There is no debate when it comes to abortion on demand. You cannot have a debate with the abortion supporters who screech, yell, bloviate, bellow, caterwaul, go Category 5 Apoplectic. Who accuse Republicans of wackadoodle things, have loony tunes things on their signs, wear silly handmaid costumes, etc and so on. You cannot rationally discuss this issue, which is why we’re at where we’re at. Instead of “rare, safe, and legal” Democrats treat abortion as contraception
(Breitbart) The bill was dubbed the Women’s Health Protection Act of 2022, and that sounds a lot like motherhood and apple pie—except, of course, that it was about the opposite of motherhood. It was about abortion. Indeed, the bill was a radical expansion of abortion rights, superseding all state restrictions on abortion, of any kind. As such, it didn’t seek merely to codify Roe v. Wade, as Schumer claimed, but instead sought to radically expand it.
From the floor of the Senate on the 11th, Manchin said of the bill, “Make no mistake, it is not Roe v. Wade codification. It is an expansion, it wipes 500 state laws off the books, it expands abortion . . . We should not be dividing this country further than we’re already divided, and it’s really the politics of Congress that’s dividing the country.”
Speaking for the united Republican opponents of the bill, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), added,“Schumer … is insisting we vote to legalize abortion to the day before birth.” Graham added, “We’re one of seven nations in the world that allow abortion on-demand at 20 weeks, the fifth month in pregnancy.” And yet now, Democrats want more—they want it all.
Democrats want zero restrictions on abortion. If Republicans offered a reasonable compromise on gun control for abortion control, Democrats would balk. Hell, if we offered the Australian Solution on guns for
- Ban all late term abortions (except in real cases where the mother’s life is in imminent danger, and the doctor must legally sign off on a specific, and legally binding, form)
- Require parental notification for abortions for all women under 18
- Require parental consent for all under 16 (which could be over-ruled by a judge)
- Disallow all federal funding for abortion, including at Planned Parenthood. Want one? Pay for it yourself
- Do away with all federal funding for operations that perform abortions
- Require a 48 waiting period from the time a woman requests an abortion
- All abortion facilities must adhere to medical facility guidelines. They should be at least as safe and clean as a veterinarian facility, should they not?
- Yearly inspections of abortion facilities
- Doctors against abortion should not be forced to perform them
Democrats would balk, and say “no.” And here’s the uber far left The Nation
There’s No Place for Bystanders in the Coming Abortion Battle
For 50 years now, people have told desperate, heart-breaking stories about what it was like to search for an abortion in the days before Roe v. Wade. These were invariably narratives of women in crisis. They sometimes involved brief discussions about economic inequality, police-state intrigue, and unwanted children, but for the most part men were invisible in them, missing in action. Where were they? And where are they now that a wall of fundamental rights seems to be crumbling away not just for women, but for all of us? This is another example of what I used to call the Bystander Boys.
Wait, I thought men weren’t allowed to have opinions, since we couldn’t get pregnant? No?
As a sportswriter, my work over these decades often brought me into a universe of male entitlement and the sort of posturing I thought of as faux masculinity. Even in that chest-beating environment, I was struck by the absence in abortion stories of what in another time would have been called manliness. What happened to that mostly storybook ideal of the brave, modest, responsible, big-hearted protector? I figured out early on not to waste time searching for him among football quarterbacks or baseball coaches, or even cops and Army officers. Much, much later, I found more people with the right stuff—that “manly” ideal—among single mothers and feminist lawyers.
Why would there be stories about abortion in sports articles? Yes, the abortion on demand supporters are purely batshit insane.
In the pre-pill early 1960s, when unwanted pregnancy was a constant chilling specter for my pre-Boomer “silent” generation, men usually talked about abortion only if their girlfriends had missed a period—when they were trying to track down that coal-country Pennsylvania doctor who performed illegal abortions with relative impunity. They might even share their fears of what an unwanted kid would do to their careers, but rarely did they bring up the typical back-alley butchery of abortion in those years that came from the hijacking of the most fundamental of rights.
Yet, now the pill is widely available, and widely affordable. As are condoms, IUC’s, implants, and so many more. Combine those with responsible sex, and there’s no need for abortion except in very rare cases. Heck, even the morning after pill, which is taken quickly before implantation takes place.
Where are those guys even today, much less their sons and grandsons, presumably still active partners in the reproductive process? Forget about moral responsibility—what about the jeopardy our lives are in as the possibility of a Trumpian-style authoritarian future closes in around us?…
…Sixty years ago, it already seemed remarkably clear to me how crucial it was that men stop leaving women to face this nightmare essentially alone—and it still does.
So, the gist of the piece is that men must, MUST, speak out and support the Democrats insane notion of abortion anytime, zero restrictions, zero consequence. The upshot of this could be that people who are on the fence are willing to stand for just ending it. They could be pushed to the extreme, rather than supporting it as rare and legal. Skipping to the end
And perhaps it’s most important to keep reminding ourselves and everyone we know that abortion isn’t the whole abortion story, that the bullies are preparing to go after the entire schoolyard, not just the girls, and (as has become so common these days) they’re going to stomp into the school-board meeting as well. Sooner or later, they’ll try to take over the school itself and, eventually, the mind and soul of this country thanks to the holes they’re about to tear in the Constitution. There are more of us than them and, if we stand together and fight, we can still win. No place for bystanders now.
Good lord, these people are nuts. See if abortion, which appears nowhere in the Constitution, is overturned at the Supreme Court, then all sorts of other things Constitutional will be ended. Keep going too far, Dems, you’ll lose the midterms even worse, and you’ll push non-moonbat people further away.

Abortion for the left is the Gun rights for the Right. By that, I mean an issue that elicits high emotional responses.
Both sides want to be able to kill stuff. The big difference is in gun rights the other guy/gal can actually fight back if they choose.
It’s simple. Ya go to the gun store, buy a gun, shove it in your pants and join the ever-growing number of people who are arming themselves daily.
HOWEVER WHEN YOU CAN’T FIGHT BACK as in Buffalo and Chicago.
The Buffalo Shooter killed 10 people. He was a racist bastard that will burn in hell for his actions…..
BUT…….May 14, 2022 2 people killed and At least 12 people were wounded, two of them fatally, in shootings in Chicago since Friday evening
22 shot, 1 fatally, in weekend shootings in Chicago
23 hours ago · A man was shot by a security guard in Millennium Park May 20, 2022. At least 10 people have been shot across Chicago since Friday evening,
24 People Shot Over Weekend in Chicago,
CHICAGO has the toughest gun laws in the country. When you DISARM the people but let the bad guys have guns, this is what happens. I say arm Chicago and see what happens.
It shouldn’t be surprising that Will-I-am Teach lies about Democrats and abortion, typing: Democrats want zero restrictions on abortion.
Of course, Roe v. Wade has significant restrictions on abortion. Pro-birthers lie because they want 100% restrictions on abortion. No abortions, ever, under any circumstance. They will kill women to save a fertilized egg. They want to increase the parental rights of rapists! They want to retraumatize 12 year old incest victims by forcing them to bear their own father’s child!
Teach needs to stop lying to his hapless followers.
We all know that groomer Elwood P. Dowd is the liar on this site. Thanks again hypocrite for showing your Masters’ fear of patriots and the truth.
There he goes again. Running his mouth without turning on his brain. Dowd is as dependable as Goebbels when it comes to spitting out lies and hysterical propaganda.
“Of course, Roe v. Wade has significant restrictions on abortion. Pro-birthers lie because they want 100% restrictions on abortion. No abortions, ever, under any circumstance. They will kill women to save a fertilized egg. They want to increase the parental rights of rapists! They want to retraumatize 12 year old incest victims by forcing them to bear their own father’s child!”
Can a supposedly pro abortion rant get any more myopic? I’m sure there are pro life people who want 100% restrictions on abortions but not the vast majority. Especially under “any circumstances” because we recognize everyone and every case is not the same and should not be treated the same. You’d figure you leftists would have figured that out with your onw-way mask mandates and fake vaccine mandates. When did anyone say they wanted to kill a woman to “save a fertilized egg” and how exactly would that occur?
Where did anyone suggest increasing the “parental rights of rapists”? You realize rape is a crime outside blue cities, right? “Retraumatize 12 year olds raped by their fathers”? There is an example of a made-up lie to foster a make-believe scenario out of pure emotion and hysteria with no logic, proof or reason behind the stupid statement.
“Teach needs to stop lying to his hapless followers.” No one here are Teaches “followers”. We, like you are just folks that come here to bat around today’s politics, news and such. Agreeing with someone does not make them his “follower”. Wait, maybe it does for leftists and it’s just more Dowd projection. They treat everything like a fukin religion and tolerate no variation. Example? Name one pro life democrat in office.
FJB and his death cult followers. Stop lying. Make your points on the merits or admit you’re wrong. We don’t fall for the lies, hyperbole and gaslighting.
Little Grooomer,
What the majority of pro-birthers want is not the issue. Important are the laws passed by red state GOPher legislative majorities and signed by GOPher governors.
A legitimate question is how reactionary GOPher legislatures, more extreme than the majority of their voters, seized power.
Some ban abortion from fertilization with no exceptions for rape, incest, ectopic pregnancies or health of the woman. Con-menters here agree with this approach although a huge majority of Americans do not.
Oklahoma, like its big brother Texas and little sister Idaho, has chosen the devious approach of recruiting bounty hunters to sue not only women seeking abortions but even those who might assist a woman! The bill will allow lawsuits to be filed against anyone who helps pay for an abortion, which could even apply to those who donate to organizations that assist women seeking the procedure.
Even in deep red OK, only 31% support a total ban on abortions. But when Roe v. Wade is overturned the law will be enacted.
Welcome to the Republic of Gilead.
Dowd, that entire hysterical diatribe is a lie. You can no more see the future of abortion in “deep red OK” than I can.
You are as unjustly and unthinkingly hysterical about allowing people to vote on abortion as you are about forcing others to buy electric cars and fork out trillions on the climate scam.
Do you ever critically review what you think?
You keep arguing with him as if he even reads what you write, let alone thinks about it or cares enough to be influenced by it. Good for you, Sisyphus. Keep rolling that rock. All he has are the approved extremist talking points from his party HQ.
A law will be enacted to ban abortion?
No it wont. Laws will be written because they have to be written once Roe V Wade is struck down. Every state will need to address abortion. No state will completely ban abortion. Even Oklahoma. What will happen is that the states will mostly keep Roe V Wade in place. It is not a horrible concept the judges put forth. The problem has always been the state’s adoption of policy based upon this concept and more specifically the enforcement of the laws on each state’s books.
Roe V Wade may be struck down by the SCOTUS but its tenets will live on in 50 states that are forced to rewrite statutes and laws to deal with a huge void in a socially charged issue. No state will completely do away with Roe because that would immediately end up back at the SCOTUS.
Issues Matter.
Australia just threw off the conservative party in their country for the labour party. The largest reason for the failure of the conservative party was their response to the horrific wildfires which were seen by a large majority of Australians as Global warming-related. Secondly, their handling of the Covid-19 outbreak by locking down the country repeatedly had the opposite effect that was intended by the government who felt they were protecting their people. Free people do not take kindly to being incarcerated. No matter the cause.
Strange bedfellows in Australian politics, since it is not a one-party rule country but parliamentarian which requires a political block of parties to rule such as in Israel, and Most of the EU.
Australia has always been a country that has bought into the Global warming narrative and the drought that has plagued the country for years just happened to occur during the Conservative rule. The many skeptics of AGW in the conservative rule were too much to bear for the people and so they were thrown out.
As I pointed out in my opening sentence. Issues matter. In the case of the USA, I fear the right might be underestimating the Abortion issue in bringing out voters. In Virginia and other states, while there were more on the right who showed up at the polls, the left has also set records in many districts and across several states so far in the past month.
This does not bode well for the GOP in local elections but still, the enthusiasm gap is maintained on the statewide level. And while the right is projected by my former associates to take 34 seats in the house and 5 senate seats and to increase their governorships to 35 it is premature at this point to believe these current numbers.
I believe in seeing some of the internal numbers that it is more on the order of 28 in the house, 3 in the Senate, and 32 in the governorships.
One thing I do predict is that Nevada will turn red, as will Wisconsin, and believe this or not. Oregon. While Oregon is the last bastion of the hippie movement, though Seattle and Northern Idaho maintain that distinction as well, there is fear among even Oregonians and the Democratic governor is polling underwater and the GOP is leading in the polls despite a huge block of nearly 35 percent undecideds.
Issues matter. In the end. The parties and candidates who strike a chord with the voters will win in November and I do not see how the right does not come out on top if they avoid Abortion and focus on the economy as they can pretty much take their pick of issues as long as it is not a protracted battle about abortion which is a losing position for the right in the sense it fires up the left base.
Issues do matter and it is almost universal that a candidate who loses does two things wrong almost without fail. He fails to focus on issues or he brings too much baggage to the campaign. We shall see if the new Patriot Candidates are a repeat of the 2010 Tea party candidates. Popular with the right but not so much with the state that has to choose between them or a boring leftist candidate.
Teach: Yet, now the pill is widely available, and widely affordable. As are condoms, IUC’s, implants, and so many more. Combine those with responsible sex, and there’s no need for abortion except in very rare cases. Heck, even the morning after pill, which is taken quickly before implantation takes place.
Republican reactionaries in red states are busy banning IUDs and “morning after pills”, both of which are considered murder by blocking the implantation of a “baby” in the uterine lining. Even oral contraceptives, besides blocking 55-99% of god-given, all-natural ovulation, also block uterine implantation, murdering a “baby”. If, as pro-birthers claim, a zygote is an embryo is a fetus is a baby is a child is a boy, OCs will need to be banned too (as the corrupt and immoral Catholic Cult supports).
Mx Teach never explains his approach to “responsible sex”. States used to have laws making sex outside of marriage illegal. Good idea? DNA testing of all males allowing the tracking of sperm donors who impregnate women might make sperm donors think more carefully about randomly ejaculating inside of women. A sperm donor proven to responsible for a zygote carried by a woman who did not want to become pregnant, will be vasectomized or imprisoned at his choice.
More lies, Dowd? “Republican reactionaries in red states are busy banning IUDs and “morning after pills”” is pure nonsense. There are a few faithful Catholics who are dedicated to life that may have those beliefs but “Republican reactionaries” have nothing to do with it. You really got to stop CNN.
DNA also allows for the tracking of pussy providers as well as sperm donors. So what? You immediately dial it back up to eleventeen with “A sperm donor proven to responsible for a zygote carried by a woman who did not want to become pregnant, will be vasectomized or imprisoned at his choice”. Really? That silly shit is an answer to the problem or a threat to all men? What about pussy providers who get pregnant deliberately to ensnare a husband then decide to kill their offspring? Should they be sterilized too?
You go from the ridiculous to the sublime with such ease one knows right off you’re an uneducated science denier.
FJB and his science denying followers.
Lousy Gomer,
You know, women are being forced by men such as you to carry your spawn for 9 months, the least you can do is share some responsibility.
So men have no control over their lust and women seduce strong, patriotic men into sin. LOL. Women very rarely rape men. If your irresponsible behavior gets a woman pregnant it sounds like your fault too.
None of the laws being written by red state men address how to make you sperm donors more responsible for your gawd-awful behaviors. Why is that?
Once again you lie and present no facts to your spurious accusations. What women are being “forced” to carry mens spawn? That spawn you speak of are their children and are both their responsibility. Who says they’re not?
“So men have no control over their lust and women seduce strong, patriotic men into sin. LOL. Women very rarely rape men. If your irresponsible behavior gets a woman pregnant it sounds like your fault too.”
That entire paragraph makes no sense unless you’re crazy. But it’s amusing to watch a baby murderer like you to attempt to pass the buck to anyone but the responsible party. You leftists are very good at that. An example is how you held slaves but conservatives are the racists. Just doesn’t fit.
Then as usual you resort to the same old lies: “None of the laws being written by red state men address how to make you sperm donors more responsible for your gawd-awful behaviors. Why is that?”
So now you know all the laws of every state? You have decided that no laws are there to protect women? Really? You’re that dumb? And rather than try and find common ground you insult people, lie and start flailing like a feminist on the rag.
FJB and his murdering followers.