They’re searching for some sort of leverage, because the charges need to be presented as vividly as possible
Democrats seek leverage for trial
Senate Democrats are quietly talking about asking Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) to hold articles of impeachment in the House until Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) agrees to a fair rules package for a Senate trial.
Democratic senators are concerned by talk among Senate Republicans of holding a speedy trial without witnesses, which would set up a shorter time frame than when the Senate considered President Clinton’s 1999 impeachment.
They want to hear from Trump’s advisers and worry that if they don’t use their leverage now, they’ll have little say over how a Senate trial is run.
“If we don’t agree on a set of rules before the articles arrive over here, I think we’re cooked. I think McConnell has his people totally in line. It will be a procedural thing,†said one concerned Democratic senator.
Hmm, Schiff and Nadler have been ultra-shady with their procedure, did not require the so-called whistleblower, who never witnessed the call, to testify, hid the names of so-called witnesses, most of whom had no firsthand knowledge of the call, prior to having them testify, and limited questions the GOP could ask. And now they want to demand the way the Senate runs their process?
They should be careful what they wish for, less McConnell call Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler, and other Democrats to testify as to their motives. I’m not quite sure what leverage they think they have, and holding the articles just makes this look ultra political.
University of North Carolina law professor Michael Gerhardt, an impeachment specialist, and Frank Bowman, the author of “High Crimes and Misdemeanors: A History of Impeachment for the Age of Trump,†also attended.
The legal experts told Democrats they have a strong case against Trump but that they must present their charges as vividly as possible.
In other words, they have nothing, so, they have to put on theater.
If Pelosi holds onto the articles of impeachment, some Democrats hope it will put more pressure on McConnell to negotiate the trial rules with Schumer.
Yeah, and McConnell said he’d look to pass a partisan package of rules, so, that’s not much leverage saying they’ll hold on to the articles. Democrats should be careful, lest McConnell decide to investigate exactly why Trump was interested in finding out what happened in Ukraine regarding Burisma, and whether Joe Biden used his position as Vice President to get his kid a job, threatening to withhold aid. He admitted it. Really, Democrats are afraid that American voters are going to interfere in the 2020 election.

They should have probably thought of that when they started their party-line attack on Trump in the House.
The legal experts told Democrats they have a strong case against Trump but that they must present their charges as vividly as possible.
which TEACH interpreted to mean: In other words, they have nothing, so, they have to put on theater.
Trump vividly ran a scheme to force Ukraine to smear a potential 2020 political opponent in exchange for $391 million of taxpayer monies. He got caught. TRUMP released a summary of the call which was also heard firsthand by several witnesses, e.g., Lt. Col. Vindman, Ms. Williams, Mr. Morrison etc. who testified publicly about what they heard. Trump admitted it publicly. His Chief of Staff admitted it publicly.
Speaking of theatre, we understand the Republican strategy to yell, deny, lie, scream about “process”, but ultimately to confuse folks, but how can anyone (other than a partisan GOP hack) say they have nothing? Oh, that’s right, Republicans can’t tell the truth.
We all read the transcripts. It was on the internet. I don’t need a witness to tell me what I read with my own eyes. There is nothing there. I could tell there was nothing there months ago. The USA has a treaty with the Ukraine to cooperate in prosecuting corruption. Trump asked for the Ukraine to look into corruption. It’s not Trump’s fault that Biden was corrupt in the Ukraine. I don’t even need to speculate that it is all about the Democratic party going for broke to cover up their own astronomical levels of corruption during the Obama administration. We can just stick to the facts. They have nothing.
The American people will hear over and over and over again what Stumpy did. Of course, the GOP will not vote to oust him. We all know that. But the American people will hear over and over and over again what he did, and continues to do.
Of course that won’t change the mind of you Stumpy McLickspittles out there, those hard core 30 percenters. Stumpy presciently (and mockingly) stated he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and NOT lose his base, those of you who would continue to make excuses for him.
Trump has committed dozens of impeachable high crimes and misdemeanors that his base excuses. Your minds will never be changed – we realize that – you would sink America to keep him (and you) in power. No abortions, no immigrants, no LGBTs, no welfare (except for white folks), no State Dept, no foreign aid, no UN aid… just the white Christian homeland you want.
Yet the whimpering little sissybitch, just like the Demos on the judiciary committee, cannot tell us what so called “crimes” were committed.
Keep trying, dipshit.
No way to run a business, little sissybitch.
Bwaha. Lolgf
Trump vividly ran a scheme to force Ukraine to smear a potential 2020 political opponent in exchange for $391 million of taxpayer monies.
Gropin’ Joe has always been a joke on the national stage, but now he’s a threat. Good luck selling that one. All the rest made no secret what a pack of Commies they were, so Joe Malarkey sounded sensible.
You expect anybody was really gonna buy that? He’s been making an ass of himself for 50 years. Even Zippy wouldn’t endorse him.
TRUMP released a summary of the call which was also heard firsthand by several witnesses, e.g., Lt. Col. Vindman, Ms. Williams, Mr. Morrison etc. who testified publicly about what they heard.
As always, you lie.
None of them heard it. They all got it fourth hand. This is why nobody buys their story.
But you.
Speaking of theatre, we understand the Republican strategy to yell, deny, lie, scream about “processâ€, but ultimately to confuse folks
Folks? You one of the good ol’ boys sittin’ ’round Floyd’s barber shop in Mayberry talkin’ ’bout renewin’ yore membership in the Klan?
And it’s not “process”, it’s due process, so it sounds like you’re the one trying to confuse “folks”.
You have become another Stumpy lickspittle.
Please stop lying.
This is true: TRUMP released a summary of the call which was also heard firsthand by several witnesses, e.g., Lt. Col. Vindman, Ms. Williams, Mr. Morrison etc. who testified publicly about what they heard.
You typed: As always, you lie. None of them heard it. They all got it fourth hand. This is why nobody buys their story.
Known Participants In The July 25 Call
American Side
Donald Trump-U.S. president
State Department-Mike Pompeo-Secretary of state
White House-Robert Blair
Senior Adviser to Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney
Vice President’s staff-Keith Kellogg-National Security Adviser
Jennifer Williams-Adviser for Europe and Russia
National Security Council-Charles Kupperman-Deputy National Security Adviser
Timothy Morrison-Senior Director for European Affairs
Alexander Vindman-Top Ukraine expert
Other American staff
May include duty officers, policy staff and translators
Ukrainian Side
Volodymyr Zelenskiy-Ukraine president
Other Ukrainian staff
May include translators and other staff on the Ukrainian side of the call
You seem to be leaving out one real witness. The President of the Ukraine who has said MULTIPLE times that there was NO pressure, there was NO quid pro quo, there were NO strings attached to getting the aid.
THIS is the ONLY witness testimony that means anything.
Must really suck to have yet another attack on our duly elected President fail.
The parties of an illegal act often deny it. The President Zelensky has to always be concerned about upsetting our volatile President and the GOP that bends to his will.
Says the one practicing rusty trombone lessons with his prepubescent grandson.
Lolgfy little sissybitch
Demos might hold impeachment till McConnell agrees to their rules?
IOW We’ll hold our breath until we turn blue. Because the Senate ain’t changing hands anytime soon.
So this is the way they’ll try to get out of a trial. Or maybe the whole impeachment thing. Just let it fade away.
Won’t work. They started it. They’re stuck with it.
How the country sees all this
From the video
“I went over, I guess, the 12th, 13th time to Kiev. And I was supposed to announce that there was another billion-dollar loan guarantee. And I had gotten a commitment from Poroshenko and from Yatsenyuk that they would take action against the state prosecutor. And they didn’t.
“So they said they had — they were walking out to a press conference. I said, nah, I’m not going to — or, we’re not going to give you the billion dollars. They said, you have no authority. You’re not the president, the president said. I said, call him.
“I said, I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars. I said, you’re not getting the billion. I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money.
“Well, son of a bitch. He got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time.”
Trump vividly ran a scheme to force Ukraine to smear a potential 2020 political opponent in exchange for $391 million of taxpayer monies.
Here’s the real extortion in your lying face and the video whence it came.
Explain that. But you can’t, can you?
Is that all you and your lying face got? Repeating Stumpy’s lies?
Here’s what Stumpy said: “Sleepy Joe Biden … forced a tough prosecutor out from investigating his son’s company by threat of not giving big dollars to Ukraine,†Trump tweeted Sunday night. “That’s the real story!â€
It should be no surprise that Stumpy is lying. The entire premise of the right-wing conspiracy “theory” is a lie. The IMF was also threatening withholding aid until Shokin was canned. Biden/Obama did not interfere with Shokin while he was actually “investigating/extorting Burisma.
*From February 2015 to March 2016, Viktor Shokin was prosecutor general of Ukraine. His ouster was the result of pressure from a large consensus of Western nations, including the United States, that were concerned Shokin was at the center of a lot of the country’s corruption. Their concern peaked when, in February 2016, Shokin’s own deputy prosecutor, Vitaly Kasko, resigned, citing the corruption and cronyism within the office. “The General Prosecutor’s Office has become a dead institution, which nobody believes is independent,†Kasko said at the time.
Biden was one of the leaders of the effort to remove Shokin, and a month after Kasko’s resignation, he threatened to withhold American loan guarantees from Ukraine so long as Shokin was heading the prosecutor’s office. Christine Lagarde, the managing director of the International Monetary Fund, also threatened to withdraw financial support for Ukraine unless it cleaned up its corruption problem. Pretty much everyone recognized Shokin had to go, and a month later Ukrainian Parliament voted to remove him from office.
While Shokin was still in power, his office investigated a Ukrainian natural gas company called Burisma Holdings. Biden’s son, Hunter, was on the company’s board, a role for which he received payments of up to $50,000 per month. But according to CNN, at least one official in the prosecutor’s office said the investigation had been suspended by the time Biden threatened to withhold financial aid until Shokin was removed. The former vice president also did not appear to do anything to thwart other efforts, including those of the Obama administration, to investigate Burisma.
There also doesn’t seem to have been much legitimacy to Shokin’s investigation in the first place. According to tweets from Russia’s Crony Capitalism author and Ukraine expert Anders Åslund, the inquiry was likely nothing more than an effort to extort Mykola Zlochevsky, the company’s owner. “A prosecutor in Ukraine is usually a person who uses state power to investigate crimes, but after having done so the prosecutor goes to the culprit & extorts him or her, after which the prosecutor closes the case,†he wrote before noting that Shokin’s case against Burisma was quickly closed.
The same may have been true of Shokin’s successor, Yuriy Lutsenko, who also investigated Burisma before closing the case 10 months later. “Lutsenko did not prosecute any serious criminal during his 3 years in office,†explained Åslund.
Despite having previously closed the case against Burisma, Lutsenko decided to reopen it this year for reasons that are unclear. It might have had something to do, however, with Rudy Giuliani inviting Lutsenko to New York last year and ultimately meeting with him in January. Nevertheless, nothing came of the second effort to go after Burisma, and Lutsenko is no longer in office after new Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky requested his removal.*
Nice cut and paste job there, little sissybitch.
And you call others “liars”.
Bwaha. Lolgfy
Not only is it cut and paste but it is a totally partisan largely hypothetical cut and paste. By this point we should realize trying to have a cogent talk with Fredo is out of the question. He accuses everybody of being exactly what he is from a liar to a racist. That’s all the left has as an argument for anything. They still can’t name an actual crime but they figure if they keep lookin’ they will. Typical commie MO.
There is no point in arguing with Fredo. All he will do is call you names (I’m Dildo for some reason) and recite the propaganda of the day handed down from the Communist News Network or Pravda on the Hudson. He sides with communists, Mohammadans, buggerers, child molesters, pimps, baby killers and feminazi’s. What could be gained by any discussion with such people other than coming away dirty? Besides since he’s no racist he believes we should listen to retarded children rather than those evil old white men that built Western Civilization.
Trump 2020 Throw the bigoted ageists and anti white racists out.
You know why you’re Dildo, Dildo. As I’ve said, I call names when I’m called names. You can’t be that dense.
We’re well aware that you far-right wingers have your own set of “truths” unrelated to facts. No wonder you don’t make arguments.
Being played.. Neither Lindsay nor turtleboy want witnesses. Lindsay up to his neck in Ukraine. Playing it like demoncrats don’t want a dismissal yeah right.. They are all scared of a real court proceeding including witnesses like chalupa and hunter with trump Jr. Sitting in audience.