…are carbon pollution clouds, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on the latest thing requiring trigger warnings, fairy tales.

…are carbon pollution clouds, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on the latest thing requiring trigger warnings, fairy tales.
Democrats just shut down debate over womens healthcare for Women veterans and then when the GOP left the meeting held a press conference saying the GOP hates women Vets.
In reality:
Rep. Andy Barr, R-Ky., who offered the childcare amendment, said he didn’t understand why the debate was not allowed on a measure “to protect children of veterans.”
“Why he wants to silence debate on a legitimate issue that child abuse advocates think is relevant to this bill … This is not a political issue,” Barr said. “It is about providing women veterans access to care without concern for their children. This is a Soviet-style process in shutting down debate.”
It seems the GOP was trying to go beyond what the Dems were offering and were shut down and not even allowed to ask questions, debate or offer amendments.
Our government is no longer functional. And one thing I have noticed is the GOP has now started using the talking point FINALLY AFTER 18 years of being bashed non stop by the left and their NAZI talking point. SOVIET STYLE. and it is. The party consumed and obsessed with Russia have sure taken on many of the authoritarian aspects of the former USSR.
The very term “fairy tales” is both a trigger warning and homophobic. To a left wing nut job.
New developments are surfacing in the impeachment inquiry. Media company RealClear Politics claimed Wednesday there’s strong evidence that the alleged whistleblower could be Eric Ciaramella.
Ciaramella is a registered Democrat who previously worked with former Vice President Joe Biden and former CIA Director John Brennan. His name has been tossed around on social media platforms for weeks and is known by many on Capitol Hill.
I can see why now the guy went wah…wah…wah…wah…to Adam Schiff. He circumvented all proceedures and went straight to schiff. This was no doubt allready in the works long before the President made the phone call and long before the Mueller report was released.
The swamp will swallow you. The Elwoods of the world love it. A COUP against a president no matter popular or unpopular he is is the most dangerous thing this republic can stand.
This just adds another nail to the house of cards being built by everyone over how out of control the 3 letter agencies are and how in bed they were with the last dozen administrations. This shows how our policy is shaped not by people we elect but by people who elect themselves.
No one forced trump to bribe Ukraine with $400 million in aid to dig up political dirt on Vice President Biden and his family. Trump and crew have even admitted it. Their so-called “transcript” confirms it. And it’s just as clear they tried to cover it up. Why cover up a “perfect” phone call?
It runs in the family. Remember when Don Jr. met with Russians who claimed they had political “dirt” on Hillary Clinton? Don Sr. even dictated the cover up verbiage.
But why are you all worried? Even after the House impeaches trump, the process will go nowhere in the Senate according to Mitch McConnell.
To reiterate the above.
Now let me state up front I don’t believe he is a spy or a traitor. I believe he has had a golden shovel shoved up his ass by his boss but he is still an American and an officer. But I have to question why he would come to congress and then tell congress what he believes our foriegn policy should be and his vision and the presidents dont Jive.
When you read this man’s statement he seems more concerned about the Ukraine. He is, after all, a refugee from Ukraine and seems his allegiances lie with doing anything and everything at ALL costs to help Ukraine at the expense of the USA.
Let us take a wander down that path.
Erick Vindman “In this role, I
have served in the United States’ embassies in Kiev, Ukraine and Moscow, Russia.” Sure was cozy with the Russians and the Ukrainians.
The DAMNING TESTIMONY comes from are you ready? “My family fled the Soviet Union when I was three and a half years old.”
As for the above post about the Whistleblower who worked for Biden….It sure seems the Russians are heavily invested in GETTING RID OF TRUMP not helping him. They are more interested in helping Democrats than Republicans.
Now pay close attention to his statement:
The U.S. government policy
community’s view is that the election of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and the
promise of reforms to eliminate corruption will lock in Ukraine’s Western-leaning
trajectory, and allow Ukraine to realize its dream of a vibrant democracy and
economic prosperity.
Read carefully. The community view. Read, the Intelligence agencies view, not that of the president of the United States. In the phone call, Trump was demanding Ukraine clean up their CORRUPTION which in just the opening testimony of this guy was one of the main concerns with Ukraine….to clean up corruption.
Now fast-forwarding in his prepared remarks he states
On July 10, 2019, Oleksandr Danylyuk, the Secretary of the National Security and
Defense Counsel for Ukraine met with John Bolton and Amb. Sondland. After the meeting, Sondland emphasized the importance that Ukraine deliver the investigations into
the 2016 election, the Bidens, and Burisma. I stated to Amb. Sondland that his
statements were inappropriate, that the request to investigate Biden and his son
had nothing to do with national security,
Okay, I can see his point. However, this is where things get interesting.
I stated to Amb. Sondland that his
statements were inappropriate, that the request to investigate Biden and his son
had nothing to do with national security, and that such investigations were not
something the NSC was going to get involved in or push…. HE leaves out the part about investigating the 2016 election.
This guy is a Lt. Colonel and he is telling the administration what the NSC will and will not do. Curious. Even after earlier in his statement, he states the importance of cleaning up corruption in Ukraine is of the utmost importance.
Now finally even though there is more….
The United States and Ukraine are and must remain strategic partners, working
together to realize the shared vision of a stable, prosperous, and democratic
Ukraine that is integrated into the Euro-Atlantic community. Our partnership is
rooted in the idea that free citizens should be able to exercise their democratic
rights, choose their own destiny, and live in peace.
These are his words. He has for Ukraine his own vision and any attempts by Civilians to change or alter this course must be countered by this patriot. Now perhaps he is a patriot. but who is his boss? President Trump or someone else?