitution confers the right to whatever weaponry an American desires, and that the authorities and Supreme Court have erred by keeping machine guns, grenade launchers, micronukes, flamethrowers, shoulder fired rockets, armor piercing ammo, exploding ammo, land mines etc out of the hands of non-military individuals. In fact, reactionary liberians feel that any law regulating firearms or ordnance is unConstitutional. As a land owner whose business is it if I want to protect my property with mines? One 12 yr old thug blown into 1000 jagged pieces is enough to groom the rest of those thugs to stay off my property!!
It begins. A high school student in Richardson TX was arrested today for having an AK-47 and AR-25-style rifles in his car! He was reported to police by a local business.
If teachers can carry, shouldn’t students be able to?
A woman getting an abortion has never killed a room full for people.
No, they kill them one at a time but they amount to millions.
Let’s take a moment to honor the sacrifice of our brave schoolchildren who lay down their lives to protect our right to bear arms.
Those brave schoolchildren didn’t lay down their lives to protect anything but the leftist indoctrination camps that create mass shooters. Americans have always owned firearms but this shit only started happening after the left took over “education” and made it their preferred method of political grooming.
Have you turned in your AK’s or are you a hypocrite on this too?
BTW, nice of you to once again make politics out of tragedy. Never let a crisis go to waste, right Stalin?
Americans have not always owned AR-15s, you silly goose. Americans have not always owned Glocks, you silly goose. Murderers need the upgraded firepower (more rounds, semi-auto actions) to facilitate their murderous ways. ‘Patriots’ need upgraded firepower to fight back against the murderers! And the gun pimps count their money! In America, guns are a lifestyle, even entertainment.
We sacrifice Americans on the altar of cash. Mountains of cash. Over 95% of the NRA direct donations (> $20 million) go to Republicans. Why else do GOPhers oppose every move to limit the slaughter of Americans? In fact GOPhers pimp gun purchases. Their pale base need weapons to protect themselves from the dark hordes!! Dead school kids are peripheral damage for keeping the manufacturers in business. Dead innocents are a small price to pay for FREEDUMB!
Guns are the leading cause of death of young Americans. More guns, less crime? Is the violent crime rate lower in the U.S. than in every other advanced nation? The U.S. homicide is 5 to 10 fold GREATER than an any other advanced nation. Is the overall crime rate lower in the U.S. than in other advanced nations? Nope. Some argue that each year millions of Americans PREVENT crime with their guns. Does that make sense in light of our crime rate compared to every other advanced nation?
Gun violence is big business in America. Besides the money spent bribing politicos to look the other way, billions are spent on guns and ammo. Billions are spent on gun violence prevention! Think of the costs of increased security in schools, businesses and public facilities. Pro-gun and anti-gun organizations collect donations and distribute funds. Health care costs. Mental health care costs. Security guards. It’s all a positive feedback loop. The more and more deadly the guns in the hands of bad guys, the more and more deadly guns needed by good guys! Women are targets for gun-toting men AND gun-sellers! Gun owners are more likely to commit suicide.
Let’s stop selling AR-15 type assault weapons to teenagers. Is that asking too much?
First for the millionth time: AR-15’s are not “assault weapons” nor are they “military grade weapons” as seems to be the newest leftist Newspeak.
Gun owners are more likely to commit suicide…WITH GUNS. Depressed people are more likely to commit suicide. Again you keep blaming the gun not the perpetrator. Have you turned in your 3 AR’s yet Dowd? Walk the walk clown!
We have had guns since before America existed. And we carried them everywhere. What’s changed is we haven’t had “expert” teachers teaching our children to hate each other. Teaching the kids that some are “oppressing” others who are “victims”. We haven’t had teachers telling kids their sex is all wrong and they should cut off their dicks or tits. We didn’t have teachers telling kids America is a racist, sexist nation and is evil.
Basically, we didn’t have an entire industry dedicated to instilling negativity, jealousy and hate into children for political purposes. Today kids are being groomed to be outcasts by virtue of their their sex and color at birth. Maybe that has something to do with it.
What happened in Uvalde, Texas, should never happen. There are no words for it, nor the twenty-six other mass school shootings that have occurred in 2022 so far. Politicizing these tragic events for party gain just demonstrates how far our nation has fallen from the character and fabric with which we originated. The arrogance of politicians using the unnecessary loss of life of innocent children to push an agenda disgusts me, especially when most of those particular politicians oversee states that claim more of the mass school shootings than their counterparts.
That’s right, blue states have made up seventeen of the twenty-seven mass school shootings in this year alone — almost double those in red states. That’s a reality that needs to be contemplated. Why is this and what are they doing to correct it beyond pushing the stripping away of guns, thus disarming everyone but the criminals and the crazies?
Between the federal government and the 50 states (57 for Hussein) there are about 9,000 gun laws on the books. Maybe it’s past time we addressed the killers themselves and held them responsible rather than enact another gun law? Maybe if we started executing murderers again crime might go down?
And maybe if the left would calm down and stop being emotional idiots we could actually have a rational discussion about it?
FJB and gun grabbers.
Libs know so much that isn’t true department….The US is #56 in mass shootings per capita. https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2019/05/america-56-in-mass-shootings.php
According to winger gun-fetishist, John Lott… try again.
Lott includes government shootings, militias, paramilitary groups… When Lott directly compares U.S. mass shootings vs foreign mass shootings where individuals go into schools, businesses, public spaces his own data shows that mass shootings are 6 times more prevalent in the U.S.
Teenagers can buy an AR-15 but not cigarettes, beer or handguns. Does that make sense?
As a solution to school shootings, fetishists think teachers should buy and bear arms!
But winger politicians don’t even trust teachers to choose books.