One has to wonder how many took long fossil fueled trips just to raise their fists in socialism
The Future Is Calling, and It Says Act Now or We’re All Fucked
On Wednesday, young climate activists rushed the main stage at the United Nations climate talks in Madrid in protest. The talks—dubbed COP25 in UN-speak—are the latest iteration of a 25-year exercise in futility, broken promises, and negligence. And young adults are sick of it.
Carbon emissions have continued to rise to record highs almost every year despite dire warnings. Greta Thunberg urged those gathered at COP25 to listen to the warnings from scientists, but the group of young adults on the stage were a more potent reminder of what those reports say. They’re data incarnate, the people who have to live with the findings in those science reports and the choices we make.
So, black power fists or
But at the dawn of the most important decade in human history, this type of connection between small islands and young adults holds the promise of a realignment of power. Climate talks (and world governments in general) continue to be under the sway of fossil fuel interests, subsidizing our demise. Without a realignment in power and priorities, we’re screwed. Because make no mistake, unchecked climate change will eventually come for all us without the ability to buy a private jet or Cybertruck. Young adults and small islands will just be the first to feel its wrath and live with the impacts the longest.
“Small islands don’t need to be told to be ambitious because, for us, climate change is an emergency that already affects our lives today,†Miguel van der Velden, a 22-year-old climate activist from Aruba, told Earther via WhatsApp message. “But I think that the youth movement will be essential for raising ambition in the Global North.
I’m doubting Miguel took a sailboat to Madrid. Further, tourism is the primary driver of Aruba’s economy, with just about everything linked to it. Perhaps we need to shut down the airport, the cruise ship ports, the construction, hotels, etc, so Aruba can be carbon neutral, right? Oh, wait, no, they just want the redistributed cash.

Don’t you remember ?
The carbon offset for a 3000 mile airplane ride is only $4
Many airlines allow you to buy that with the ticket
See how easy to go carbon neutral ?
See how stupid you think we are and how stupid you really are?
The whole idea of carbon offsets is that you can undo damage to the earth by paying a fee.
If that ain’t stupid (and crooked), I don’t know what is.
John Explain how PAYING OFF YOUR BRIBER REDUCES ANY CO2 into the air?
Your carbon offset scheme is so full of shit.
You just charge people more to expel carbon while they continue to EXPEL THE SAME AMOUNT OF CARBON…the only difference is they pay to expel it now instead of doing it as part of the cost of business.
EITHER WAY…There is still the same amount of C02 entering the atmosphere. See how DIFFICULT IT IS TO GO CARBON NEUTRAL???
Do you really think the American people are this stupid as to PAY EXTORTION to expel a resource that is incredibly important to the health and well being of planet.
Please explain how Carbon Neutral REDUCES CO2 into the air? As one said. If the plane is flying anyway it will still expell X co2 regardless if you pay 4 bucks or not.
So I am curious how your extortion plot works. It seems you must work for Chicken Schiff.
So if the airplane is going anyway where the reduction of CO2 to the atmosphere? Hello? John? But now I get it-it must make libs feel good to pay more taxes even if it does nothing…