Certain people are all hot and bothered by the imaginary monster under the bed, so, rather than telling them there is no monster, other Warmists will reinforce the fantasy
Climate change is causing ‘eco-anxiety’ ― here’s what we can do
As the reality of climate change becomes clearer than ever, some experts believe that as bad as the wildfires, droughts or record-breaking storms are, it’ll be the anxiety over climate change that will affect Americans even more.
Piles of reports document the gravity of this, and of what we potentially face. Climate activists, like 16-year-old Greta Thunberg, who recently addressed the U.N.’s Climate Action Summit in New York, further emphasize the message. “The world is waking up,†she said. “And change is coming, whether you like it or not.â€
As a result, according to a recent survey by Yale and George Mason universities, we’re more anxious than ever when it comes to climate, with a record number of Americans now convinced that human-caused global warming is occurring.
“As the impacts grow in frequency and severity — and the long term trajectory is very clear they’re going to — this personal experience with climate change is going to drive more and more Americans to say this is happening, it is human caused, and it is a serious problem,â€Â Anthony Leiserowitz of Yale University, the survey’s lead researcher, said.
Yet, surprisingly, the number who are giving up their own use of fossil fuels and making their lives carbon neutral is statistically insignificant. Further, just because they see a normal occurrence during the Holocene, a warm period, occurring doesn’t mean it’s man-made.
So what can we do when it comes to climate change? Lots of things, as most of us know. We can eat less beef, because cows generate methane; fly less often, because flying generates carbon; and walk instead of drive, to name but a few. But these alone ― while helpful ― aren’t enough, maintains Massachusetts Institute of Technology research scientist Andrew McAfee, who has just published a book on how to solve our ecological (and other) problems. The book, “More from Less: The Surprising Story of How We Learned to Prosper Using Fewer Resources ― and What Happens Next,†maintains that climate change is best addressed by looking at what’s already working and doing more of it.
Wait for it
One of the most important things we can do as individuals, McAfee said, is to advocate for smart policies and vote. “Our leverage as voters is fantastic. The frustration that I have is that we’re not following the playbook that we know really well for reducing air pollution. We need to be electing people, we need to be making our voices heard that we want that playbook followed.â€
Oh, OK, so, the real solution is to vote for ‘climate change’ candidates, who will……tax and fee the bejesus out of the people who vote for them while taking away liberty and choice, making them beholden and subservient to government.
Meanwhile, though, we can also ease our angst by connecting with like-minded others, which not only helps get things done, but also provides a sense of support.
Maybe it’s not the best thing to hang around people who reinforce idiocy.

“Climate change is causing ‘eco-anxiety’ ― here’s what we can do”
Wrong right from the beginning. People promoting ‘eco-anxiety’ are causing it.
Even if they were right about “climate change” (or whatever term they’re using this week), if they were not forecasting doom daily there would be no ‘eco-anxiety’. Even a child can reason that far.
Thus, the dingleberries promoting doom don’t even rise to the reasoning level of children.
Why would anyone take them seriously? This is left to the class as an exercise.