Axios doesn’t actually say much as to what power Trump is trying to grab, but, then, that’s not their point, because the liberals who read it and post it do not need actual details
Officials increasingly alarmed about Trump’s power grab
Senior Trump administration officials are increasingly alarmed that President Trump might unleash — and abuse — the power of government in an effort to overturn the clear result of the election.
Why it matters: These officials tell me that Trump is spending too much time with people they consider crackpots or conspiracy theorists and flirting with blatant abuses of power.
The big picture:Â Their fears include Trump’s interest in former national security adviser Michael Flynn’s wild talk of martial law; an idea floated of an executive order to commandeer voting machines; and the specter of Sidney Powell, the conspiracy-spewing election lawyer, obtaining governmental power and a top-level security clearance.
A senior administration official said that when Trump is “retweeting threats of putting politicians in jail, and spends his time talking to conspiracy nuts who openly say declaring martial law is no big deal, it’s impossible not to start getting anxious about how this ends.”
Not one named source. This is pretty much all we’ve gotten from the news media for 4 years, and almost none of the TDS infused fear mongering has come to fruition. The New Yorker also covered this
Trump Floats Coup Plan That’s So Wild Even Rudy Giuliani Is Terrified
At the White House on Friday, President Trump held what may have been his most deranged meeting yet. In it, the president raged at his loyalists for betraying him, and discussed taking extralegal measures to overturn the election.
The meeting, first reported by the New York Times, included lawyer and conspiracy theorist Sidney Powell, convicted felon Michael Flynn, and Rudy Giuliani. One plan floated at the meeting was for Trump to appoint Powell as a “special counsel†overseeing allegations of voter fraud. Powell’s voter fraud claims are so fantastical she has been mocked even by other far-right legal conspiracy theorists. Andrew McCarthy, a former birther and author of one book titled How Obama Embraces Islam’s Sharia Agenda and another calling for his impeachment on multiple counts, has described Powell’s vote-fraud claims as “loopy.â€
And it made CNN cwazy
Heated Oval Office meeting included talk of special counsel, martial law as Trump advisers clash
President Donald Trump convened a heated meeting in the Oval Office on Friday, including lawyer Sidney Powell and her client, former national security adviser Michael Flynn, two people familiar with the matter said, describing a session that began as an impromptu gathering but devolved and eventually broke out into screaming matches at certain points as some of Trump’s aides pushed back on Powell and Flynn’s more outrageous suggestions about overturning the election.
President Donald Trump convened a heated meeting in the Oval Office on Friday, including lawyer Sidney Powell and her client, former national security adviser Michael Flynn, two people familiar with the matter said, describing a session that began as an impromptu gathering but devolved and eventually broke out into screaming matches at certain points as some of Trump’s aides pushed back on Powell and Flynn’s more outrageous suggestions about overturning the election.
Flynn had suggested earlier this week that Trump could invoke martial law as part of his efforts to overturn the election that he lost to President-elect Joe Biden — an idea that arose again during the meeting in the Oval Office, one of the people said. It wasn’t clear whether Trump endorsed the idea, but others in the room forcefully pushed back and shot it down.
The meeting was first reported by the New York Times.
Ah, so this bit of nuttbaggery was coming from the “paper of record.” Who thinks “senior Trump officials” would actually speak to them? And lots and lots of other outlets are amplifying the Times’ article without research of their own: Business Insider, Forbes, The Daily Beast, Task & Purpose, Gothamist, Slate, and many others. Credentialed Media outlets are basically Moonbat bloggers just linking crazy stuff from each other.
And none of them had issues with the power grabs by Democratic Party governors and mayors for COVID lockdown, which still continue. I’m also looking forward to these media nuts see what actual power grabs look like under China Joe.

Maybe no one would be worried if Trump admitted tgat he lost and that he was committed to a transfer of power on Jan 20???
Teach do you think that might make people less concerned?
Of course if he DOES that he will be leaving himself open to NY state felony charges of tax evasion and loan fraud
Maybe those chants of “lock ‘em up†will bounce back on him
I’m not concerned if people are concerned. People SHOULD be concerned about massive election fraud to deprive the electorate of their chosen candidate and substitute one chosen by a small circle if insiders in the Democratic party. But that isn’t the point of the article. The point of the article is that the NYT is always making stuff up about Trump, so they have zero credibility now on any topic. This particular line of propaganda has been active for a year now in the Democratic party controlled media.
Professor, I call it “The Elwood Syndrome”. The NYT, the Media in general, Big Tech, The “social” platforms and every ad agency on earth has lied itself and given unquestionable cover to the lies of the Democommie for four years up to an including the millions of lies about this fraudulent, corrupt election. Just like Elwood. Hence the name. I haven’t believed a word that came out of Elwood’s mouth since he was dead certain Trump was a Russian agent even after a three year investigation exonerated him. Talk about no evidence, they had nothing but accusations, false “leaks”, anonymous sources and innuendo yet the lying scum dragged America through a three year investigation then a phony-baloney impeachment sham. Then they used the Red Chinese Democrat flu to cripple the economy, drive small businesses out and unemploy tens of millions then blamed that too on Trump.
The Elwood Syndrome is still working trying to convince America they didn’t steal an election for their Commie Chinese friends. They are traitors.
Yet we can’t separate. They would never allow their subjects Freedom.
The main flaw I can see to the “separate ways” argument is a fatal one. No matter what you do, no matter what you try, do you really think these people will leave you alone?
A major part of the draw of American leftism is the false sense of moral and intellectual superiority it confers to its devotees. But what good is that if you don’t have a captive audience of people into whose faces you can rub your superiority? If you can’t reach them, then how can you lord over them? Tell them how to live? What to eat? When they can leave their homes? What business is “essential”? Whether they’re permitted to worship? How can you censor them, take away their right to self defense, and punish them?
How can you keep humiliating them and mocking them with sham elections that serve to reinforce their helplessness before your power?
We lost the culture wars because every time we gave in to what the leftists demanded and asked, “Now will you leave us alone?” they attacked another institution.
They will never leave you alone. So you might as well fight them where you are. This is our country. Our Constitution, our Republic. Not theirs. Why cede it to them? Fight.
He’s right about the political / psychological dynamic. The Left’s quasi-religious belief in its right to rule, owing to its presumption of moral and intellectual superiority to the rest of us, would demand that it force us to bow before it once again. Apart from that, power-seekers always seek more power, which would militate against secession a priori and would fuel a lust for infiltration and reconquest a posteriori. That lust would be encouraged and aided by any “blue remnant†populations that choose to remain in the “red†nation.
The TrumpKult Konspiracy now includes all three branches of government; the entire American judiciary system all the way up to the Supreme Court (of which Trump appointed 33.33% of the Justices, confirmed by a GOP Senate); the legislative including all Dems and most Republicans (even Majority Leader McConnell who told Trump he lost); the executive branch where the DOJ, FBI, AG and DHS reported no credible evidence of fraud. All tech companies and support are now involved in the “theft”. Every state legislature, Dems and GOPers have certified the “theft”. All but the most conspiracy-minded media – only OAN and NewsMax – and a collection of nutty bloggers – still claim that Trump won.
Every level of American governance, every American institution, every American corporation, and multiple foreign nations have conspired to defraud Donald J. Trump of his rightful place as Dear Leader.
Only a tight-knit group of Trump associates and willing TrumpKult members are promoting this big lie, gaslighting of the American psyche.
Combined with his his A-Team of lawyers, Trump’s crazy-brained tweets regarding his “landslide victory” are enough to cause some worry. Is Teach claiming that someone made up all the failed lawsuits and tweets from @realDonaldTrump.
This morning…
Donald J. Trump
The issue of election fraud is not new. The Heritage Foundation’s database on this issue shows 1,302 “proven instances of voter fraud†as of this writing. In 2020, issues of the deceased voting, non-citizens voting, and 120% of registered voter participation in certain counties are just a few examples of election corruption.
The convoluted nature of this election is by design. The progressive ruling class, under the guise of the coronavirus, flooded the country with unsolicited mail-in ballots. What could possibly go wrong?
The results of a forensic audit of Dominion tabulators in Antrim, Michigan have been released. This is the Republican stronghold that gave Biden a win by a few thousand votes. The 6,000 vote “glitch†was rectified, but further illustrates what appears to be a trend.
Proprietary coding has been redacted but the merits of the substance remain, Allied Security Operations Group conducted the analysis. A synopsis of their findings is as follows:
Dominion machines are intentionally designed to create fraud
They are designed to manipulate data with no oversight
Eliminating transparency is part of their signature
They were intentionally designed to eliminate an audit trail
The observable error rate is 68.05% when the Federal Election Comm. standard is 0.0008%
Republican Clerk did not update software, exacerbating the situation
Dominion Voting System should not be used in Michigan
Audit bottom line: Michigan’s election should not be certified.
This election has had more evidence of fraud than any in memory yet there are still morons in denial because they think they won which to them is more important than the integrity of our votes. Typical commies!
Keep on preaching, Rev!!
Why has no one believed the Allied Security Operations Group claims? Note these are claims, not proven. Read on.
Regarding the Antrim County recount, the hand recount upped Trump’s vote total by 12 votes out of 15,949 cast, remarkedly similar to the Dominion machine count (that the Allied Security Operations Group claimed a 68% error rate).
Kye was mistaken that Mr Biden won Republican stronghold Antrim County by a few thousand votes. Both the Dominion vote and the hand recount gave Mr Trump a decisive victory there.
“The recount affirmed Trump’s victory in Antrim. The county’s certified results showed Trump won the county. A total of 15,949 votes were cast, of which Trump won 9,748 votes while President-elect Joe Biden won 5,960, according to the certified results.”
This is the kind of sloppy bullshit that Trump’s A-Team has been presenting to the courts, and the Trump cult is lapping up like a thirsty dog.
May the gods bless the Heritage Foundations finding over 1300 instances of voter fraud over the past hundreds, if not thousands of elections, spread over at least a decade.
That said, we SHOULD have a bipartisan effort to eliminate any and all voter fraud.
Here are some of the Heritage examples of fraud:
“During the 2014 general election, for example, Avery Ayers sought to run as an independent challenging Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas. However, he forged the signatures of voters to qualify to be a candidate on the ballot.”
“In 2013, a group of at least four people attempted to take over a local utility board by falsely registering a Residence Inn as their home address.”
“Israel Garza, attempt to vote even though they are ineligible. When successful, such actions can negate the ballot of a legitimate voter, effectively disenfranchising that voter. Garza, a convicted felon whose rights had not been restored, attempted to vote in a 2010 Texas municipal election even though he was ineligible.”
“Another convicted felon, Benito Aranda Jr., voted in the 2012 Texas primary election. He was convicted and sentenced to 10 years in prison for voting illegally as a convicted felon, but is serving the remainder of his sentence under “community supervision.â€
“Kelly Reagan Brunner worked in a state-supported institution for Texans with intellectual and developmental disabilities. She is alleged to have registered 67 of the residents to vote without their knowledge or consent, many of whom had been declared mentally incompetent under Texas law.”
“Carlos Antonio De Bourbon Montenegro, aka Mark Anthony Gonsalves, a prospective mayoral candidate was recently charged with numerous felony and misdemeanor offenses of election fraud for his alleged involvement in a scheme that is said to have involved submitting fraudulent voter registrations on behalf of homeless individuals. It’s alleged that Montenegro filed more than 8,000 false registration applications over five months, forging names, addresses, and other information on nomination documents.”
These are the cases that Heritage promoted. Does it seem that these cases could amount to millions of votes, enough to overturn a national election?
Can you explain Trump’s failure to find voter fraud?
After his election, “Trump appointed Kris Kobach, along with Vice President Mike Pence, as co-chairs of a presidential commission to investigate election integrity. Kobach’s plan was easy to discern: The commission was to be the front through which a cabal of shadowy Republican activists and oft-debunked academics, backed by misleading studies, laundered their phony voting-fraud theories into a justification for real-world suppression tactics such as national voter ID and massive coast-to-coast electoral-roll purges.”
“Kobach, in the name of the commission, demanded voluminous voter data from all 50 state-election officials, including Social Security numbers, party registration, and voting history”, a totalitarian move that prompted both Republican and Democratic state officials to say “fuk you”.
As it turns out, the “Commission” never existed, but was a cover for just another Trumpian PR blitz. Unfortunately, the gang that can’t shoot straight weren’t aware of the Federal Advisory Committee Act which requires commissions to operate transparently in a bipartisan manner with open records. The Kobach Kommission was sued by a commission member who was never advised about “meetings”. A federal judge upheld the suit, ordered the Commission to release it’s records, and the commission dissolved rather than obey US law. Unfortunately for the Commission, the judge’s orders about records release was enforced and 8,000 pages of emails, documents and even a draft report were released. Kobach had not formed an actual Commission but was working in cahoots with right-wing “researchers”, AG Jeff Sessions and a parade of conservative politicians. The draft “Report” titled, “Evidence of Election Integrity and Voter Fraud Issues” contained headings categorizing voter fraud (e.g., Non-Citizen Voting) but without any evidence of voter fraud.
Cries of “voter fraud” have been the fine whine of losers for a long time. Thank the gods for our courts and courageous and patriotic judges.
Teach typed: “… none of them had issues with the power grabs by Democratic Party governors and mayors for COVID lockdown”
The “power” grabs by mayors and governors were/are legal.
Teach wonders why senior officials would talk with reporters anonymously. Duh. One, they’ve been talking to reporters from the git-go, and two, Trump will fire them by tweet.
Recall Chris Krebs (Head of DHS Cybersecurity) and his Deputy were fired by Trump for stating that DHS found no evidence of voter fraud.
One would think if these two unnamed officials were soooo “worried” they would go on the record but…
Bwaha! Lolgf
From the conservative Washington Times:
President Trump and Army brass are rejecting talk of invoking martial law to overturn the American electoral process amid lobbying from prominent allies of Mr. Trump.
“There is no role for the U.S. military in determining the outcome of an American election,†Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy and Army Chief of Staff Gen. James McConville said in a joint statement.
Several well-known supporters of Mr. Trump, ranging from former presidential advisers to a current Virginia state senator, have suggested he deploy the military to somehow either prove massive voter fraud invalidating Mr. Biden’s victory or perhaps to oversee a do-over of the election.
Mr. Trump lost the election to Democratic rival Joseph R. Biden, but the president and some fellow Republicans allege the race was rigged against the incumbent and deny its outcome.
During a recent TV appearance, retired Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, a former Trump adviser, recommended the president deploy the military to “basically rerun†the election he lost.
Mr. Flynn was part of the Friday meeting, according to The Times.
Will this shut up the right-wing idiots calling for martial law and invoking the Insurrection Act?
(No way could Trump openly and publicly call for the military to intervene in overturning the election. That would be sedition. Is Flynn committing treason?)
Trump has exhausted all constitutional means to steal/overturn the election. He should congratulate Mr Biden and work toward the peaceful transition of power.
Bwaha! peaceful transition…
dogboy and the Republicans clutch their pearls and collapse on the fainting couch!
Get the smelling salts!
Math is hard.
Stop the presses!! You would have thought someone other than a commenter on right-wing blog would have noticed this by now.
Math is not that hard.
Here’s the error with your calculation. The 0.662 fraction that voted was of Americans eligible to vote, i.e., 18 and over citizens, NOT registered voters. In 2018 that number was 234 million, but likely greater by 2020. But let’s use 234 million x 0.662 = 155 million
Biden/Harris –> 81,268,867 Votes
Trump/Pence –> 74,216,747 Votes
That equals 155.5 million total votes
We’re certain that Trump’s A-Team tried this on at least one judge, who likely had a middle schooler check the math.
Biden/Harris ended up with 306 EC votes.
Trump/Pence ended up with 232 EC votes.
Biden/Harris won both the popular vote and the EC vote.
Mr Biden will be inaugurated at noon on January 20, 2021.
Trump election attorney Lin Wood:
Election attorney Lin Wood on Sunday praised the idea that President Donald Trump could declare “martial law” in an effort to remain in office.
During an interview that was broadcast on NTP, a conservative YouTube channel, Wood was asked if martial law could prevent President-elect Joe Biden from being sworn in as the next president.
“I think Trump will Trump them all,” Wood proclaimed. “He’s also got the option of martial law. It’s been used 68 times. Lincoln had to do it to save the country. Maybe President Trump will have to do it.”
Wood explained that Trump could impose military rule on a “limited basis.”
“I’ve advocated the idea,” he continued. “Go into these seven states, seize the machines, have them tested, have the paper ballots tested. In a matter of days, our military could do it and we trust our military and we’d have the answer.”
Trump election attorney Lin Wood:
Election attorney Lin Wood on Sunday praised the idea that President Donald Trump could declare “martial law” in an effort to remain in office.
During an interview that was broadcast on NTP, a conservative YouTube channel, Wood was asked if martial law could prevent President-elect Joe Biden from being sworn in as the next president.
“I think Trump will Trump them all,” Wood proclaimed. “He’s also got the option of martial law. It’s been used 68 times. Lincoln had to do it to save the country. Maybe President Trump will have to do it.”
Wood explained that Trump could impose military rule on a “limited basis.”
“I’ve advocated the idea,” he continued. “Go into these seven states, seize the machines, have them tested, have the paper ballots tested. In a matter of days, our military could do it and we trust our military and we’d have the answer.”
In related news, Big Sid “Release the Kraken!” Powell was at the Friday meeting and seen again at the WH on Sunday. On Friday Russia Don floated the idea of Powell being appointed a special counsel/prosecutor on election fraud!