This is a doozy of an attempt to fear-monger while linking Coronavirus
If The Virus Can Decimate Global Economies So Can Climate Change
When the Berlin Wall fell in 1989 and the Soviet Union ultimately collapsed in 1991, the world changed. The end to the Cold War corresponded with prosperity, balanced budgets and the rise of dot.coms. The new millennium would transform American life — from how we buy goods to how we earn livings.
Global leaders were forced to think outside the box — to imagine the unimaginable. Could communism collapse? Could brick-and-mortar businesses tumble while Americans shopped online? Could terrorists strike and knock down the World Trade Center buildings?
Which is interesting, considering that these climate cultists have the same goals as the communists
Today, the international community faces a new threat — an invisible virus that has infected millions and killed 40,000 to date. It is shutting down commerce and wounding economies too. Great thinkers are wanted now more than ever: if a virus can disassemble livelihoods so too can climate change — another amorphous problem that has been allowed to fester and that needs leadership.(snip)
This could be a win-win: The American Society of Civil Engineers says that the nation’s infrastructure is in decline and needs as much as $2 trillion in investment — something that facilitates commerce and generates jobs. The Democrats, meanwhile, want money poured into low-carbon assets — things like new solar and wind farms as well as advanced broadband and telecom. Label it what you like, but this is really a Green New Deal.
So, yeah, this is really about pushing the Cult of Climastrology’s agenda, using Chinavirus as the basis
The lessons learned from the health pandemic are clear and they have implications for climate change. The United States should be leading but instead, it has become a drag on international progress. This can all change: marrying the need to build a modernized infrastructure with the desire to reduce CO2 levels could move the country forward. It’s about being proactive and preparing for external threats, all to prevent the kinds of calamity caused by 9-11 and COVID-19.
Interestingly, 9/11 and the slight downturn was caused by nutjobs. Wuhan virus was caused by idiots, and then made worse by fear-mongerers. Yet, despite a very slowly increasing global temperature, humanity has made more forward strides in that time than any time in history.
But, cultists will be cultists.

I saw an article yesterday that new discoveries show that a gazillion or so years ago Antarctica
was once a lush tropical locale. I wonder what they blamed its demise on – there weren’t any humans around back then…………….
Facts don’t matter to the globalists.
See troll “Elwood” here on occasion for an example.
Since the current economic damage is all due to the massive over-reaction to the disease, what the article is actually saying is that massive over-reaction to “climate change” would have drastic effects.
I’m trying to remember the last time liberals had an actual clue…
Nope. Not seeing it.