Democrats to call the FBI dupes of Trump. When they aren’t simply ignoring the report. Perhaps they’ll give it the Mueller Report treatment, which failed to give them the ammunition they wanted, so, they’ll want another report
Exclusive: FBI finds scant evidence U.S. Capitol attack was coordinated – sources
The FBI has found scant evidence that the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol was the result of an organized plot to overturn the presidential election result, according to four current and former law enforcement officials.
Though federal officials have arrested more than 570 alleged participants, the FBI at this point believes the violence was not centrally coordinated by far-right groups or prominent supporters of then-President Donald Trump, according to the sources, who have been either directly involved in or briefed regularly on the wide-ranging investigations.
“Ninety to ninety-five percent of these are one-off cases,” said a former senior law enforcement official with knowledge of the investigation. “Then you have five percent, maybe, of these militia groups that were more closely organized. But there was no grand scheme with Roger Stone and Alex Jones and all of these people to storm the Capitol and take hostages.”
FBI investigators did find that cells of protesters, including followers of the far-right Oath Keepers and Proud Boys groups, had aimed to break into the Capitol. But they found no evidence that the groups had serious plans about what to do if they made it inside, the sources said.
Oops? It’s looking just like was stated early on: a bunch of people who were upset were using their 1st Amendment Right to Free Speech, protesting peaceably, and petitioning for redress of grievance, wanting to listen to Trump speak. Then some started getting jiggy with it, and decided to go to the seat of their elected officials, who are supposed to be responsive to the Citizens of the U.S.A. We are their bosses, not the other way around. And some went too far. We saw this happen during many of the BLM/Antifa protests, where a protest suddenly turned into mayhem, breaking and entering, looting, arson, property destruction, and assault. Most of which did not happen in the Capitol Building. Heck, many wandered around the Capitol while staying within the guidelines. Virtually no destruction. Certainly no arson.
They alleged that one Proud Boy leader recruited members and urged them to stockpile bulletproof vests and other military-style equipment in the weeks before the attack and on Jan. 6 sent members forward with a plan to split into groups and make multiple entries to the Capitol.
But so far prosecutors have steered clear of more serious, politically-loaded charges that the sources said had been initially discussed by prosecutors, such as seditious conspiracy or racketeering.
Because they cannot make those stick, and their BS charges.
But the FBI has so far found no evidence that Trump or people directly around him were involved in organizing the violence, according to the four current and former law enforcement officials.
Double bummer, eh?
A Life Destroyed for ‘Parading’ at the Capitol
After Robert Reeder was arrested in February and charged with four misdemeanors for his involvement in the Capitol protest on January 6, he lost his job as a truck driver for FedEx. “As a result of his arrest in this matter, he has been placed on administrative leave/has been terminated,†Reeder’s attorney wrote in court filing. “He has not been able to secure steady employment since being charged in this matter.â€
Reeder, like many Americans who attended Donald Trump’s speech then walked to Capitol Hill, went alone. He is a registered Democrat but supported some of Trump’s policies. The Maryland resident decided to travel to Washington on the morning of January 6, a “spur of the moment†decision, according to his attorney.
After suffering the effects of tear gas and sting balls launched by police officers outside the building—a reality the news media still refuses to cover—Reeder went inside the building to look for water to rinse his eyes. From all accounts, he was allowed into the building. While inside, Reeder marveled at the beauty of the Capitol and urged others “do not destroy anything.†He asked police how he could get out of the building as the situation between law enforcement and protesters escalated. (snip)
Although Reeder has no criminal record and prosecutors admit he did not commit any violent crime on January 6, Biden’s Justice Department wants Reeder to go to jail for two months. He pleaded guilty to one count of “parading, demonstrating, or picketing in a Capitol Building,†a common low-level charge levied against hundreds of Americans who entered the Capitol building on January 6. Prosecutors want to make an example of Reeder despite the fact he essentially turned himself in to law enforcement and quickly negotiated a plea arrangement.
Wouldn’t engaging one’s 1st Amendment Rights about speech, protest, and grievance at the Capitol be exactly what the Framers were talking about, along with that part “Congress shall pass no law…or abridging…”? Read the rest.

Were I, by some miracle, to become President, I would immediately pardon all of the Capitol kerfufflers.
I would also sic the Justice Department to prosecute every crime, no matter how small or insignificant, against the odious Black Lives Matter protesters; they were the ones truly trying to overthrow the established government.
Good luck on your campaign.
You would pardon the white people who physically assaulted police officers and broke into the US Capitol but would throw the book at Black Americans who violated curfews.
We would expect no less from the Dana Administration.
Elwood P. Dowd: You would pardon the white people who physically assaulted police officers and broke into the US Capitol but would throw the book at Black Americans who violated curfews.
That’s how he “proves” that systemic racism doesn’t exist.
You win the “non-sequitur of the day” award!
alanstorm: You win the “non-sequitur of the day†award!
It was Dana who introduced Black Lives Matter protesters. We just followed his suggestion to its obvious conclusion: Whites get off. Blacks go to jail for crimes “no matter how small or insignificant.”
BLM protestors were mostly WHITE ANARCHISTS…..You lose Again Elwood
Sure thing, of course they were… Much of what nuCons believe to be true is actually false. You can quote me.
“Rioting, looting, arson and assault” does not equal “violating curfews”. That’s lame even by YOUR low standards.
alanstorm: “Rioting, looting, arson and assault†does not equal “violating curfewsâ€.
Again, Dana’s suggestion was to prosecute every crime committed by Black Lives Matter protesters “no matter how small or insignificant”. Violate curfew, prosecute to the limit. Beating up a Capitol police officer, pardon.
“The sentencing for one of the January 6 US Capitol rioters was abruptly postponed Wednesday after new videos emerged of the man allegedly fighting with police”
The Arizona Audit report reached the state senate yesterday and the Democratic Sec of State issued a scathing report ahead of its findings trying to discredit it.
Also A republican who is butt hurt because his office bore the brunt of the election results in Maricopa county explained:
He explained he became outspoken about his opposition to the Senate’s election review because he felt he and his employees were attacked, especially after a Twitter post from the official audit account claiming that the county had deleted election files.
Aww…So he became anti republican because his office and him personally was attacked for running a truly Shitty election in Maricopa county. Now he has to become the enemy and defend himself against his own incompetence.
The fact that STATES have handed off elections to secretaries of states is about to change and the state legislatures of both parties are taking back that power which was given to them in the first place.
I reported on the FBI is now in CYA mode since its been revealed THEY went undercover and HELPED certain radical individuals go to DC and march and mount this violence.
The FBI AIDED THEM…now they are Covering their own asses by issuing a report that says…Nothing to see here folks.
The imaginative Mr est claims the storming of the US Capitol Building was an FBI project!
The FBI admitted to infiltrating groups of white supremicists and helping them to plan attacks on the Capitol. Remember the FBI just said there was no signs of an organized event and yet:
FBI operatives may have helped organize and may also have participated in the breach of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, according to documents obtained.
In a June 14 report, there are “upwards of 20 unindicted co-conspirators in the Oath Keeper indictments, all playing various roles in the conspiracy, who have not been charged for virtually the exact same activities — and in some cases much, much more severe activities — as those named alongside them in indictments.â€
From Politico.
Feds: Evidence shows well-laid plan by some Capitol insurrectionists
An FBI affidavit described preparations by the Proud Boys to storm the Capitol, including using earpieces and walkie-talkies to direct movements through the building.
The FBI DID: A new affidavit filed Tuesday by the FBI described preparations by the right-wing Proud Boys to storm the Capitol, including using earpieces and walkie-talkies to direct movements throughout the building and a discussion about wearing black to dupe people into blaming antifa for any trouble.
From MSN
Jan 12, 2021 · “As of 5 January 2021, FBI Norfolk received information indicating calls for violence in response to ‘ unlawful lockdowns ’ to begin on 6 January 2021
Jun 20, 2021 · The FBI continues to investigate communications between members of Congress and the pro-Trump mob that attacked the US Capitol.
Jun 08, 2021 · Capitol Police riot control unit did not plan for violence on Jan. 6. On the eve of the Jan. 6 insurrection at the Capitol, the Capitol Police’s riot control unit did not anticipate any
Why would Tucker Carlson and others say the FBI helped orchestrate the Jan 6th uprising.
Perhaps for the same reason that Glenn Greenwald an antiwar leftist thrown off his own platform he founded would say that CNN is owned and operated by the CIA.
The concluding evidence is why are the MSM so gung ho for war? CNN and MSNBC make huge ratings off war and death and anti-war activities. If anyone thinks it is beyond the scope of the CIA and FBI to be using the MSM for their advantage has their head in the sand.
FBI: The FBI Warned Congress of Right-Wing Violence Before Jan. 6. Capitol Police Leaders Never Saw the Report. Former security officials pointed fingers at each other over failures that led to the
The Michigan event had 14 undercover FBI agents that did as much to poke and prod them to action as they did to prevent it from happening. I guess Its like a dentist busting your tooth so he can then fix it to get paid.
But as it was revealed that the FBI had at least a dozen informants heavily involved in the Watchmen — including that Iraq veteran — critics say the G-Men did as much to prod the plot as they did to prevent it from happening in the first place.
I am glad you trust the FBI Elwood. Since they do NOTHING about ANTIFA but go after White ladies with backpacks and arrest little old ladies waving American flags while giving a pass to those burning down cities and businesses I guess I understand where your coming from.
The most bizarre event of the jan6th event is the 20 NOT ARRESTED FOR DOING THE SAME THING. Wonder who they were Elwood? Everyone knows who they were. They were FBI undercover agents inciting to violence those that easily were persuaded to go nuts.
The FBI is out of control. Where is Jimmy Carter when you need him since he went after the CIA and turned out to be a one term president as a 1000 bad things happened after he did what he did to the CIA.
A lot of unsupported scattershot. We’ll address just one:
est1950: FBI operatives may have helped organize and may also have participated in the breach of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, according to documents obtained.
In a June 14 report, there are “upwards of 20 unindicted co-conspirators in the Oath Keeper indictments, all playing various roles in the conspiracy, who have not been charged for virtually the exact same activities — and in some cases much, much more severe activities — as those named alongside them in indictments.â€
Legally, undercover law enforcement agents are not described as “unindicted co-conspirators.” A conspirator is breaking the law. Undercover agents are just doing their jobs.
First the radical right tried to blame the Calital riot on ANTIFA provocateur
Now they are trying to blame it all on FBI informants?
So 90% of the 570 arrested were unaffiliated “lone wolves”
Only 57 were highly organized
Okaaaay sounds probable
Some people were organized, and many followed them as they broke into the Capitol. A mob doesn’t have to be centrally organized to be dangerous or to have a direction.
Maybe the right has been reading that Saul insky feah who said that 10% organized can control the mob
126 police officers were injured by the mostly peaceful protestors
And let’s not forget tge pitiful woman carrying the “Don’t Tread on Me” flag that was ironically trampled to death
In the first 8 comments the Three Blind Mice in unison repeated every lie put out by the government and their associates in the media for the last 8 months. They never once referred to the 16,000 hours of video tape the government refuses to reveal nor the fact that Antifa and FBI informants/operatives have been and are of the same ilk and have been present at most if not all riots last year.
It seems our leftist monkeys believe everything the government and the press tells them without any further thought or inquiry. They are the quintessential “Useful idiots” or True Believers if you will. They buy all the bull shit regardless of how ridiculous it sounds,, how improbable it seems or how impossible it would be to happen. That counts from Wuhan flu to stolen elections to protests that have a riot but since they’re Trump supporters protesting a fake stolen election it becomes an “insurrection.
BTW Hairy, what “pitiful woman carrying the “Don’t Tread on Me†flag that was ironically trampled to death”? Name?
And of course the anti White racist Elwood tries to draw a moral equivalence between the Capitol protest and the burning, looting and murder that took place all last summer in mostly demofascist cities by mostly young white commie women (you know, Elwoods “educated” minions) and feral black barbarians destroying what others built over the death of a common criminal to Americans deliberately shut out of the electoral process by not only a stolen election but the bald faced lying about it and refusal to even investigate the concerns of 100 million Americans.
That you commie piss-ants is TRUE TYANNNY!.
Why do you three value a stolen election more than a fair audit? Why is it more important to install a fuking moron who just fuked up our country then to ensure a free and fair election? If you actually believe you won have an audit and prove it.
Kye: They never once referred to the 16,000 hours of video tape the government refuses to reveal
Any videos pertinent to a criminal trial will be provided to the defendants. Otherwise, the Capitol Police say the release can compromise Capitol security. Ultimately, the issue will be resolved in court.
You refer for conspiracy tales far too often. Sen Ron Johnson (R-Mars) claims to have 14,000 hrs of video of the Jan 6 Capitol assault. Are you claiming there’s another 16,000 hrs being hidden by the Deep State?
Your beliefs about the election are just not supported by evidence. Do you understand that normal Americans are somewhat, a little-bit suspect of “audits” conducted by right-wing GOP groups?
Speaking of feral Americans, what about the right-whites scaling the Capitol walls like zombies from “I Am Legend” and beating police officers with American and trump flags? And no, the odious jimhoft will not show you THOSE videos so you must look elsewhere.
By all means arrest and prosecute every identifiable BLM looter and arsonist. That’s why we have laws.
Right-white GOPhers are promoting the falsehood that the election was stolen to enable the enactment of state laws to rig future elections. Period. Authoritarian hero Stalin is believed to have said, “It’s not the people who vote that count, it’s the people who count the votes.” This is now the goal of the white nationalist party (nuGOP) – to create laws where the nuGOP controls the vote. nuCons are a minority in America, and the only way you can rule is by cheating.
And the left proved him right in 2020.
You are not getting any smarter.
Looks like Rimjob,dipshit that he is, and the KiddieZ, liars they are, are throwing a hissy fit because all the “protestors” won’t be hanged or something.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Their panties are in a bunch because they can’t convince actual thinking people WHO WATCHED THE PROTEST that an actual mostly peaceful demonstration was a fuking armed insurrection and the murder of Ashli Babbitt was not only justified but there should have been hundreds more.
These liars thought they had it made when they framed the burning, rioting, looting and murdering over the death of a fukin criminal as “mostly peaceful” but they miscalculated the American public’s tolerance for bullshit.
They really think they’re smarter than everybody else but they are very, very wrong.
Why do they hate us working Americans so much?
Never seen such sanctimonious bullshit from all 3 of the stooges. They are lying and can’t understand what racist they are.