This is what President Donald Trump put out Saturday
(Fox News) President Trump issued a stern warning to Iran on Saturday through a series of Twitter messages intended to deter the country from retaliating after the U.S.-ordered airstrike that killed Iran’s Gen. Qassem Soleimani last week.
“Iran is talking very boldly about targeting certain USA assets as revenge for our ridding the world of their terrorist leader who had just killed an American, & badly wounded many others, not to mention all of the people he had killed over his lifetime, including recently hundreds of Iranian protesters,” Trump tweeted.
“Let this serve as a WARNING that if Iran strikes any Americans, or American assets, we have targeted 52 Iranian sites (representing the 52 American hostages taken by Iran many years ago), some at a very high level & important to Iran & the Iranian culture, and those targets, and Iran itself, WILL BE HIT VERY FAST AND VERY HARD,” Trump wrote Saturday, explicitly laying out that the U.S. will act if Iran retaliates.
Even if there were political components for the 2020 election involved (hey, politics is politics), you can bet that even in the wildest dreams of Trump and his team they couldn’t imagine how voraciously Democrats have attacked Trump and defended Iran
Outspoken Democrats — from far-left “Squad” members to 2020 presidential hopefuls — wasted little time Saturday in denouncing President Trump’s warning to Iran about possible retaliation for the U.S. airstrike that killed Iran’s Gen. Qassem Soleimani.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., answered by calling the president a “monster.â€
“This is a war crime,” Ocasio-Cortez wrote. “Threatening to target and kill innocent families, women and children — which is what you’re doing by targeting cultural sites – does not make you a ‘tough guy,’ It does not make you ‘strategic.’ It makes you a monster.â€
Outspoken Democrats — from far-left “Squad” members to 2020 presidential hopefuls — wasted little time Saturday in denouncing President Trump’s warning to Iran about possible retaliation for the U.S. airstrike that killed Iran’s Gen. Qassem Soleimani.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., answered by calling the president a “monster.â€
“This is a war crime,” Ocasio-Cortez wrote. “Threatening to target and kill innocent families, women and children — which is what you’re doing by targeting cultural sites – does not make you a ‘tough guy,’ It does not make you ‘strategic.’ It makes you a monster.â€
“You are threatening to commit war crimes,” Elizabeth Warren wrote. “We are not at war with Iran. The American people do not want a war with Iran. This is a democracy. You do not get to start a war with Iran, and your threats put our troops and diplomats at greater risk. Stop.â€
“The more the walls close in on this guy, the more irrational he becomes,†Joe Biden wrote.
None of these Democrats are slamming Iran and their murderous regime. None of them are warning Iran to cease and desist, even as they continue chanting “Death To America” and calling us the Great Satan, something they’ve been doing since 1979. None seem to care that Soleimani, and Iran, were involved in the deaths of hundreds of U.S. military members, not too mention the countless Iraqis, Syrians, and others. None are defending America.
When Obama was drone striking terrorists, sending special forces after them, killing Osama Bin Laden, did any Republican yammer about war crimes and restricting his ability? How about his unilateral war over Libya? Yes, many were mad he failed to notify Congress over a major action, not just a single strike. Many Democrats were upset, as well.
Do Democrats realize that American citizens are watching, and other than the unhinged Dem base, they are pro-American, not pro-Iran?

Never-ending War Supporters also accused Americans of treason and cowardice when the wisdom of involvement in the Vietnam, Afghanistan or Iraq conflicts was questioned.
The candidate who promised to withdraw troops from around the world, to get America OUT of these entanglements, is now the President sending thousands into harm’s way on a whim.
Politics is politics.
And we were right. Anti-war is just a Commie dodge dreamed up by Yuri Andropov.
The candidate who promised to withdraw troops from around the world, to get America OUT of these entanglements, is now the President sending thousands into harm’s way on a whim.
He’s protecting those American lives you are so concerned about losing.
You think the mullahs haven’t slipped a few bad guys across the border in 40 years?
Part of your Brown Wave.
You were a big fan of the invasions and occupations of Iraq and Iran although you chose not to enlist yourself
Do you think a war with Iran would turn out any better ?
ICYMI we had Iraq won until Zippy and Gropin’ Joe threw it away.
And, from his pic, I’d say Teach is a little past the enlistment age.
Do you think a war with Iran would turn out any better ?
You think we can’t take out the Mullahs the same way we took out Salami?
Mr Wiz asked:
We could have done that in 1979, but having a testosterone-free President prevented that.
If upon the seizure of our diplomats, President Carter had stated, clearly and unambiguously, that either all Americans held in Iran were freed, unharmed, within 72 hours, we would mourn their deaths as heroes in the attacks which turned Tehran and Qom into radioactive black holes in the ground, and meant it, many of the problems we have faced since then in the Middle East would not have happened.
Mao Tse-tung was a ruthless killer, but he wasn’t stupid, either, and he stated a great truth which liberals simply cannot understand: “Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.” If you have a .50 caliber machine gun, but are unwilling to use it, you have effectively disarmed yourself, ceding power to the pipsqueak with the .22.
Jimmy Carter ceded power to the pipsqueaks, and sent to the thugs of the Middle East the clear message that Chairman Mao was also right when he declared America to be a paper tiger. Iran has been figuratively bitch-slapping the United States for forty years, and getting away with it, because our leaders have been to squeamish to do anything about it.
Well, two things have changed: first, the United States is once again the leading oil and natural gas producer in the world, and second, we have a President with balls again. President Trump has sent a clear message to Iran: you keep attacking American interests, and your leadership will die!
Not just we’ll impose harsher sanctions, not just we’ll say really mean things, but we will kill you!
That changes everything.
Last week, Iranians were protesting AGAINST Iranian leadership. Today they’re united in protesting America, screaming DEATH to America.
Good job, Good Brain Don, good job….
Donald J. Trump
….targeted 52 Iranian sites (representing the 52 American hostages taken by Iran many years ago), some at a very high level & important to Iran & the Iranian culture, and those targets, and Iran itself, WILL BE HIT VERY FAST AND VERY HARD. The USA wants no more threats!
4:52 PM – Jan 4, 2020
Trump is targeting Iranian cultural sites?
Wrong Elwood.
You are being spoonfed propaganda. The Iranians who have been protesting Iran hate this man and are not protesting now against the USA. The people most in the west are cheering for are cheering the death of this monster.
The protesters are the same ones that have been protesting since they took Americans hostage in 1979.
Your continual attacks on Trump is almost comical. Brain dead is hardly the one I would use. In fact the people protesting IRAN are CHEERING TRUMPS ACTION not protesting in the streets. That would be those ordered to do so by the Mullahs or face DEATH.
Chump, Jeffery is working for the bad guys. He’s an apparatchik.
Truth hurts hey, little sissybitch?
Bwaha. Lolgfy loser.
Last week, Iranians were protesting AGAINST Iranian leadership. Today they’re united in protesting America, screaming DEATH to America.
They are? Last I looked, Salami was the one who engineered the murder of so many protesters.
Good job, Good Brain Don, good job….
Actually, it was. He nailed the bastard and his 2-in-C and then took out the leaders of the crazies’ biggest militia in Iraq.
Trump is targeting Iranian cultural sites?
From the way he is nailing the bad guys, I’d say the mullahs are on his list, but, if he blows us Khomeini’s tomb or something, who cares?
Make up your mind Elwood either your for war or against it.
You might want to study the region a bit.
In mid-2013, the jihadist group Islamic State (IS) turned its sights on three Kurdish enclaves that bordered territory under its control in northern Syria. It launched repeated attacks that until mid-2014 were repelled by the People’s Protection Units (YPG) – the armed wing of the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD).
In August 2014, the jihadists launched a surprise offensive and the Peshmerga withdrew from several areas. A number of towns inhabited by religious minorities fell, notably Sinjar, where IS militants killed or captured thousands of Yazidis.
Image copyright AFP
In response, a US-led multinational coalition launched air strikes in northern Iraq and sent military advisers to help the Peshmerga. The YPG and the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), which has fought for Kurdish autonomy in Turkey for three decades and has bases in Iraq, also came to their aid.
Read this very carefully. Turkey. Kurds are in Iran. Where are your allegiances? With Iran or the Kurds? Because you see. Sulemani was also attacking and killing Kurds….you know the ones you pretended to be in love with when Trump wanted to pull out of the fighting once isis was defeated.
But of course you and all the MIC war mongers want war after war after war. Even know the far left is protesting in the USA streets drooling at the prospects of Trump being taken down like they did GWB in 2006-2007.
You don’t care about anyone in the Middle East. You just look for any opportunity to attack Trump.
Iran’s Gen Suleimani ‘issued stark warning’ to Iraq Kurds over Kirkuk
If your interested you can look up how Iran has been heavily involved in Iraq and is on the verge of taking over Iraq and killing Kurds in the process led by your Adored Suleimani.
IOW I win.
It’s diagnostic of your poor self-image (and Donnie’s, of course) that you declare yourselves “winners” all the time, with no evidence. The more you claim to win the more you look like a big L loser.
Hey, you’re the jerk who can’t come up better with anything more than an acronym (and a lame one at that) and a typo more than a week old, but, since I have you here, some bad news that I can’t wait to deliver.
All your gloating is way premature.
Since the Sunnas and the Kurds boycotted, so the resolution for us to leave is non-binding (did my own research and the various constituent groups have to buy in). The PM is only a caretaker and the real decision will take months, so all your hopes for the crazies to take over the region are dashed again!
Gonna be a long 10 months for you and all your cartoon characters.
Well, he wasn’t the one who told us that President Trump would be out of office by now.
You noticed that, too.
It might be a good thing to leave Iraq, and leave them to their own devices. Will Da’ish rise again? Probably, but as long as they are enslaving only other Arabs, who gives a [insert slang term for feces here]? But if they attack Western interests or Western civilization, they should be met with a rain of fire from the skies.
Cut and run may sound good, but leaving it as a resource for the mullahs to use in their guerilla war against us didn’t work so well the last time.
This is not going to be a perfect solution, but I’d rather see Donald Trump give it a go than just follow the I Hate America party.
After almost twenty years screwing around in the Middle East I think we’ve given it a fair shake. It’s time to leave. Let the moooslems take care of their own problems. It’s so entertaining to watch them kill each other on BBC (cause American TV won’t show moooslem murders).
It’s like Dana said, I’d rather see a guy like Trump in charge but I’d really rather see them kill each other. I’m tired of our troops “saving” the world. Let the filthy fuker’s save themselves.
Bring our troops home ant put them at the southern border.
Trump 2020 Stop using our kids to stop mooslem bullets.
These are complex issues. Our brain dead democratic party likes to boil everything down to my team vs your team and the national news media (also 90% democratic party) are willing allies. This leads to an uninformed population incapable of discussing complex situations.
You don’t have to occupy a country forever just to punish them with military force. The punishment was Bush’s idea. The occupation was Powell’s idea. No one elected Powell. No one voted on the “Powell doctrine”. Powell is typical of the State Department “deep state” mentality of Yale and Harvard graduates who think the world is a big board game and their career rise and fall according to territories occupied.
It is OK for the USA to withdraw military forces from Iraq. Just because we have an embassy there does not mean we need bases there forever. Leaving is not “cutting and running” or surrendering. It was always the goal.
If you are unwilling to secure American borders and prevent terrorists from coming here, it does no good at all to fight them in their homes. having a president who finally understands this is vital.
Iran has been at war with the USA since 1979. Even during the Obama administration. They gladly accepted his Jizya payment, but they didn’t change their policy of Death to America. America is big enough and strong enough to ignore them, as we have for 40 years. We are also big enough and strong enough to slap them down whenever we want. No invasion or never-ending occupation required.
It is a good time to revisit the idea of why we even have embassies in almost every country on the planet. We certainly don’t need them. Nor do we need foreign embassies in America. We should send most of them home.