He’s not wrong, you know
Trump says AOC has ‘a great line in bulls***’ as he slams Green New Deal
Donald Trump attacked Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for having a “great line of bulls***” but knowing nothing about the environment, as crowds at a rally in Macon, Georgia cheered.
The president took a swing at the New York congresswoman as he mocked her Green New Deal proposals to deal with the climate crisis.
Mr Trump made the dismissive comments to a campaign rally crowd on Friday, his third public event of the day following a speech to seniors and another rally in Florida.
“She doesn’t know anything about the environment, she doesn’t know, she has got a great line of bulls*** thats about it,†said Mr Trump to huge cheers.
Remember, her former chief of staff said it was all about economic, not the “environment”.
Trump claims that AOC "knows nothing about the environment" but "has a great line of bullshit," then adds: "AOC plus three. These are not great academics. How about Ilhan Omar? … she hates our country." pic.twitter.com/hiXJggVEBp
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) October 17, 2020
It was introduced in 2019 by Ms Ocasio-Cortez and Senator Ed Markey.
Poor Ed Markey, he’s always left out of the discussion on the GND, but, he, if it’s not a great line of bullshit, then why have neither pushed hard to get it passed? In fact, again, you remember that Markey voted present when it was put up for a vote in the Senate, and AOC railed about the vote, wondering why the Senate was voting on her legislation, forgetting that Markey put it up in the Senate. Further, we’re fast approaching two years since it was introduce in that February, and not only has there been no votes in the House, it isn’t even being discussed in committee. Nor is AOC demanding that it get hearings and a vote.
Sounds like mule fritters to me. And now we’re just waiting for her shrieking response.

Would that great line of BS include destroying the airline industry?
Would that great line of BS include destroying oil and natural gas?
Would that great line of BS include destroying the economies of several states including Hawaii, since no one will be able to fly or take a cruise ship. How is the new state of Puerto Rico supposed to get representation to America?
See I have no agenda when it comes to reality and living outside the matrix, but what I do have is a problem with a Junior moron from NYC who along with Saint Greta from Europe want to destroy the worlds economy and hand it over to communism.
Now I understand they don’t understand the repercussions of their actions. I understand AOC and Saint Greta are just doing what they do and their handlers have a much deeper and darker motive that even they most likely are unaware.
Even if by some chance they are aware of the deeper motives of handing the world over first to Billionaires and then by default to China and a sinister, Evil and Vile Communism that will destroy a billion lives in the first 100 years of domination. Even if they do understand that what is perfectly clear is that they do not understand just how evil communism is.
What AOC and St. Greta don’t understand is how vicious and cruel Communism is and has always been. This is why 10’s of thousands of Latino’s are parading Florida for Trump having come from Cuba, Venezuela and much of Central America where their nations dived deeply into Communism.
Why the hell do these people think people are fleeing Central and South America and Cuba to come to the USA.
To the rational, the right-wing belief in a conspiracy tale that there exists a worldwide communist plot to enslave the Earth’s peoples is the most astounding outcome of Trumpism.
Is this a genuine, deeply-held belief or just an election year scare tactic?
It’s understandable that conservatives vehemently oppose universal healthcare, environmental regulations, progressive and social assistance – but are these programs really elements of communism?
“To the rational, the right-wing belief in a conspiracy tale that there exists a worldwide communist plot to enslave the Earth’s peoples is the most astounding outcome of Trumpism.”
The communist conspiracy didn’t come out of “Trumpism” it came out of Das Capital and The Manifesto And has been general knowledge since the 1930’s. Communism isn’t just so perverts and murderers can kill millions of people, you know. It knows no borders, has no life span, discriminates against no human and will not stop until humanity is enslaved.
You should know that as a loyal practitioner and useful idiot.
To the rational, the right-wing belief in a conspiracy tale that there exists a worldwide communist plot to enslave the Earth’s peoples is the most astounding outcome of Trumpism.
And all those Wars of National Liberation backed by the Commies, waged by the Commies, fought by the Commies is just a coinkydink.
And that fact’s been around long before the God Emperor of the Cherry Blossom Throne was installed.
Is this a genuine, deeply-held belief or just an election year scare tactic?</i.
Does, “We will bury you”, ring any bells?
It’s understandable that Conservatives vehemently oppose universal healthcare, environmental regulations, progressive and social assistance – but are these programs really elements of communism?
To ask the question is to answer it.
“The object of Socialism is Communism”, said some guy named Lenny.
Isn’t it great that a US President finally brought words like shit, bullshit, fck, son-of-a-bitch, out of the shadows? Soon he’ll be calling Senator Harris a ccksucker!
Remember when conservatives wanted to preserve (conserve) social norms? All it took was your very own bullshitting bully!
Dial it up to eleven you crazy idiot. You took Trump from bullshit to cocksucker in two sentences. Can’t you control your feminine side long enough to realize those words haven’t been in the shadows since filthy, vulgar leftists started Tweeting? Do you ever listen to the way leftist talk?
BTW, calling BJ Harris a cocksucker isn’t an insult it’s a political fact.
Now, now, we don’t know that Kamala Harris Emhoff performed fellatio on Willie brown or even her husband, Douglas Emhoff, though the vast majority of normal women do engage in oral sex.
All we know is that the then Miss Harris f(ornicated) with a married man twice her age to make her way to the top.
If Biden is elected the Democrats will make sure she is on top.
Mr Dana is apoplectic that Ms. Harris (then an asst prosecutor) dated CA Assembly Speaker Brown in 1994 (she dumped him when he became SF Mayor in ’95). Although Brown was still married, he and his wife, Blanche, had been estranged since 1981. Brown appointed Harris to two boards, California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board and then to the Medical Assistance Commission. Big whoop.
She was elected to CA Attorney General in 2011 and remained until she was elected US Senator in 2016 (taking office in 2017).
NuCons have been obsessed with the sexual mechanics of Democrats since they fell in love with Bill Clinton’s penis. Do you think married and new father Donald Trump performed cunnilingus on Stormy Daniels? Do you think the First Lady sucked Trump’s dick before they were married????
The sexist, racist attacks on Senator Harris are to be expected from right-wing cretins.
Mr Dana is apoplectic that Ms. Harris (then an asst prosecutor) dated CA Assembly Speaker Brown in 1994 (she dumped him when he became SF Mayor in ’95). Although Brown was still married, he and his wife, Blanche, had been estranged since 1981. Brown appointed Harris to two boards, California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board and then to the Medical Assistance Commission. Big whoop.
Although Brown was still married, he and his wife, Blanche, had been estranged since 1981 doesn’t change the fact he was still married.
And I don’t doubt those 2 appointments brought with them increased visibility, increased prominence, increased money, and increased opportunity.
And it would be a big whoop for you if it had been an R.
The hypocrisy, it stinks big on you.
She was elected to CA Attorney General in 2011 and remained until she was elected US Senator in 2016 (taking office in 2017).
She was elected on the backs of many blacks railroaded into jail. That’s why she couldn’t even poll 1% among blacks during the primaries.
NuCons have been obsessed with the sexual mechanics of Democrats since they fell in love with Bill Clinton’s penis. Do you think married and new father Donald Trump performed cunnilingus on Stormy Daniels? Do you think the First Lady sucked Trump’s dick before they were married????
Do I think all your homosexual fantasies are getting worse? Do I think you should seek professional help?
Do I think you’re going to do a great imitation of the RBG screamer on 11/4?
The sexist, racist attacks on Senator Harris are to be expected from right-wing cretins.
The exposure of her true record and dismal morals on Chlamydia are to be expected from Conservatives interested in good government.
They don’t call ’em Joe and the Ho for nothing.
Isn’t it great that a US President finally brought words like shit, bullshit, fck, son-of-a-bitch, out of the shadows? Soon he’ll be calling Senator Harris a ccksucker!
You mean like you do all the time?
Remember when Conservatives wanted to preserve (conserve) social norms? All it took was your very own bullshitting bully!
He saw that Lewandowsky interview on Hannity.
PS Dirty words were dragged into everyday American discourse by the Lefties 50 years ago.
Conservatives wanted to preserve (conserve) those square social norms.
The outraged Mr Dowd wrote:
Alas! The social norms we wanted to preserve were trashed years ago, when someone like Miss Harris was able to f(ornicate) her way to the top with a married man. She should have wound up like Monica Lewinsky, but, instead your party chose a woman who does not respect her husband enough to have taken his name to become Vice President.
Hillary Rodham did not take her husband’s name when she married him, only doing so after he lost his first re-election campaign for Governor of Arkansas, and she finally realized that hanging on to her maiden name — which was still that of a man — was hurting her husband politically.
The increasingly outraged and vulgar Mr Dana typed: Alas! The social norms we wanted to preserve were trashed years ago, when someone like Miss Harris was able to f(ornicate) her way to the top with a married man. She should have wound up like Monica Lewinsky, but, instead your party chose a woman who does not respect her husband enough to have taken his name to become Vice President.
Is that the reason nu”Conservatives” have come to worship their Messiah, Donald J. Trump, easily the most degraded, degrading human ever to run for president, that some women use their maiden name professionally????
Sounds like an excuse rather than a reason. NuCons supported Donald Trump in 2016 because Senator Harris dated SF Mayor Willie Brown in the early 1990s? (Brown was separated from his wife at the time). Mr. Trump was f*cking porn stars while married to his 3rd wife. Is it sexims, racism or both?
It can’t be a sense of morality since Senator Harris is certainly a light-year more moral person than Donald Trump.
It ought to be axiomatic: if a woman does not respect you enough to take your name when you marry her, you should not marry her.
Is that the reason nuâ€Conservatives†have come to worship their Messiah, Donald J. Trump, easily the most degraded, degrading human ever to run for president, that some women use their maiden name professionally????
Non sequitur.
And I think you forgot Jack Kennedy (any Kennedy, really), Williw Whitewater, and the Queen of the Chicago Baths, Zippy.
Sounds like an excuse rather than a reason. NuCons supported Donald Trump in 2016 because Senator Harris dated SF Mayor Willie Brown in the early 1990s? (Brown was separated from his wife at the time). Mr. Trump was f*cking porn stars while married to his 3rd wife. Is it sexims, racism or both?
Dated???? Like Julie Caesar and Marc Tony dated Cleopatra? Like Messalina dated the Roman Empire?
It can’t be a sense of morality since Senator Harris is certainly a light-year more moral person than Donald Trump.
How many people did Trump railroad into prison to advance his political career?
“It can’t be a sense of morality since Senator Harris is certainly a light-year more moral person than Donald Trump.”
Elwood, a person who advocates murdering babies has no fukin’ business even using the word “morality”. You don’t know the meaning. Your entire political philosophy is based on immorality from abortion on demand to atheism, to homosexuality. You’re all perverts, liars and thieves.
Yeah, morality and these are all Democrats:
“NFL players have been arrested 855 times since 2000. That includes 215 DUI charges, 99 drug charges, 96 domestic violence cases and 71 assaults. It even includes two murders.” but they want to kneel to show their “virtue” like Elwood berates others in the name of “morality”.
The left are now trying to redefine masculinity in a way to make Joe Biden and ‘progressive’ policies not seem so wimpy. They are trying to make a weakling like Joe Biden seem like “a manly but caring boy-next-door.”
Both The Philadelphia Inquirer and The Washington Post have cited males to specialized in the very feminine field of ‘gender studies’ as their purported experts.
There are two types of normal women: there are the ones who admire strong men, and want to marry someone like Donald Trump, and then there are the feminists, who say they want a ‘man’ like Joe Biden, wind up marrying one like him, but cheating on him with someone like Mr Trump.
Dad, feminists are not normal women. They are women who hate themselves and the world because they weren’t born men.
Truer words never spoken.
So a man loyal to his wife and children is a wimp, but a serial adulterer, serial molester, and accused rapist like Donald J. Trump is a “real” man? How did Trump’s wives feel when they found him f*cking younger women?
There are other names for “normal” women who seek to marry wealthy, “powerful” men decades their senior.
How long will the current Mrs. Trump will stay with Trump once he’s ousted? LOL.
Mr Dowd asked:
Mr Trump will be 78 years old when he leaves office, and who can know how many years he will have left after that?
The current Mrs Biden allegedly cheated on her first husband with Mr Biden before she married the then freshman Senator. Did the very Catholic Mr Biden insist that she obtain a Church annulment before he married his (allegedly) adulterous wife?
Has Mr Biden been loyal and faithful to Mrs Biden? Well, who knows; there have been no allegations that he cheated on her. But we do know that, together, they reared a son who is a drug addict and a grifter, so perhaps they haven’t exactly done a great job as parents.
Robert Hunter Biden had every opportunity in life. He had the benefit of going to tony Archmere Academy, a private Catholic school in which he could avoid contact with too many Negroes and avoid the “racial jungle” the elder Mr Biden wanted him to avoid. Then, as a Senator’s son, he was able to matriculate at Georgetown University and then Yale Law School.
In 2009, just as his father became Vice President, he was able to found a successful investment firm; just a coincidence, I’m certain.
Two waivers for the Vice President’s son allowed:
Subsequent to that, he started sleeping with his older brother’s widow, divorced his wife, and then knocked up a stripper; he tried to avoid having to pay child support on his son with the stripper. Then he married a South African filmmaker he had just met.
The elder Mr Biden said that his son had a drug problem and that he has worked his way through it, and that he is proud of his son.
How does this reflect on the elder Mr Biden? Well, whatever he did, the elder Mr Biden does not appear to have reared his son very well. Perhaps that’s not a sin.
Mr Dana recites a supposed litany of Mr. Biden’s deficiencies.
Good lard, man, you do realize you support Donald J. Trump, right? DJT has at least 5 children by at least 3 baby mamas. Not one of his spawn has accomplished anything on their own (just like daddy). The rotten apples don’t fall far from the tree.
Trump and his older spawn, Jr., Ivanka and Eric, were busted for using the Trump “Charity” as family piggy bank, included in Sept 2015, Victor Pinchuk, the billionaire son of a former Ukraine president, contributed $150,000 to Trump’s charity, according to the charity’s tax return.
The contribution arrived in conjunction with a speech that Trump made via satellite hookup to a Pinchuk Foundation conference in Kyiv. Trump, who was running for president at the time, referred to Pinchuk as a friend during the speech, according to a 2018 report by a Forbes contributor.
No rational American considers Mr. Biden to be as corrupt as trump inc.
Good lard, man, you do realize you support Donald J. Trump, right? DJT has at least 5 children by at least 3 baby mamas. Not one of his spawn has accomplished anything on their own (just like daddy). The rotten apples don’t fall far from the tree.
Yo\u can prove all of his.
Trump and his older spawn, Jr., Ivanka and Eric, were busted for using the Trump “Charity†as family piggy bank, included in Sept 2015, Victor Pinchuk, the billionaire son of a former Ukraine president, contributed $150,000 to Trump’s charity, according to the charity’s tax return.
You must have them confused with Gropin’ Joe’s son. You have proof of your allegations or is this just more of your impotent sputtering, not unlike your sexual performance, I wager.
The contribution arrived in conjunction with a speech that Trump made via satellite hookup to a Pinchuk Foundation conference in Kyiv. Trump, who was running for president at the time, referred to Pinchuk as a friend during the speech, according to a 2018 report by a Forbes contributor.
Wow, a Forbes contributor! Well, that nails it.
Any idea who this “Forbes contributor” might be? What is his evidence?
You want issues, you got ’em. Prove ’em.
Mr Dana types unfounded slurs regarding Mrs. Biden. Mrs. Biden’s first husband suspected she was having an affair when she declined to take a trip with him to meet Bruce Springsteen.
If she WAS having an affair, wouldn’t that prove that Joe Biden was more of a man than her first husband??
If Melania Trump DID have an affair before 2016 wouldn’t that prove that some other man was more manly than The Donald.
Essentially, Donald J. Trump has been paying for sex or raping women most of his adult life.
Mr Dana types unfounded slurs regarding Mrs. Biden. Mrs. Biden’s first husband suspected she was having an affair when she declined to take a trip with him to meet Bruce Springsteen.
If she WAS having an affair, wouldn’t that prove that Joe Biden was more of a man than her first husband??
No, just that Jill, like Chlamydia, was screwing her way to the top.
If Melania Trump DID have an affair before 2016 wouldn’t that prove that some other man was more manly than The Donald.
Did she, or is this more of your flaccid ramblings?
Essentially, Donald J. Trump has been paying for sex or raping women most of his adult life.
He has? Sounds more like Willie Whitewater or Teddy Kennedy.
So a man loyal to his wife and children is a wimp, but a serial adulterer, serial molester, and accused rapist like Donald J. Trump is a “real†man? How did Trump’s wives feel when they found him f*cking younger women?
A serial adulterer, serial molester, and accused rapist sounds a lot more like Willie Whitewater.
And How did Jack Kennedy’s wife feel when they found him f*cking younger women?
There are other names for “normal†women who seek to marry wealthy, “powerful†men decades their senior.
You doubtless know them all, but you shouldn’t talk about Jackie Kennedy like that.
How long will the current Mrs. Trump will stay with Trump once he’s ousted? LOL.
Moot since he won’t be ousted.
You’re just showing your impotence because it’s obvious Trump will win again.
As always, your LOL is just a vain, pathetic attempt to mask your own sexual frustrations and inabilities.
Trump2020: Because Real Men Cheat on the Wives!!
Recall when Trump told Billy Bush that he tried to fck the gorgeous but married, Nancy O’Dell (Access Hollywood) but she rebuffed his advances. This was when The Don was in his prime but Ms. O’Dell told him to fck off. Curious. I guess her then husband was more manly than The Don in his prime!
But we suspect The Don (and men like him) has little success with accomplished women. In fact, he seems intimidated by confident women, as are most men like him. Little boys, really.
Recall when Trump told Billy Bush that he tried to fck the gorgeous but married, Nancy O’Dell (Access Hollywood) but she rebuffed his advances. This was when The Don was in his prime but Ms. O’Dell told him to fck off. Curious. I guess her then husband was more manly than The Don in his prime!
He also didn’t try to force himself on her like those lions of the Democrat party Teddy Kennedy, Willie Whitewater, Gropin’ Joe, and Robert Menendez.
But we suspect The Don (and men like him) has little success with accomplished women. In fact, he seems intimidated by confident women, as are most men like him. Little boys, really.
Actually, it sounds a lot more like Willie Whitewater, who confined himself mostly to trailer trash. Women like Juanita Broaddrick or Kathleen Willey had to be raped or intimidated.
Your fantasies about little boys surface again. You really do need help.
Trump2020: Because Real Men Cheat on the Wives!!
It is always amusing when Elwood talks about sexual issues as he has admitted to raping a woman.
With the left, it is always hateful project.
After all, all the left has is hate.
gitarcarver is a lying sack of shit. As always. All gitarcarver has is hate.
It is always amusing when gitarcarver accuses others of rape, as he has admitted to fondling children.
Poor soul that he is, with organic brain disease. He used to be so smart and reasonable but he’s now infected with Ignorantus trumpii.
It’s always projection with the left. Hateful projection as well.
We’ve gone over this before. You admitted to raping a person.
As for your claims, we know that desperate people have to lie.
All the left has is hate.
Jeffery is truly losing it.
His rants have become a Freudian soup of neuroses.
We can’t help but notice that the multiheaded carbuncles on Porter Good’s hanging hemorrhoid, aka Kye and formwiz, no longer address any issues.
We get it kiddies. You’re staring down the gaping maw of life without The Don. He gave you hope and gave your pathetic lives a trace of meaning.
Blah, blah.
Jeffery is so busy sputtering, he can’t notice how his propaganda gets knocked down.
You’re staring down the gaping maw of life without The Don. He gave you hope and gave your pathetic lives a trace of meaning.
It’s just a coinkydink that, in terms of real numbers, Trump is killing Gropin’ Joe in early voting.
Jeffery rants because he is associated with a party of communists, rapists and racists. That’s why he calls everybody else names. He makes “suppositions” about what Trump said or did but we KNOW what Bill Clinton dis, Ted Kennedy did, Menendez did, Weinstein and Epstein and a hundred more did including BJ Harris who sucked her way into American political power.
Now we have this jewel of leftist thought:
Kye, aka the boil on Porter Good’s hemorrhoid, is concerned about Senator Harris’ past life, yet has no problem with immigrant Melania Knavs sucking her way into the White People House.
You are confused.
If Chlamydia made it to the White House, she would have sucked her way into the White Folks House.
Actually, it shows how little Jeffery really cares about immigrants who won’t be conned into voting Commie that he would slander one in such a fashion.
As I say, evidence?
He’s losing and he knows, so he’s our official RBG screamer.
So you DO support Jerry Harris after he raped AT LEAST ten boys? Wow. And Melania isn’t running for president you fukin fool Blow Job Harris is as soon as she Arkancides Dribbling Biden. We all know it. You guys want a cock suckin commie in the White House and she’s got all the qualifications. But then, so do all you leftists.
Jeffery doesn’t want to talk about all the immigrants have a right to be here, etc., because Trump won on the Wall.
It’s a mystery why Rimjob never gets invited to anything anymore.
As we hit the 2 week stretch, the numbers are all going Trump’s way (probably were all along).
Gropin’ Joe is slowing down (took another lid today) and Chlamydia is hiding.
Trump’s doing a rally a day.
Is there any. Math. To. Do? You certainly supplied none.
What numbers are going Trump’s way? LOL.
Metaphor, lardhead, although, if you’re that obtuse, let me explain.
With 2 1/2 weeks to go, Gropin’ Joe still needs to call a lid 1 day in 3.
Trump doesn’t. Fitness for the job.
The swing states are going his way. Now he can work on a couple (maybe more than a couple) of big Demo states fed up with tyrannical governors.
As I say, Jeffery pulls his LOL out of his ass any time things are looking bad for the bad guys.