If you take a run through Twitter, the Democratic Underground, hard-left sites, you’ll see many Leftists yammering about Trump using Bat Soup Virus to delay the 2020 election. Some even say permanently. This would have happened even without BSV. We saw the same thing with Bush in 2004 and 2008, saying he wouldn’t leave. Now the moonbats have ammunition to run with, and it has made it to Pelosi
Pelosi: November elections ‘must’ go on as scheduled
Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Friday that Democrats “must” ensure that President Trump doesn’t try to delay the Nov. 3 elections, a day after presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden issued a similar warning.
“I know there’s a danger and people are scared, but we must and we will,” Pelosi said of holding the elections as scheduled during an interview on MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports” when asked about the possibility of an attempt to delay the elections if there is a resurgence of the coronavirus.
Pelosi said that she hoped that any attempt to move back the elections would be a bridge too far even for Republicans.
“[Trump] has done a lot to undermine who we are as America, but the fact is, we cannot allow him to do that to our democracy. That will not happen. And God willing, maybe some Republicans might even stand up for our country, our Constitution and our democracy, as well. I think they will,” Pelosi said.
Interestingly, no reporters asked her if she was nuts and delving into conspiracy theories, as they would had a Republican said it with a Democrat in office.
Trump’s campaign slammed Biden after the former vice president predicted during an online fundraiser on Thursday that Trump would try to push back the elections and that there would again be electoral interference from Russia.
“Mark my words: I think he is gonna try to kick back the election somehow, come up with some rationale why it can’t be held,†Biden said, adding that doing so is “the only way [Trump] thinks he can possibly win.â€
Well, you have to have some way to create excitement among the hardcore moonbat base of the Democratic Party for Handsy Joe. Still, no reporter seems to be asking Joe what’s up with his conspiracy theory-mongering.
Trump campaign communications director Tim Murtaugh called Biden’s comments “the incoherent, conspiracy theory ramblings of a lost candidate who is out of touch with reality.”
“Perhaps he also missed the news that the infamous Steele Dossier, central to the Russian Collusion Hoax, was likely compiled with Russian disinformation. That’s the real Russian collusion,” he added.
I can understand why reporters don’t want to get close to Joe to ask questions, as he might massage their shoulders, sniff their hair, and give them a cuddle and a peck on the cheek.

It’s Trump’s plan to put Americans back to work, let the virus get so bad that he will have no choice but to suspend congress and declare martial law. He will then pronounce himself king.
Then Trump and Putin will run the world gleefully watching everyone die from a communist virus made in a HARVARD LAB consisting of Nano technology that targets politicians. HAHAH. You think I’m kidding. Iran is having their parliament decimated by the virus.
A white man and a china man made a virus that hates black people. RACIST. See this is all been concocted by trump because he is under the influence of aliens from Planet Trump and he has a friend who is fixing to market Forsythia to cure us all, but in reality it is a mind control drug that tells us that China is good and that America is evil except for Trump whom Jeffery and John will then swear allegiance too and become a high stepper for ILTUMPISTA.
Sibley typed: “It’s Trump’s plan…”
Since trump has no plans past breakfast, there’s little need to read the rest.
trump models himself after Gov Le Petomane in Blazing Saddles.
Clip surfaces of Biden accuser Tara Reade’s mother phoning into ‘Larry King Live’ in 1993 alluding to claim
It doesnt matter if they are lining up to go after Biden the Communist owned and operated MSM won’t cover it or report on it and we all know that only CNN and MSNBC gives us the truth.
Right? We all know that to be true.
It doesnt matter. The democrats will have MICHELLE OBAMA run as his running mate since there is no campaigning and then once the nursing home reject has been elected because of Obama on the ticket, he will resign or be forced out using the 25th amendment and then we will have Michelle for 8 more years. Her new VP will be Oprah Winfrey and the GOP will cease to exist.
There is no GOP now, only Trumpublicans.
TEACH typed: I can understand why reporters don’t want to get close to Joe to ask questions, as he might massage their shoulders, sniff their hair, and give them a cuddle and a peck on the cheek.
If it was a 13 yr old girl reporter, trump might pin her down and rape her.
trump would grab other female reporters by the pussy.
These women might have something to say, too.
Jill Harth (1992)
E. Jean Carroll (1995 or 1996)
Summer Zervos (2007)
Alva Johnson (2019)
Jessica Leeds (1980s)
Kristin Anderson (1990s)
Lisa Boyne (1996)
Cathy Heller (1997)
Temple Taggart McDowell (1997)
Karena Virginia (1998)
Mindy McGillivray (2003)
Jennifer Murphy (2005)
Rachel Crooks (2005)
Natasha Stoynoff (2005)
Juliet Huddy (2005 or 2006)
Jessica Drake (2006)
Ninni Laaksonen (2006)
Cassandra Searles (2013)
Mariah Billado, Victoria Hughes (1997)
Bridget Sullivan (2000)
Tasha Dixon (2001)
Samantha Holvey (2006)
Stormy Daniels
Karen McDougal
Oh but it MATTERS 50 center. IT MATTERS TO THE LEFT that you be hashtag all about women in the new world order.
I mean Kavanaugh was nearly hung by the balls because the (hashtag women always tell the truth narrative) with a weak story and no witnesses showed up and attempted to destroy a man’s life for political reasons. The communist left lost their collective minds over a false and fake story, even making shit up as they went.
Now that Hashtag CHINA JOE MOLESTOR is the nominee. It doesnt matter. The communist left doesnt care. They only want to get Trump out of office because he is doing conservative things. Not a word about BILLIONAIRE DEMOCRAT TRUMP from the LEFT FOR DECADES UNTIL HE RAN AGAINST OBAMA’S legacy.
But everyone knows that CHINA JOE Is even today in his basement sucking china dik while little girls rub the hair on his legs.
But the MSM doesn’t care about that. It’s only okay if YOUR party’s pervert is a child molester not the other party.
I’ll see you (not one has gone to court and gotten a conviction) and I’ll raise you.
Lucy Flores
Amy Lappos
D.J. Hill
Caitlyn Caruso
Ally Coll
Sofie Karasek
Vail Kohnert-Yount
Alexandra Tara Reade
Reade also said Biden reprimanded her. “He pointed his finger at me and he just goes: ‘You’re nothing to me. Nothing,’†she said. “Then, he took my shoulders and said, ‘You’re OK, you’re fine.’â€
Uh-oh, Looks like Klem triggered Elwood. He’s out beating the commie weeds to find names of women to attach to Trump just because Sniffin’ Joe is a filthy rapist and child molester. I guess when you got no proof a long list of Democrat operatives is a valid replacement for facts. Hate rules for these liars.
These leftist c**ts trigger so easy.
Trump 2020 Because after 4 years of lies your list means SHIT!
Be honest now KYE. Haven’t you enjoyed 50 center’s fake crocodile tears the last 3 plus years?
We all know he is making 50 cents a post, is working for China, has sold his companies technology to China and just makes stuff up because its how they operate.
None of this is personal for him. He is the ultimate whore. He does this for MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. Sad he does it for 50 cents though. I thought inflation would have him at least at a dollar.
Remember Vietnam? Five dollah I love you long time. Hell he’s not even up to 1969 standards yet. He is definitely a cheap date for the Chinese CCP.
Uh-oh! We’ve triggered Klem the cvnt! Oh my!
How many rubles do you get for daily sucking Donald Trump’s toadstool dik?
Did you see the recent report from the Senate GOP’s Intelligence Committee’s Report on the Russia-Trump team? Damning indeed.
Uh-oh, we triggered Kye the Cvnt! Oh my.
I’m on Rapin’ Don’s side! I think it’s unfair for the WH to keep The Don from riffing at his daily mini-rallies. Let trump be trump! Let him speak to the American people unchecked! Allow him to abuse reporters.
Who knows when he he’ll come up with the next cure for the Trump Plague. Just because he publicly humiliated himself and the nation the other day is no reason to shelve him!
trump has been grabbin’ pussy for 50 years or so, so of course he has a long list of victims, inamoratas and sex workers.
I’ve yet to meet a conservative man who didn’t view women as a commodity.
“Uh-oh, we triggered Kye the Cvnt! Oh my.”
Wrong again, white boy. I put that there deliberately to see if you would react AND YOU DID! Hahahaha.
I’ve yet to meet a leftist man who didn’t view women as political tools. To us they are partners, to you they’re just political props. Vote generators. Weepy things to be manipulated and told how weak they are because Man Bad.
Leftists are users. It’s their nature. Leftists are Liars. Because if they told the truth they’d lose. Leftists are envious because they can’t depend on themselves.
Have you figured out how Rapin’ Joe will get offed yet? Remember, Epstein didn’t kill himself. I’m sure you can “disappear” him like your Chinese pals do. We don’t call you the “Democrat Crime Family” for nothin’.
Trump 2020 Keep the child rapist out of the White House.
And I put THAT there to see if you’d respond, and you did! Hahaha!
Newflash 2020: A child rapist is ALREADY IN the White House!
How degenerate will trump have to be before you reject him?
Your cult hero suggested that injecting Lysol and Chlorox might rid a body of the Trump Plague and his cult members dutifully defended him, denying he said what he clearly said. Then your cult hero admitted he said it, but was being “sarcastic”, insulting you and throwing his defending cultists under the bus. Instead of being humiliated, his cult members make excuses. You’re the victims in an abusive relationship. You tolerate the beatings because he takes good care your feelings otherwise. How much abuse are you willing to take?
News Flash!!! One was there from ’93 – ’00.
How degenerate will the Demos have to be before you reject them (rhetorical, you’re at least as degenerate)?
Your cult hero suggested that injecting Lysol and Chlorox might rid a body of the Trump Plague and his cult members dutifully defended him, denying he said what he clearly said. Then your cult hero admitted he said it, but was being “sarcasticâ€, insulting you and throwing his defending cultists under the bus.
All lies, transcript is linked in one of the earlier posts. You don’t care. Just project. Just lie. Just type what they tell you.
Instead of being humiliated, his cult members make excuses.
Yeah, Uncle Saul’s Rules don’t work like they used to.
You’re the victims in an abusive relationship. You tolerate the beatings because he takes good care your feelings otherwise. How much abuse are you willing to take?
Beatings? Our side is winning. How much abuse are you willing to take?
Trump did’t “suggest” anything you lying commie, he speculated. It’s what people do. That’s how new ideas are born but you wouldn’t understand that since the newest idea you have is from Marx in 1848. I see they are walking back the ultra violet remark too now that the scientists corrected them and Trump was correct.
We are vicyims of an abusive relationship. We are constantly abused by white haters, Christian haters and demeaning men. We are bictims of DEmocommie mayors and governors who illegally deprived us of our God given Constitutional rights to religion, to own and operate our businesses and to work. We are victims of the Fake News Media who in conspiracy with the leftists have deliberately destroyed the Trump economy of 26 million new jobs just to win an election. And we’re victims because you leftists aren’t done yet. You won’t be satisfied until the entire economy collapses just to “teach us a lesson” for voting for Trump.
You are the worst of a combination of Nazi’s with your racial and religious hatred and communists for your envy of success and achievement.
I see now there are other women claiming to have been raped by Rapin’ Joe both vaginally and anally. And also beaten. Interesting. And children too. Plus, his anti American money grubbing son is still involved with that Chinese company. The filthy liar!
“Hunter Biden is still all China’d up. Which is not a pretty picture given that he got his China connections in the first place by hanging onto papa Joe Biden’s coattails, and has since continued to profit from the communist regime at a time while claiming he’s not, when his father might just become the U.S. president.
According to Breitbart News:
Hunter Biden, Joe Biden’s second son, still owns a ten-percent stake in Chinese company Bohai Harvest RST (BHR), an investment firm he co-founded with funding from the Bank of China, noted Peter Schweizer, president of the government accountability Institute, senior contributor to Breitbart News, and author of Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America’s Progressive Elite.
In episode 17 of the Drill Down, entitled “Hunter Biden’s Chinese Fortune,†Schweizer noted that Hunter Biden has not divested from BHR despite his father’s presidential campaign.
“The idea that Hunter could still profit off of the Chinese government if his father becomes president remains an incredible potential conflict [of interest],†observed Schweizer. “A conflict that seems all the more troubling when Joe Biden continues to dismiss China as a geopolitical threat.â€
Far from dispensing with his connections to China as House Biden and its media allies would have you think, he’s still got his 10% stake in the Chinese investment firm, and that’s worth big money, given that its investments amount to $2.5 billion”
All you have is lies and hate, Elwood. And a senile child rapist as a candidate. Usama bin Laden wanted to assassinate then-President Barack Obama so that the “totally unprepared†Joe Biden would take over as president and plunge the United States “into a crisis,†according to documents seized from bin Laden’s Pakistan compound when he was killed in May 2011. Rapin’ Joe was a nothin’ then and he’s a senile nothin’ now.
All the left has is HATE. There is bad news for MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace, who said it was “difficult†to hope he would pull through. She had hoped Rand Paul would die from Kung-Flu. Too bad, Nicolle, Rand Paul is back in action, despite having contracted the ChiCom coronavirus. The disease could have been mortal in his case, because he had part of a lung removed following a severe beating by a typical left-wing lunatic who believed he deserved killin’ cause he’s not a commie.
All you have is HATE! You are soulless heathen haters and nothing more. That’s why you don’t give a crap how many Americans die as long as Trump loses. You are murderers by proxy and Chink Flu is your proxy!!
The very first paragraph of this post says it all:
What are we doing, America? We’ve destroyed a booming economy, turned a record number of jobs into record unemployment numbers, and given up our basic tenets of liberty — all so we won’t get sick?
Read the rest (but not Elwood or John as it will trigger them)
Trump 2020 Get the proxy killers out of America
The only one keeping Trump from those rallies is Trump.
Who knows when he he’ll come up with the next cure for the Trump Plague.
You mean the Birx Bile? Actually, he’s done as well as any of the “experts”.
Just because he publicly humiliated himself and the nation the other day is no reason to shelve him!
now you know that’s a lie. You lie all the time.
You could have linked the transcript the way I did and let people make up their own minds, but you’re afraid of that.
You know what you said was a lie.
All you have is lies.
And hate.
And envy.
For J and John: https://i2.wp.com/www.powerlineblog.com/ed-assets/2020/04/Screen-Shot-2020-04-19-at-7.42.17-AM.png?w=1160&ssl=1
â˜¹ï¸ poor Donald no more sex for him! His own wife will not even share the same bedroom as him.
And as for people hosting him yes you are right. Remember most Americans voted for Hillary, who also was very unlikeableTrump was not elected by the people of the USA, he was elected by state electors.
That’s where you show your Constitutional ignorance, John. Trump was elected by the people just not the people from three states, the people from a majority of states elected him. That’s how it will be until you commies figure out how to corrupt a Republic and steal more elections. Also, 10 million illegal votes for Hillary don’t count.
Hillary murdered her way to (almost) the White House. Her husband fuked his way in. But you think a majority of Americans voted for Hillary? You need a mental exam.
Trump 2020 Keep the Crime Family out of the WH.
Acreage doesn’t vote, but people do.
Much of what connies believe to be true is not. It’s a connie myth that 1, 3 or 10 million illegal votes were cast for Mrs. Clinton. It’s a connie myth that Mrs. Clinton murdered anyone. There is no evidence to support any of it, only connie lies, rumors, projection and fantasy.
2020: Kick the trump Crime Family out of the WH.
50 center declaring its a myth and a lie does not make it so.
There is zero evidence that illegals do NOT VOTE. Many states give them a drivers license and to register to vote all you need is a drivers license or an official ID. You do not need a birth certificate to register to vote.
The solution has always been, keep them herded on the reservation and keep them voting for a 3 percent raise in welfare.
Let our URBAN cities fall apart, while LEFTISTS rapists rape the coffers of the money for their own pockets and leave the people to die and be murdered on the streets by gangs and poverty and hopelessness.
50 center only tells lies therefore anything he says that is a lie is the truth and anything he says is the truth is a lie.
therefore everything CONS believe is the truth and illegals DO VOTE despite it being illegal.
That is what 50 centers do. LIE FOR A LIVING>
Rubles typed: There is zero evidence that illegals do NOT VOTE.
Tough to prove a negative now isn’t it?
There is zero evidence that Klem does NOT SUCK DOGS. Now, prove you don’t! See how your argument is flawed?
Some Republicans are registered in more than one state.
Much of what connies believe is just not true. Connies live in a fantasy world of their own making. The truth has become a commodity to connies.
Much of what connies believe to be true is not. It’s a connie myth that 1, 3 or 10 million illegal votes were cast for Mrs. Clinton. It’s a connie myth that Mrs. Clinton murdered anyone. There is no evidence to support any of it, only connie lies, rumors, projection and fantasy.
16 million mail in votes were lost in the ;’16 and ’18 elections. It’s a common thing where the Demos rule, but 7 million (at least) fraudulent votes were cast for the Beast.
A million by illegals in CA. Plenty of other cases, in every state, and, while Fake News tries to drown them out, they’re still there.
Much, no, all of what Lefties say are lies.
She won’t? Well, Trump can always walk over to her room and have some fun. Too bad you haven’t got a woman.
And since fraudulent votes don’t count, most Americans didn’t vote for the Hildabeast.
Trump was not elected by the people of the USA, he was elected by state electors.
And who would have elected the Hildabeast?
another communist 50 center who HATES THE CONSTITUTION since from day one that is how we elect our president. Who gives a shit what the people think John. You certainly do not. You only care about what a certain segment of the population thinks.
50 centers are paid to lie and again he spouts an enormous disparagement on the constitution of the United States of America.
Because John gets triggered so easy…..https://i2.wp.com/www.powerlineblog.com/ed-assets/2020/04/86376254_778072506053494_1858547505642340352_o.jpg?w=1160&ssl=1